WTF!! THey STILL Sprad lies to our kids WFT!! I'm so pissed!


Well-Known Member
I guess you are right, even my merchant is tryin gto convince me to only have one smoke in the morning and then maybe one again in the evening... But for me due to my medical condition it is a crutch...

But, I never set out to smoke this much... it just happened.. and for me it is also very spiritual. When I was still working I would go to the shanty town at night and smoke with the rastas in a little corrugated shed... They were quite spiritual and did change my perception that weed is not there for getting wasted like people do with alcohol.

Even back then I had to do about twice as much as my friends to feel satisfied (internaly)

Maybe its just a weakness in me... but the world is so big, I can't believe I'm the only one in this boat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock it... I'm just being asolutely honest in saying that it is not just all positive (for me), but that I'd likely keep smokeing till death.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Everyone is different.Some folks are just wired to ....I don't know..."depend" on a substance, for lack of a better word.The only person who can stop is you.You're the one who is going to have to make that decision.Let me ask...are you hurting anyone?Or are you just feeling guilty because you "shouldn't" be smoking, according to many in society?Guilt is a bad emotion, and a hard one to shake.
I guess you are right, even my merchant is tryin gto convince me to only have one smoke in the morning and then maybe one again in the evening...

But, I never set out to smoke this much... it just happened.. and for me it is also very spiritual. When I was still working I would go to the shanty town at night and smoke with the rastas in a little corrugated shed... They were quite spiritual and did change my perception that weed is not there for getting wasted like people do with alcohol.

Maybe its just a weakness in me... but the world is so big, I can't believe I'm the only one in this boat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock it... I'm just being asolutely honest in saying that it is not just all positive (for me), but that I'd likely keep smokeing till death.


Well-Known Member
I guess in a way I do hurt people around me... in that I get terribly lazy and don't always bring my side in the work around the house etc... I.e. my wife gets to work very hard... On the other hand... I'm a bitch when I'm sober...

I feel no guilt over smokeing weed though... I have a very addictive personality (out of experiance I got addicted to everything after just one hit).

So its probaly good that it has been weed for the last decade only, and not one of the more dangerous alternatives.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're probably right, at least it's not crack.But the other things you're describing are personality flaws or traits,the weed is an excuse to allow them to run free.I myself can be a dick.I beat myself up a lot inside, and it tends to make me a crab ass.The depression and mood swings don't help.I desperately try to maintain control of myself.If anything, the weed mellows me out.If it does the same for you, then for the sake of harmony do it.And if you're worried about your lungs, get a vaporizer.
I guess in a way I do hurt people around me... in that I get terribly lazy and don't always bring my side in the work around the house etc... I.e. my wife gets to work very hard... On the other hand... I'm a bitch when I'm sober...

I feel no guilt over smokeing weed though... I have a very addictive personality (out of experiance I got addicted to everything after just one hit).

So its probaly good that it has been weed for the last decade only, and not one of the more dangerous alternatives.


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about my lungs, heck we all die, and I live with physical pain every day, so death someday, I guess, won't be unwelcome... (I'm not suicidal at all).

P.S. my mom got results back from her post treatment tests, and she just kicked cancer's ass for the second time in her life. So I guess at least I have genetic chance of survival if the fit hits the shan someday.

P.S.S. I'm also a bit of a depro, but I believe its an appropriate response to my environment and circumstances.... heck there would have to be something big wrong with me if I was all chirpy and what not... I am a very well mannered well behaved guy though.

We can think what we want to, but should not always say what we think.

P.S.S. nice to meet you.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear about your mom.And welcome to riu!
I'm not worried about my lungs, heck we all die, and I live with physical pain every day, so death someday, I guess, won't be unwelcome... (I'm not suicidal at all).

P.S. my mom got results back from her post treatment tests, and she just kicked cancer's ass for the second time in her life. So I guess at least I have genetic chance of survival if the fit hits the shan someday.

P.S.S. I'm also a bit of a depro, but I believe its an appropriate response to my environment and circumstances.... heck there would have to be something big wrong with me if I was all chirpy and what not... I am a very well mannered well behaved guy though.

We can think what we want to, but should not always say what we think.

P.S.S. nice to meet you.


Well-Known Member
Man, I am glad you said that stoney, I was thinking bigbudballs lost his hat, didn't understand why it said stranger? you wanna hit this while I'm here? Welcome anc.
The upside to this type of propaganda is the same as the upside of 'Reefer Madness'. Tell people about it. Educate your selfs with where the information is available to show what blatant lies these are, or read it close enough to point out the 'logical' inconsistency, it can't make you passive and aggresive, etc. Go on offense, its the best defense, every coach knows that. VV


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Spot on, Stoney!

