WTF!?! Video shows two camera angles of LaVoy Finicum shooting

Yeah those cops fired as he exited the truck with his hands up, also missing hitting the rear window. Now he did reach toward his left armpit , like he had a shoulder holstered weapon which , he knew at that point that it wasn't going to end well. Crazy video to watch.
We're not talking about a mass murder here guys or even an accusation of a violent crime. He was not fleeing a murder scene with intent to murder others and needed to be stopped at all costs (deadly force) like with the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston. This was an old man clearly not in his right mind having a civil dispute with the government over occupying a government building that the courts got involved with. Police are trained and expected to deal with suicidal and/or mentally unstable people without killing them and that was not it from start to finish. They setup the situation like they were soldiers in Afghanistan and need to be held accountable for it, as our law doe not allow for that. Fleeing and eluding is a fucking misdemeanor in many states for fuck sake ...

No one has any problems with them setting up that road block with the intent of firing upon that vehicle as they did? No one but the police have the right to "self defense"? If I was legally armed and in a vehicle with my daughter indiscriminately being fired upon, I would have returned fire in attempt to neutralize the threat. That video shows not one of those allegedly "heavily armed" and "dangerous" individuals had the intent to and/or acted in anyway to defend themselves.

Surely none of you defending this shooting had any problem with the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri :confused:
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This obviously crazy man had a big gun.

That clearly deviates from all of your examples.

Again, no other reasonable outcome expected
We obviously choose to view the video differently. I'm watching and critiquing the police procedure, the wrongful use of force and the taking of a mans life. No different than my critiques of the killing of Deven Guilford and William Reddie locally, one of education, experience and understanding.

Personally I don't care about this dudes politics and it doesn't make a difference to me. I assume if the cops had hunted Al Sharpton down near a protest in Missouri with a civil warrant, ambushing him with gunfire simply because his security team was "heavily armed" and "dangerous" it would make a whole world of difference to many. Neither this mans belief in our 2nd Amendment rights or any ideological hatred of his politics justify his killing. I believe that's where we stand divided, it's where we will fall and that's a problem.