They won’t give me a doctorate, are you crazy? I don’t have enough precious metals in my last name. Pollocks from the sticks like me aren’t welcome at those fancy parties.
Someone wanted to know what happened to this place and it’s exactly what happened everywhere. Weak little Prozac snorting lefties didn’t have a leg to stand on in arguments so they started throwing around the ban hammer using words like hate speech and intolerance. For example “why are you so intolerant that people want to turn your kids into androgynous sex dolls?”
This led to people like myself and many others who saw the writing on the wall to pull back to the shadows a bit. It’s died down recently in most arenas outside the Chan’s and social media and this is making for some more relaxed forums again finally.
Just to sit there in ignorance and say “man your stupid for trying to figure out what’s actually going on” isn’t much of good advice there bud. If I needed advice on how to shave my head and look like a gay cop I’d come to you, other then that maybe stay outa the big boy conversations.
Your eternal love for mr drumpf is getting Palestinian kids shot without repercussions and Syrian territory annexed for oil. Look up genie energy and the Golan heights. Hayseed Jenkins found that oil 30 years ago and died for it. Now trump handed the military to protect Israel while they frack there noses off and Syria burns. Go ask mo up at the gc3 If I’m wrong. Dare ya.
Your being manipulated, it’s not your fault these mother effers are wizards to such a high degree I actually believe in Magick now. It’s very real, just not some Harry Potter wand nonsense. Say the right words with the right emotion to the right person and boom they do what you want. It’s pretty amazing. Albert pike to Crowley to Anton LEVY to the current incarnation of atheistic satanism cells there is magic being worked and you don’t even know it.
It’s cool tho. Keep trusting the plan, Q will be your savior. Ya FOURCHAN is where the savior comes from.... how did that work you think
*meanwhile in some super secret bunker* “Uhhh sir, we need to find a platform to reach the people and give out super secret info, I suggest the site full of pedos and crazy people. If we sneak our super secret info in between all the kiddy porn it will be more effective” “Uhh ya do it, they will never expect us to use the kiddy porn disguise technique”
I mean if trump and Epstein and Clinton’s are as tight as I reckon they are I suppose it would make sense he was aware of the Chan’s. Epstein prolly owns the Chan’s secretly. It’s a cesspool.
Lemme ask you this. How exactly has trump made America great again? Was it the 38 billion he gave Israel? Or the amazing speeches him and pelosi gave at Aipac? “Israel is our most important ally. Even if this country crumbles we will maintain our current aid arrangement with Israel” meaning if Americans are starving and dying they will still give cash to Israel. Welcome to MAGA country son.