WTF! How do we stop this jerk in the Journals

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
drweberts is trying to sell his wares in the journals (multiple journals)and for some reason it is really pissing me off. I enjoy bouncing around the journals but this just is too much today and I don't know why.

There aren't any buttons that I can see to turn him in. So MODS please remove this jerk.

Sorry for the rant,

There's a button to the right of the reputation button. I believe it is used to alert mods to bad posts - just type the message that he is trying to sell something.

Pretty lame of him. Hope it's taken care of.
Sorry, but I don't think the journals have that button. I just looked either I'm blind or...
There's a button to the right of the reputation button. I believe it is used to alert mods to bad posts - just type the message that he is trying to sell something.

Pretty lame of him. Hope it's taken care of.
Weird, the button is there for me in the journal section. Want to shoot me a link to one of his posts? I'll flag em for you.

NVM. I thought it was there.

** edit I found the report button but damn does he have a ton of journals.
drweberts is trying to sell his wares in the journals (multiple journals)and for some reason it is really pissing me off. I enjoy bouncing around the journals but this just is too much today and I don't know why.

There aren't any buttons that I can see to turn him in. So MODS please remove this jerk.

Sorry for the rant,

You are a cranky girl this morning, didnt get any last night?
thanks for the heads up..... will alert the globals - hopefully he (and his spam) are gone soon. :)

(also: there's a teeny tiny report button at the bottom of the post next to "email this journal entry")
Sorry, didn't see that over-sized, glowing in the dark, every expanding like my waistline 'report' button. lol. Honest, I really didn't see it.

Btw, I like the title Moderatrix. Good one.
thanks for the heads up..... will alert the globals - hopefully he (and his spam) are gone soon. :)

(also: there's a teeny tiny report button at the bottom of the post next to "email this journal entry")
drweberts is trying to sell his wares in the journals (multiple journals)and for some reason it is really pissing me off. I enjoy bouncing around the journals but this just is too much today and I don't know why.

There aren't any buttons that I can see to turn him in. So MODS please remove this jerk.

Sorry for the rant,

Hit the report button.
Hmmm....looks to me to be one of those site things that doesn't even have a person attached to it...
Ok, just went to the journal again. I don't have a button. I'm feeling slightly unbuttoned and maybe a little unhinged too. I think I'll go smoke one and lay down.

I'm having a really good day to day. Really.
Damn straight! err... wait.. that's not right... Anyway, I'll bring the butter, cinnamon and brown sugar. Y'all bring the yams. :D

Ohhhhh, I'm sorry. The yam answer we were looking for was "what are balls". We have a lovely parting gift for you. A year's supply of surfboard wax!!