x2 Blue Mystic AF grow

I used a 400w HPS and Black Gold Organic soil...Used miracle grow for that grow. I don't have a link to a grow journal, but if you want I can post some photos...
Plants are looking pretty good. Still having problems with my CFL's but I'll get everything sorted out soon! I can't wait to see these take off! First picture is of Jane and the last two are of Mary.


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Plants this morning were looking great! I decided to tinker with my light setup and then as I walk away I hear a smack and run back to my box to find the light fixture down and Mary( the bigger plant) on the gound. I picked her back up but she doesn't look too good):

Last 4 pictures are of Mary and the first 2 are of Jane.


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Good thread so far. Gotta love the sound of something falling :wall: I'd transplant them ASAP. Put them in 2-3 gallon containers and leave em. I always start mine in the final container. If you transplant properly (without dropping or ripping roots lol) it will hardly shock them. Always start light with nutes. Most autos I've had are fussy eaters. Did you get the lighting situated?
Good thread so far. Gotta love the sound of something falling :wall: I'd transplant them ASAP. Put them in 2-3 gallon containers and leave em. I always start mine in the final container. If you transplant properly (without dropping or ripping roots lol) it will hardly shock them. Always start light with nutes. Most autos I've had are fussy eaters. Did you get the lighting situated?

I was planning on transplanting them today but after this one dropped I think I should wait a couple of days!! I'm so frustrated :/ .. so far I've been feeding them with 1/8th strength nutes mixed in a water bottle that's 3/4 full so the nuts strength is near nothing. My lights are still a bit sketch but I will take care of it asap I just need to make a run to home depot!

Also, I am planning on picking up perlite so any suggestions with that would be appreciated.
Autos and coco on your first grow...ballsy! You really don't even need perlite with coco as it already has good enough drainage. You can mix in 25% just to make sure you have enough aeration. Transplant into the same media, same PH, without disturbing tap. PH is everything in coco. 5.6-6 will work. 5.8 is ideal in my experience. Calmag is also a must with coco. I'm subbed now. Love some pics on light set up.
Autos and coco on your first grow...ballsy! You really don't even need perlite with coco as it already has good enough drainage. You can mix in 25% just to make sure you have enough aeration. Transplant into the same media, same PH, without disturbing tap. PH is everything in coco. 5.6-6 will work. 5.8 is ideal in my experience. Calmag is also a must with coco. I'm subbed now. Love some pics on light set up.

I just said screw it and repotted them just now. I figured its better to have all the stress in 1 day then to stress them out again down the road. The lights are a mess right now and I really should start drilling to make them sit better but until then I'm embarrassed to show a picture of them haha
You never want to stress plants to much at once lol. The main thing when transplanting is to not disturb the roots much. Some people cut the bottom of cheap pots and sit the cup in the soil. Make sure your bulbs are secure but adjustable...you'll be moving them often.
When I transplanted I cut the bottom of the cup then placed it in the new pot with coco already in it. After that I cut 2 opposite sides of the cup off and slowly lifted the halves away. Overall it was a pretty smooth transition. As far as my lighting here's a picture I just took. Try not to laugh too hard haha


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I laughed. Sorry. Get more bulbs bro and get em close. I like to alternate the colors to get a better mix. Need some reflection also. I'll tell you more when you rep me lmao.
Fuck guys she's going yellow): what do you think this could be? I'm thinking its either N or Mg/Call deficiency.


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Did you rinse your coco? Did you water with Calmag? Did you pre charge your coco?

Rinsed it yes, water with calmag yes/no, per charge it no. The coco was already wet enough so I didn't want to mess with it.

Also I'm not giving out rep to people who ask for it. Besides, I don't even know how to rep haha
If I were you I would water now with Calmag at double strength. Make sure your PH is 5.8 or as close as possible. Just to be safe you can add in some very very light veg nutes. 1/4 strength at the most. Sorry if I don't recall, but did that come in contact with a bulb? I've come back from worse so don't spaz.
Alright guys I'm back. Sorry I missed a couple of days but as of today I have good news and bad news. The good news is I am seeing new growth above ground and I can feel bigger roots at the surface. Now the bad news is that Mary and Jane aren't looking very good. I suspect its a pH problem but I could be wrong. I've been doing g a loy of research on this and I can't really come up with anything. Maybe someone might see this and know but right now I'm stuck.


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did you post in plant problems ?
i run coco but i mix some soil in so i may not be much help
i know it needs to be flushed before you use it
they may be hungry
i also know coco needs a little bit of moisture in it before it can give the plants any
thats one of the reasons i run a loam in the mix and perlite so i can miss a watering and the bottom doesnt fall out of the coco
did you post in plant problems ?
i run coco but i mix some soil in so i may not be much help
i know it needs to be flushed before you use it
they may be hungry
i also know coco needs a little bit of moisture in it before it can give the plants any
thats one of the reasons i run a loam in the mix and perlite so i can miss a watering and the bottom doesnt fall out of the coco

I did but the feedback was not as helpful as I was hoping for.. The only possible answers I can come up with is that the plant in the first 2picutres looks like its lacking calmag because of its pale color but dark veins. What stumps me is that the tip of the leave looks darker and crispy. The 2nd plant in the last 2 pictures stumps me... droopy leaves are telling me I might be over watering but I let them dry out for 2 days. The pale spot in the middle of the leaf is the hardest to find info on and the only thing I can come up with is the pH is thrown off but I can't check the run off because that would drown my poor plants.
ive never done a coco only i always mix perlite with it
i know when the coco dries out the ph will fluctuate