Been smokin a long time, used to smoke ALOT but very little now, but I was always flakey, I can't blame the weed on that. I used to really bug without it, but I am not like that now, but I still sleep and eat better with it than without. But I gotta keep my head down about it, cuz I am tryin to have a career here, and while prolly 75% of America wants it decriminialized, no one wants to bear the 'pothead' stigma to fight it.

This is a cleaned-up, modernized Reefer Madness, it is still about money and control and I fear it may always be.......:cry:

Yah ever notice that a 'drug expert' is never someone who has ever really TRIED the drug? In my opinion, if ya wanna a 'drug expert' find a junkie.


Well-Known Member
Spot on, Stoney!

Been smokin a long time, used to smoke ALOT but very little now, but I was always flakey, I can't blame the weed on that. I used to really bug without it, but I am not like that now, but I still sleep and eat better with it than without. But I gotta keep my head down about it, cuz I am tryin to have a career here, and while prolly 75% of America wants it decriminialized, no one wants to bear the 'pothead' stigma to fight it.

This is a cleaned-up, modernized Reefer Madness, it is still about money and control and I fear it may always be.......:cry:

Yah ever notice that a 'drug expert' is never someone who has ever really TRIED the drug? In my opinion, if ya wanna a 'drug expert' find a junkie.
I don't know about finding a junkie Puff. Seems to me that it would be better to find some one that is successful, and uses, than to find some one that would be considered a junkie. I know a few people that are successful despite using, like the network manager at the company I work for.


Well-Known Member
Look at 3:20 in the vid. What is that even supposed to be? That's what I find funny. Put a diagram in my face and don't tell me what any of the variables are, or what it's even a picture of....


New Member
So I see that it's not all Nirvanna with you guys. You all seem to have the everyday problems that non-smokers do, maybe pot helps you deal with them a little. I smoked for the Buzz and never considered my mental status, just wanted to get and stay stoned. Maybe that was because of my mental status, but I didn't dwell on it. I now am drug free, no pot, no booze, no coke, speed or any other "illegal" drug. I do take a few prescription drugs for my various ailments, Diabetes, arthritus, Gerd, cholesterol, all the trappings of age in America after ingesting tons of high fructose corn syrup for years. If you eat wrong and do lots of drugs, My case, you'll end up with physical problems. Thank God they are not debilitating, I can still work out in the gym and I'm ambulatory, not athletic, but I can get around. Got to go, the gym is calling.


New Member
You're probably right, at least it's not crack.But the other things you're describing are personality flaws or traits,the weed is an excuse to allow them to run free.I myself can be a dick.I beat myself up a lot inside, and it tends to make me a crab ass.The depression and mood swings don't help.I desperately try to maintain control of myself.If anything, the weed mellows me out.If it does the same for you, then for the sake of harmony do it.And if you're worried about your lungs, get a vaporizer.
stoney....yall stay up too late for me. the ambien kicks in and I'm done.
after I wrecked my motorcycle I didn't work for a year. I was mean to everyone. I went to my doctor and he says, "I think your depressed". I was like no shit. he asked me if I thought prozac or something would help. I think that stuff for the folks that don't know why their depressed, hell I knew why I was depressed. then I realized I had not smoked weed in a year. so....I got stoned and stopped being depressed and I was nicer to folks. I actually got to the point where I enjoyed not having a job to go to.:joint:


Well-Known Member
stoney....yall stay up too late for me. the ambien kicks in and I'm done.
after I wrecked my motorcycle I didn't work for a year. I was mean to everyone. I went to my doctor and he says, "I think your depressed". I was like no shit. he asked me if I thought prozac or something would help. I think that stuff for the folks that don't know why their depressed, hell I knew why I was depressed. then I realized I had not smoked weed in a year. so....I got stoned and stopped being depressed and I was nicer to folks. I actually got to the point where I enjoyed not having a job to go to.:joint:
I hear you tips. Smoking has really improved my life. I went through I period where I smoked everyday all day and found out I don't want to be stoned ALL the time. There are some things I would rather do sober, like sex not enough people do it sober now but it can be amazing . . . I love to surf sober and stoned its like two different experiences. I would much rather go to school and work sober as well. I just don't NEED to smoke all the time and getting high helps me think more positive and bring insight into times when I'm not high. Just get stoned but don't STAY stoned thats the trick. But hell some people have done amazing things and are always stoned like Marc Emery.

I think the simple fact that people can STAY stoned and still function is a testament to how harmless pot really is . . .:peace::joint: