Well-Known Member
bring your wife, ill show her what a guy with a job looks like
Oh no he ditn't!
bring your wife, ill show her what a guy with a job looks like
bring your wife, ill show her what a guy with a job looks like
I disagree.Or just maybe you will kiss and make up and put all this silly shit behind you?
there is no right in this scenerio. No winning.
Well when it comes to how the community feels, then yes likes do matter.
Come here big boy...I think ima take a drive out east
Bring your wife and I'll show her what a guy with a big dick looks like
Try not caring about what people you've never met say over the Internet.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt.
6o seems like he wants to tag along.. you guys can talk about his dishonorable discharge or his wife leaving him
Bring your wife and I'll show her what a guy with a big dick looks like
Be happier with the girl that loves you over "likes" from people you'll never meet.At the end of the day I have a beautiful chic that loves me.
I'm am pretty fine with every statement I made.
I may be white, but I am about as gangsta as they come.
I'm tried of arguing with incompetent idiots. So I'll throw in towel.
Y'all can say she won, that's cool.. I got a fuck ton of likes with this stupid thread..
So thanks guys..
Once again Dia is splitting the community.
lol.. except im a licensed/insured plumber and i work for myself. see what learning a trade actually gets you?. im a 27 year old felon. been locked up too many times. its not hard to get a job. just look around, work is out there for the willing. i charge $95 an hour plus material. my first job today i was done by 11am. $490 in my pocket..ended the day just under $800.. whatd you do today other then sit on the internet while your chick is out working?jus cuz you got a minimum wage job dont mean you cute lady wouldnt give you the time of day
also just cuz i dont have a job dont mean i dont have income coming in
i pity you too
i pity all of you sheeple
The hundred likes I collect daily say different.I disagree. From an outside perspective, this is hurtful because it is meant to be:
This one is funny, because it's meant to be:
See the difference?
its not that.. its that she wants to move 9000 miles away from her child to live with you, who she never met in personWhat I really love is these so called democrats calling my GF a horrible mother because she works her ass off in a different country so she can provide for child. While doing so completely legal.
What I really love is these so called democrats calling my GF a horrible mother because she works her ass off in a different country so she can provide for child. While doing so completely legal.