WTF!! THey STILL Sprad lies to our kids WFT!! I'm so pissed!



yeah its getting rediculous

on that show "should i smoke pot" on BBC america last night

they had one scientist say smoking pot puts holes in your lungs....

yeah im sure it does

its just getting rediculous


Well-Known Member
You think they had an electronic voice reading it because they couldn't find anyone who could say those things without laughing?


Well-Known Member
one day it will stop....i have over 20 poison stores (liquor stores) within a 5 mile radius of my house....something is really wrong with that...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
'Text republished Courtesy of the Department of Justice'

ROFLMAO!!!! These clowns will use any kind of scare tactic they can because they KNOW they will lose their jobs when this ridiculous 'war on drugs' ends.

Keeping people afraid is the ONLY thing that's keeping these bastards employed!


Well-Known Member
The good news is they keep us employed too. Our jobs would be far less profitable if they were legal. I say spread the fear. The DEA's on our side. :clap:

I speak purely hypothetically, of course.


Well-Known Member
that is the dumbest most biased video I ever seen, worst 3.44 minutes of my life
so your telling this crap with no facts, about aids users getting full blown 2x as fast...and all the other crap
so it says the plant is detrimental to people with these conditions, like the disease theyre dying form ISNT detrimental?
last time i checked you die from aids regardless, so if it helps the pain and helps with appetite what are they losing...?their life is already lost

People who post and add biased videos should be flagged, they are shoving propaganda down peoples throats with no REFERENCES.
Every video I ever seen about medical MJ use had tons of references and there list of people who still claim there is no medical use is not only biased also but once again it gives no referecnce to find this info for ones self

So they try to weigh the people who use MJ to people who use coke...

well weigh someone like me who has an almost unlimited supply of NARCOTIC painkillers like morphine and Soma supplied by my Doctor to someone who goes on to abuse other drugs after being PRESCRIBED opiates by a doctor...

I bet the average is even higher, narcotic painkillers are vastly more addicting and way more of a "gateway" drug than MJ...
but hey I bet the same cunts who released that vid would rather me walk around with morphine in my pocket than grow and smoke a natural plant...

A plant noway,...thats going to FAR...take this unidentifiable pill first and get addicted to this instead, its man made and totally more trustworthy and less harmful than a plant...

remember using a PLANT is going to far.

This video should be flagged for propaganda and false information


New Member
Pretty cryptic logic at use here, Shades of reefer madness. I smoked for 30+ years and the only effect I may have gotten from that is a bit of short term memory loss, but again, that could be caused by genetics, so I really can't say for sure. If a person has a medical condition that cannibis helps, then to make it illegal for them to posses that "medicine" is criminal. Recreational use of cannibis in my humble estimation, should be legal with the responsibility caveat, No driving while ripped etc.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure this isnt a compilation of government tactics,
rather than a serious video? something similar to reefer madness....?


Well-Known Member
Without large government founding it's almost impossible to pinpoint a pro vs con argument.
The new studies coming out from netherlands and portugal are the most advanced studies to date.
The essential brain structure for the proper functioning of long-term memory, cannabis has no effect in this part of the brain.(tho still debatable) The primary memory or active memory: short term memory, canabis has harmful effects on the functions of central nervous system and hinders the primary memory.cannabis impinges on the central nervous system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with normal communication between the neurons. These nerves respond by altering their initial behavior. For example, if a nerve is suppose to assist one in retrieving short-term memory, cannabinoids receptors make them do the opposite. So if one has to remember what he did five minutes ago, after smoking a high dose of marijuana, he has trouble. cannabis plant contains 400 chemicals and 60 of them are cannabinoids, which are psychoactive compounds that are produced inside the body after cannabis is metabolized or is extorted from the cannabis plant. cannabinoids is an active ingredient of marijuana. The most psychoactive cannabinoids chemical in marijuana that has the biggest impact on the brain is THC. It affects the brain by binding to and activating specific receptors, known as cannabinoid receptors. "These receptors control memory, thought, concentration, time and depth, and coordinated movement. THC also affects the production, release or re-uptake (a regulating mechanism) of various neurotransmitters. neurotransmitters are chemical messenger molecules that carry signals between neurons. Some of these affects are personality disturbances, depression and chronic anxiety.
When one's memory is affected by high dose of cannabis, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus.

cannabis 'might' reduce white cells, this is how it aids the body's ability to recover from some ailments. White cells go up to fight infections and the reduction of white cells is similar to how antibiotics work, reducing fever and assisting the body's natural immune system.

Smoking anything is harmful to the lungs.

...What were we just taking about again? :lol::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking I bought a $250 vaporizer to "smoke" cannabis. Name ONE crack smoker that has a $250 crack pipe . . . We are productive members of society and our rights should be recognized by the federal government. Its disgusting . . .


New Member
wow...I have been smoking for 40+years, better stop right now before it's too late...
:lol: ... So, you're an old fart too?

I've been smoking pot off and on for the past 56 years. When ever I hear some idiot spewing ignorant propaganda about pot, I always tell them that yes, I tried pot once ... and it made me want to rape and kill! The funny part is, some of them actually believe me. :lol:



Well-Known Member
You know... I have been puffing da weedz for the past 17 years... (started youngish at 17 ... yep that was young in those days).

I have been very successfull in the corporate and union environment but became medicaly disabled due to a form of arthritis when I was only 23...

After which I became addicted to the many prescription drugs offered to me... stuff like DF118 (yes, it doesn't even have a name.. basicaly schedule 7 codein).

I also had the"priveledge" to have been adicted to mandrax and for about 5 years and crack for a bout 6 months of my life... I mention this as I do not know the extent of the damage caused by that appart from a realy effed up internal reward system. Even though it msut be 8 to 10 years since I last did anything chemical.

