wtf is your problem?


Well-Known Member
A wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.

where i'm originally from.. this is very much the case..

you do understand that weed and herb are both just general terms not actual botanical genre classifications right?

Actually it's a herb... But I agree, you should learn by doing. Just try it and see where you go wrong and then you can actually ask real questions. Anything you ask now is just theoretical.


Do you have nothing better to do than complain. The whole thing is pretty simple and should not take you 6 months to read. Don't expect to make a thread complaining about something and not expect anyone to bother you.

Its all here and it only takes a few seconds to find. And this whole fucking thing is waste of time ----> just you whining
it maybe me whining and a waste of time but im not the only one wasting time and its also something that i love to hear opinions on


K sry for being a dick. Its just you have to do your own research because something that works for me may not work for you or the next guy. If you simply make a list you will have your stuff in no time at all. Im operational and I've only been collecting equipment since october. All I can say is DIY; its fun and you save a shitload.

You should take a drive to Manitoba one day.


Actually it's a herb... But I agree, you should learn by doing. Just try it and see where you go wrong and then you can actually ask real questions. Anything you ask now is just theoretical.
see thats the problem i dont have the money to just see how things go so im getting it down to a science you can not imagine how many different people have told me just to try it and see how it goes shits exspensive i already have medical problems i dont need to add cost of random testing to the list of issues


Active Member
I thought about flaming on that soil post after cowboy brought it to my attention. Who doesn't know how to use google?


Well-Known Member
i do now.. that is why i said originally from.. that usually indicates that someone was in a specific region and then moved to another region..
i never needed to grow indoor before.. but i do now..

wow english is fun right?

Don't you grow 12/12 mantiszn? What's wild and not wanted about that?


- 400 watt hps / cfls
- Intake / Outake
- Seeds
- Nutes
- Media
- Etc

Theres even threads on doing this cost efficiently; just use the search bar


So what is the question anyways that caused this post? Was it the soil question?
it was a combination of me readining a lot on here and always seeing people being ass wholes to newbs and then when i asked my questions every time someone had to say some shit that was a waste of there time and mine so i just wanted to see if anyone had anything to say on the subject and as usual they did and said the same old shit but im satisfied with this thread call it my way of talking it all out


Active Member
So you had wild pot growing in your area and nobody wanted it. Oh ok.
Regardless if you are growing something it's obviously now unwanted making it not a weed.


Active Member
Amazing it is. I simply don't believe that nobody wants it, my friend is a huge pot head from SA and I'm pretty sure he would want it. I'll ask him if he's found any before or heard of it.
Regardless if your growing it, it's not a weed.


Well-Known Member
people call marijuana weed right?
so yes we are growing a weed..

yes we are growing a herb..

yes we are growing cannabaceae of the rosales order..



Well-Known Member
again i'll highlight this for you..

you do understand that weed and herb are both just general terms not actual botanical genre classifications right?


Well-Known Member
my answer to your dilemma is to choose a grower who has the skills and the patience to help you out. i have answered countless questions about the simplest things. not once have i barked back about the search feature (which sucks) or doing your own due diligence. patience is a virtue all good gardeners have. in fact it's a necessity. so just look for a couple good guys and pick their brains. in pm's or follow their threads. and don't be too timid to put a guy in his place when he becommes belligerent. it's unprofessional, rude and uncalled for.


my answer to your dilemma is to choose a grower who has the skills and the patience to help you out. i have answered countless questions about the simplest things. not once have i barked back about the search feature (which sucks) or doing your own due diligence. patience is a virtue all good gardeners have. in fact it's a necessity. so just look for a couple good guys and pick their brains. in pm's or follow their threads. and don't be too timid to put a guy in his place when he becommes belligerent. it's unprofessional, rude and uncalled for.
well said thank you much