WTF Medical Marijuana

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Well-Known Member
Either misunderstanding is rife... or mm users don't give a fuck about the actual legalisation of cannabis, and only care about getting it for themselves.

I think i see now. It's still all about self. That's why, wtf medical marijuana?

seems everyone is missing the point and this has turned into a banner add for MM.:-|


New Member
I don't understand what you are so BITTER about.
Do you think mm users are ruining it for you where you live or is it something else?
I'm not being the least bit sarcastic either.:-| I swear.
Either misunderstanding is rife... or mm users don't give a fuck about the actual legalisation of cannabis, and only care about getting it for themselves.

I think i see now. It's still all about self. That's why, wtf medical marijuana?


Well-Known Member
wouldn't it be a lot easier to do the medical research we all want done if pot were legal to begin with? how can a legitimate Dr. study an illegal drug?

these are two VERY true statements:

pot helps a lot of people who are sick.

people shouldn't have to pretend to be sick to enjoy pot.

are we starting to get it yet? i am.

i'll try again. :peace:


New Member
Exactly. People like to smoke pot BUT that doesn't mean that people out there that want it legal are liars! :roll:

whatever! I think it was a thread that started a long time ago without much thought or consideration for others. It may not have 'meant' to be phrased the way it has been BUT I personally take offense to it.:-?
people want to smoke pot. why should they have to be sick?


New Member
But Happy gobble gobble my fellow neighbours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy the day!!!!
We have snow, snow and more snow.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. People like to smoke pot BUT that doesn't mean that people out there that want it legal are liars! :roll:

whatever! I think it was a thread that started a long time ago without much thought or consideration for others. It may not have 'meant' to be phrased the way it has been BUT I personally take offense to it.:-?

yet there are people who have to lie to legally smoke it. why? why not just stand up and DEMAND the right to enjoy it for pure recreational purposes.

i think this was directed at those who have had to make up a condition. maybe they feel bad. maybe they would prefer not to have to lie. maybe they just want to smoke pot. i don't think this is about ACTUAL sick people but just the opposite. if i wasn't sick and i had to lie and say i was in order to get my script i would feel wrong about it. but if it saved me from going to jail i wouldn't hesitate to do it. this is what we are trying to get rid of. we just want people to be honest. :peace:


New Member
This may be the point you're sticking with NOW but it wasn't the initial point you started out with.
I don't think anyone is missing the point skunk. I just don't think you had one to begin with. :?

Yet another unnecessary post... and one that completely misses the point.

While the world believes that doctors know everything, and are here to actually help you. Cannabis, medical or otherwise will never be legalised.

Why does a doctor become a doctor? Is it because they want to treat sick people every day or live in a nice big house?

The point as ever, is the evil (thankyou 7x) that is money. Money brings about deceit and this vile mis-shapen society we live in today. There is more to the world than physical pain. There is an anguish, a general oppression of our freedom of thought. We are controlled... blah blah blah.

This is the point.

Fuck them.


New Member
OK FDD. the way you just wrote this I completely understand and it puts a whole different spin on this topic.

Yes! people shouldn't have to hide behind an illness. that is just plain cowardly. :?

Perhaps Skunk should get you to translate next time. :mrgreen:

Just kidding skunk.:roll:
yet there are people who have to lie to legally smoke it. why? why not just stand up and DEMAND the right to enjoy it for pure recreational purposes.

i think this was directed at those who have had to make up a condition. maybe they feel bad. maybe they would prefer not to have to lie. maybe they just want to smoke pot. i don't think this is about ACTUAL sick people but just the opposite. if i wasn't sick and i had to lie and say i was in order to get my script i would feel wrong about it. but if it saved me from going to jail i wouldn't hesitate to do it. this is what we are trying to get rid of. we just want people to be honest. :peace:


Well-Known Member
OK FDD. the way you just wrote this I completely understand and it puts a whole different spin on this topic.

Yes! people shouldn't have to hide behind an illness. that is just plain cowardly. :?

Perhaps Skunk should get you to translate next time. :mrgreen:

Just kidding skunk.:roll:

whew, that took a lot out of me, but it was worth it.:mrgreen::peace: go build a snowman.:blsmoke:


New Member
i disagree with your assumption that patients just want to gt stoned...if that's what you mean. have you ever taken a vicodin for fun? it does something completely different to you if you have no aches or pains then if you do.

this is true for all drugs: if you are hurting, it eases your pain. if you are not, you get high.

we need to make marijuana available for those who it can ease their pain. the social smoker can be secondary, IMO. although, there is no logical argument for mj prohibition in a free society.


Well-Known Member
i disagree with your assumption that patients just want to gt stoned...if that's what you mean. have you ever taken a vicodin for fun? it does something completely different to you if you have no aches or pains then if you do.

this is true for all drugs: if you are hurting, it eases your pain. if you are not, you get high.

we need to make marijuana available for those who it can ease their pain. the social smoker can be secondary, IMO.

i don't think it's patients that just want to get stoned but more stoners who don't want to be patients.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i don't think it's patients that just want to get stoned but more stoners who don't want to be patients.:blsmoke:
absolutely... like said in one of my previous posts... medically there is value in marijuana, however, you're average pothead now has an excuse for getting high. my friend says he needs his "medicine" when not a damn thing is wrong with him...


New Member
this is true for all drugs: if you are hurting, it eases your pain. if you are not, you get high.

we need to make marijuana available for those who it can ease their pain. the social smoker can be secondary, IMO. although, there is no logical argument for marijuana prohibition in a free society.
I completely disagree with the first part I underlined. I have met a few people in intense pain after operations in hospital... well two that I can think of off-hand... that needed morphine.

Now when i went to see them, they didn't tell me about how much the morphine killed their pain... they told me about how much it buzzed them out. The one guy was in with kidney stones, the other recovering after a stomach operation, big scar.


Too many brownies
did anyone even read this? :confused:

"I will admit most of the time I like to get high, but when I get a nasty headache, Ill take a few hits and feel much better almost immediately.

Now you may say "hey, even though you feel better it didnt really fix anything and it has side effects," the same is true for man made painkillers, right?

Various man made drugs work yes, but they put alot of stress on your kidneys, liver, etc. They dont talk about this much though.

why might you ask?

It is because pharmaceutical companies along with the many politicions and ceo's want the products they help fund and have a share in to do well on the market. Why would any of them promote a drug that could potentially harm their investments. They would obviously do the complete opposite and that is whats happening all over.

Dont be so naive.

All the government does is point out the negative effects of marijuana rarely the postive...and even the postive effects are put down and masked behind lies....

Not only that but look at the influental power the government has compared to a bunch of "Pot Smokers", of course ignorant people will believe the government and various other entities in power without taking even a second to question them or themselves.

There is no denying the medical benefits of marijuana when used to treat certain ailments."

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