I have run out of greenage for the past two weeks and every day the withdrawal gets worse.... at least I slept properly for the first time last night...

I have realised just how our herb affects us after a while... you can't realy enjoy a meal, don't realy feel like sleeping, etc... basicaly I became dull and lifeless on some level...

On the other hand every day I am about twice as sharp and allert as the previous day... hell I can almost remember the whole of yesterday... which leads me to think that most of the effects are totaly reversable...

The one thing I do not like running clean like this is the way it alters, what I after almost two decades of imbibing large amounts (the stuff is cheap as chips here), have come to believe is my personality...

I don't like the clean guy... I am grumpy irritable, intollerant, and generaly negative in this state.... hell I don't even feellike playing with any of my many pets. Just wan't the world to eff off and leave me alone... including my loveing wife...

I suspect for me the damage is allready done, which is why I joined your site and decided I will grow my own from now on (no problem getting the finest seeds as I have been useing the same dealer for 13 years and he has no problems supplying me with seeds from the biggest and best tasteing stuff).

So, from that perspective I also think it is not inherrently honest for us to tell new tokers that there is no price to pay in the long run... sure there is a massive payoff also, but at the expence of an ever shrinking world... who wants to go places if you know you are going to want to smoke, and won't be allowed. So you stop hanging out, stop visiting friends etc... Oh hell yea it starts off just the opposite way.. and thats how it catches us...

PS... my wife calls me a goldfish due to my 5 second memory... on the other hand I am MUCH more perceptive than the ordinary person and have an incredible eye for detail.

Is there anyone else willing to be honnest about the less pleasant side of being a toker?

And by that I don;t mean someone who's been smokeing for a year or three... allthough if that is you, I can probably guarantee that you will become like me...

To understand other people look into yourself... to understand yourself look at other people.

P.S. when it comes to criminality, I have often seen people under the influence of chemical drugs, say they were stoned when they did whatever, kind of admitting to something less bad in the hope of it being an excuse... but realy just makeing life worse for guys who realy DO only get stoned.

Hell I can easily smoke a banky a day and still not feel like hitting anyone or stealing anything or vandalising anything, but I guess this is more a genetic and envirnemental response to life.. those things are not in my eyes valid responses to life.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've been smoking since I was fifteen.The key is, it's not a crutch, and you need to use it in moderation.I find it is the only thing that consistently helps my depression.I don't smoke every day any more.That was when I was a teenager and had no responsibilities.I do it once every few weeks or so, sometimes more, mostly less.It is a sacred herb,a wonderful tool for mind expansion and happiness.It can also be a lot of fun.But like anything,if you abuse it, you could get burned out a little.I myself have not seen any side effects from it, period.I have always had a bad temper.I have always been antisocial.The memory problems that I personally have are from stress and depression.I noticed that giving birth seemed to bring the duh moments on for me.15 years, and I can honestly say, the herb has only done me good.
You know... I have been puffing da weedz for the past 17 years... (started youngish at 17 ... yep that was young in those days).

I have been very successfull in the corporate and union environment but became medicaly disabled due to a form of arthritis when I was only 23...

After which I became addicted to the many prescription drugs offered to me... stuff like DF118 (yes, it doesn't even have a name.. basicaly schedule 7 codein).

I also had the"priveledge" to have been adicted to mandrax and for about 5 years and crack for a bout 6 months of my life... I mention this as I do not know the extent of the damage caused by that appart from a realy effed up internal reward system.

I have run out of greenage for the past two weeks and every day the withdrawal gets worse.... at least I slept properly for the first time last night...

I have realised just how our herb affects us after a while... you can't realy enjoy a meal, don't realy feel like sleeping, etc... basicaly I became dull and lifeless on some level...

On the other hand every day I am about twice as sharp and allert as the previous day... hell I can almost remember the whole of yesterday... which leads me to think that most of the effects are totaly reversable...

The one thing I do not like running clean like this is the way it alters, what I after almost two decades of imbibing large amounts (the stuff is cheap as chips here), have come to believe is my personality...

I don't like the clean guy... I am grumpy irritable, intollerant, and generaly negative in this state.... hell I don't even feellike playing with any of my many pets. Just wan't the world to eff off and leave me alone... including my loveing wife...

I suspect for me the damage is allready done, which is why I joined your site and decided I will grow my own from now on (no problem getting the finest seeds as I have been useing the same dealer for 13 years and he has no problems supplying me with seeds from the biggest and best tasteing stuff).

So, from that perspective I also think it is not inherrently honest for us to tell new tokers that there is no price to pay in the long run... sure there is a massive payoff also, but at the expence of an ever shrinking world... who wants to go places if you know you are going to want to smoke, and won't be allowed. So you stop hanging out, stop visiting friends etc... Oh hell yea it starts off just the opposite way.. and thats how it catches us...

PS... my wife calls me a goldfish due to my 5 second memory... on the other hand I am MUCH more perceptive than the ordinary person and have an incredible eye for detail.

Is there anyone else willing to be honnest about the less pleasant side of being a toker?

And by that I don;t mean someone who's been smokeing for a year or three... allthough if that is you, I can probably guarantee that you will become like me...

To understand other people look into yourself... to understand yourself look at other people.

P.S. when it comes to criminality, I have often seen people under the influence of chemical drugs, say they were stoned when they did whatever, kind of admitting to something less bad in the hope of it being an excuse... but realy just makeing life worse for guys who realy DO only get stoned.

Hell I can easily smoke a banky a day and still not feel like hitting anyone or stealing anything or vandalising anything, but I guess this is more a genetic and envirnemental response to life.. those things are not in my eyes valid responses to life.