Well-Known Member
I don't have a fucking Canon wide angle movie lens bro,I'm taking these pics with a phone,and tbh I can see the plants just fine.this problem started around 1 and 1/2 wks agoI transplanted them today from 3 gal pots to 5gal.,and flushed the before repot and put them in fresh FFOF soil.The roots were beautiful and rot at all,not even root bound.I appreciate yall's help I can always count on my RIU bros when shit hits the fan.
So you flushed them, then transplanted then flushed again and you don't think there might even be a slight chance that this is over watering which can lead to root rot? Oh and great pics bro we can really tell which part you are trying to show us. Not to clear what we are looking at so we have to try and play where's Waldo with your plants and try to look for whatever we might think is wrong.
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