wtf is your problem?


why is it there is so many fucking people that go through the newbie section just to complain about simple questions? wtf is your problem? it just seems that there could be better things to do with your time like idk yelling at homeless, smacking deaf children idk just some examples fuck you if you have no advice stop posting on my threads!


Well-Known Member
why is it there is so many fucking people that go through the newbie section just to complain about simple questions? wtf is your problem? it just seems that there could be better things to do with your time like idk yelling at homeless, smacking deaf children idk just some examples fuck you if you have no advice stop posting on my threads!
Similarly, it sure seems like folks could spend their time reading the forum stickies, to start with, instead of complaining about not being force-fed.



Well-Known Member
instead of asking how to pick your nose and scratch your ass try reading and searching...

any questions you might have about growing weed have been answered thousands of times...


actually people i have not even started growing anything because people say a whole bunch of different shit to do so its not just search and find all of your answers its search through everything and find very little usable info ive been researching for about six months now and people are still saying different things and its very confusing witch is why i dont like to hear well "why dont you read this why dont you read that" i fucking did and ya know where i am now back at square one


instead of asking how to pick your nose and scratch your ass try reading and searching...

any questions you might have about growing weed have been answered thousands of times...
with a thousand different soulutions if you really think its that easy to find what you need you obviously have not researched that much yourself


Similarly, it sure seems like folks could spend their time reading the forum stickies, to start with, instead of complaining about not being force-fed.

ok i get it when people go strait to asking questions but ive been reading things on here for quite a while and it seems no one acctualy ever finds an answer to anything they find several so you still have no freaking clue how to do anything and fyi insults dont solve anything


Active Member
I just don't understand how you expect people to help with an attitude like that. Most of the people here are trying to help. If someone is having a shitball day and they take it out on your post because you asked what pots are better, clay or plastic, well then suck it up and hopefully someone will answer plastic is the superior potting type. But alas, that guy is full of shit, because every grow is different. There are so many variables. Not every answer will fit.

I will tell you though, I have been researching for a while and have gotten nothing but help. They want to help. You just need to know how to ask the question. I have seen posted many times there is no dumb questions here. There aren' much knowledge, but you can't ask like an ass.



Well-Known Member
i learned by doing.. that way i can formulate my own opinions on what works for me and what doesn't..
if you are asking.. people will always give you their opinions as fact.. and say that their method is the best..

at the end of the day.. its a plant.. a weed plant at that..
it's not that hard to grow..

hell i've thrown out seeds in my back yard that turned into 10 foot trees and all i did was water them..
indoors is a little bit tricky because you are controlling the environment.. but again.. follow basic rules and its not that difficult.

with a thousand different soulutions if you really think its that easy to find what you need you obviously have not researched that much yourself


Well-Known Member
actually people i have not even started growing anything because people say a whole bunch of different shit to do so its not just search and find all of your answers its search through everything and find very little usable info ive been researching for about six months now and people are still saying different things and its very confusing witch is why i dont like to hear well "why dont you read this why dont you read that" i fucking did and ya know where i am now back at square one
Well if your new to container growing DO NOT learn the basics in a cannabis forum. All you will do is set a foundation of frustration. You will be much better served prowling gardening forums that are not cannabis specific to get started. Much, much less bullshit and myth to sift through. And way more solid knowledge in the art of container growing. Best favor you could do yourself......

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
actually people i have not even started growing anything because people say a whole bunch of different shit to do so its not just search and find all of your answers its search through everything and find very little usable info ive been researching for about six months now and people are still saying different things and its very confusing witch is why i dont like to hear well "why dont you read this why dont you read that" i fucking did and ya know where i am now back at square one
Without trying to sound like to much of a knob, if after 6months of reading you can't determine which info is relevant to you maybe the problem lies in your comprehension. It really isn't hard to grow a cannabis plant and 6months of reading and planning isn't enough maybe you should focus on something else rather than starting a thread to complain about your lack of understanding? is your problem?

You claim to have been researching for the past six months...I call bullshit. Im a new grower, it took me less than a month on this site to figure out exactly what I need to do. How it has taken you more than six months is rediculous. Ask and you shall recieve, but you can't expect to be force fed everything. Do your research, ask the right questions, dont be a dick hole and post things like 'wtf is your problem' when clearly you are the one with a problem.


I just don't understand how you expect people to help with an attitude like that. Most of the people here are trying to help. If someone is having a shitball day and they take it out on your post because you asked what pots are better, clay or plastic, well then suck it up and hopefully someone will answer plastic is the superior potting type. But alas, that guy is full of shit, because every grow is different. There are so many variables. Not every answer will fit.

I will tell you though, I have been researching for a while and have gotten nothing but help. They want to help. You just need to know how to ask the question. I have seen posted many times there is no dumb questions here. There aren' much knowledge, but you can't ask like an ass.

see stuff like that is fine say what you need to say but say something of use ya know? im just tired of getting the reply "look it up" or why the hell whould you ask a stupid question like that" when i have done nothing but look it up whitch is why i type things in my own words


Well-Known Member
why is it there is so many fucking people that go through the newbie section just to complain about simple questions? wtf is your problem? it just seems that there could be better things to do with your time like idk yelling at homeless, smacking deaf children idk just some examples fuck you if you have no advice stop posting on my threads!
And with questions like this... ...well, enough said.....


Active Member
Stoners are typically cool people. If you come at them with wtf is your problem, they turn into bastards.


Without trying to sound like to much of a knob, if after 6months of reading you can't determine which info is relevant to you maybe the problem lies in your comprehension. It really isn't hard to grow a cannabis plant and 6months of reading and planning isn't enough maybe you should focus on something else rather than starting a thread to complain about your lack of understanding?
yeah that does make sence i do kinda know what im going to do already i just mostly make new threads to see how other people do things


see stuff like that is fine say what you need to say but say something of use ya know? im just tired of getting the reply "look it up" or why the hell whould you ask a stupid question like that" when i have done nothing but look it up whitch is why i type things in my own words
Do you have nothing better to do than complain. The whole thing is pretty simple and should not take you 6 months to read. Don't expect to make a thread complaining about something and not expect anyone to bother you.

Its all here and it only takes a few seconds to find. And this whole fucking thing is waste of time ----> just you whining


Member is your problem?

You claim to have been researching for the past six months...I call bullshit. Im a new grower, it took me less than a month on this site to figure out exactly what I need to do. How it has taken you more than six months is rediculous. Ask and you shall recieve, but you can't expect to be force fed everything. Do your research, ask the right questions, dont be a dick hole and post things like 'wtf is your problem' when clearly you are the one with a problem.

no need for name calling now the only reason it has taken me so long is i dont have the money to be throwing around so im not going to just plant stuff and see what happens i just see it all over on here and i dont fucking like bullies


Active Member is your problem?

You claim to have been researching for the past six months...I call bullshit. Im a new grower, it took me less than a month on this site to figure out exactly what I need to do. How it has taken you more than six months is rediculous. Ask and you shall recieve, but you can't expect to be force fed everything. Do your research, ask the right questions, dont be a dick hole and post things like 'wtf is your problem' when clearly you are the one with a problem.
Can we get a sticky on that point?