wtf has been going on around here lately?

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Dank you ahould not have allowed her to make an acct here. We are not what you would consider normal western people (or european) this place is a hell hole.

You make things seem wonderful which they are while you drunk/high but you are alienating people who care.

Who am I to judge? Whatever my girl bringing blow from the traps back for me. Had to have her deal aith it because heat on the block right now.

You pm me with threats and ya better come through same with max. Even on charges id beat ya both senseless.

I done more fed time then you can imagine, I love to smack people for runnin they mouthes.

Bam bam bam ahots fired!!!! Someone pm me the pw to tc? @Diabolical666
It's all good I'll start my own TC.. I'm sure I'll have a lot more followers
noones stopping you.. and noone cares about followers this isnt facebook. 6o seems like he wants to tag along.. you guys can talk about his dishonorable discharge or his wife leaving him
It's very obvious she likes fighting, likes to instigate, and people jump to her aid

Clearly she enjoys pissing people off and does it well.

And I enjoy watching.

Don't stop the fighting!
Yup.. But I am the one in the wrong..

But I've been here since the beginning of RIU these types come and go. Her time is coming
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