Writing a Paper, Law Enficement on This Site

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Well-Known Member
DEA is a separate entity. IT does not have to listen to Obama "orders"
That's not entirely true. But yea, they sort of have free reign. And yea I get your point about posting on here. Why give the feds more info? I think fundamentally the problem is that RIU should consider changing its security policy & consider moving servers off shore, away from subpoena.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info!

I'm really surprised that the servers are located in the US. I guess without specific information like location(or IP) and a picture of a person with the plant, they can't do anything.


Well-Known Member
Are you claiming that 100% of them were in compliance? I'm merely pointing out that Obama's order had a clause in it, that they were to leave dispensaries and patients alone in states with MMJ laws, as long as they abide by those laws. The fact that local or state police accompany the DEA on these recent raids is proof that they were carried out with local law enforcement. these were not solely DEA raids enforcing Federal law. That is my only point. I'm not judging it any other way. I have no idea what a shoe store in you analogy has to do with it.

And why are you going off and discussing rape victims and applying my statement to a victim of a crime? I know you are more intelligent than that, at least you have been in the past. :roll:

the only one twisting logic and making up analogies is you my friend. I merely pointed out that Obama's order had the legal clause in it and that state and local cops were involved as well. you can take from that whatever you will, wait, you did, you are now comparing it to shoe stores and rape victims.... :wall:

Are you claiming that 100% of those dispensaries busted were breaking state compliance? If not then they can bust any business from a shoe store to a catering service to ensure that their legal businesses don't compete with others either.

I mean that statement is offensive. It can be said about anyone about anything!!! Its like saying "Are you saying that 100% of rape victims were good people to their community who didn't disrespect anybody in their daily lives?" Right there you are saying that being a victim of an illegal crime is somehow Just.... It doesn't work that way no matter how much you want to twist the logic. The abuse of one legal US Business by the Federal or State government is one too many. Our government is designed not to do that because it is OUR government, so the abuse of all of our money to stop one dispensary who is NOT breaking the law is theft from all of us and a truely immoral act.

Attack one innocent out of the thought that it justifies getting the guilty (as in the case with innocent legal dispensaries) is the thought behind all acts of terrorism and can not be tolerated by our citizenry.


Well-Known Member
I really feel sorry for the folks that don't live in a state that realizes there are benefits to MMJ.
I do believe that some day it will be available to those that need it for pain, depression, bad stomach problems ect.
Maybe some day you won't have to worry but today we are closer.
I think the other states are watching and seeing.
To come to a public forum and talk all gangster and crap does not help the cause.
It will be places like RIU that more will be learned about this wonderful plant and what it does for us.
Peace out....


Well-Known Member
Are you claiming that 100% of them were in compliance? I'm merely pointing out that Obama's order had a clause in it, that they were to leave dispensaries and patients alone in states with MMJ laws, as long as they abide by those laws. The fact that local or state police accompany the DEA on these recent raids is proof that they were carried out with local law enforcement. these were not solely DEA raids enforcing Federal law. That is my only point. I'm not judging it any other way. I have no idea what a shoe store in you analogy has to do with it.

And why are you going off and discussing rape victims and applying my statement to a victim of a crime? I know you are more intelligent than that, at least you have been in the past. :roll:

the only one twisting logic and making up analogies is you my friend. I merely pointed out that Obama's order had the legal clause in it and that state and local cops were involved as well. you can take from that whatever you will, wait, you did, you are now comparing it to shoe stores and rape victims.... :wall:

I may have been out of line for my comparisons, I apologise for that. But i've seen articles saying they are busting completely compliant dispensaries, and when that happens I get mad. there was a video where a police officer was harrassing one, then called in the DEA and when police were questioned about involvement they all claimed they were just there as spectators despite hidden camera footage showing them removing things.


Active Member
I really feel sorry for the folks that don't live in a state that realizes there are benefits to MMJ.
I do believe that some day it will be available to those that need it for pain, depression, bad stomach problems ect.
Maybe some day you won't have to worry but today we are closer.
I think the other states are watching and seeing.
To come to a public forum and talk all gangster and crap does not help the cause.
It will be places like RIU that more will be learned about this wonderful plant and what it does for us.
Peace out....
as far as im concerned anyone talking gangster crap violence or even selling should be banned. when leo sees that kind of shit all it does is set us all back in our hopes for legalizing. we have to avoid the stigma associated with mj that the uninformed people have. imho


Well-Known Member
as far as im concerned anyone talking gangster crap violence or even selling should be banned. when leo sees that kind of shit all it does is set us all back in our hopes for legalizing. we have to avoid the stigma associated with mj that the uninformed people have. imho
I only agree with you one idea in your thought. I agree we should remove the stigma of gangster violence, but not because ignorant folk will suddenly change their mind, but rather that is just fucking annoying and so 1990's. Ignorant dipshits will always be ignorant dipshits, changing a few stigmas wont do shit in changing those people's mind. ( And just to point out, all Tea Party/Republican people are the one's most likely to fall in this category, they are the one's who continue to make this an issue. ) Once it becomes a non issue (politically), we will likely see legalization. Underground market is not the problem. Making an issue out of a non issue is what the problem is.


The thing to look out for is local law enforcement, DEA is underfunded and small in numbers. It is local law that brings in the DEA. Are they going to trace you remotely through the internet, not at this time. Use your computer as evidence after a raid, definitely yes. If you repetitively post your exact real address of your giant grow with photos, come on you make it to easy. Are there members on this site that are involved in law enforcement, certainly yes.
This link shows how not to get busted and how American local law works.


Well-Known Member
Honestly there really is no reason to dis on police in todays day and age. Since Marijuana is becoming more legal they really haven't started being our enemy and the time of police and pot growers and smokers getting along is within our lifetime the same way as beer drinkers don't necessarily see police or crime as any part of their world. We hear about violations of peoples civil rights all the time but its the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. I know that i've met police officers in my lifetime who were very upstanding citizens who everyone talks great about. One in particular who is retired now, anytime anyone talks about him they talk about how great a cop he was, and I remember seeing him going out on his own time to put traffic cones up to help ease congestion and I later found out he was doing it on his own time for free cause he cared about the community.

Are there bad cops out there? Yes, just not as many as all of us think. Same with growers. While I do think our system is in need of fixing to benefit society as a whole, which is the whole reason we started laws in this country, I don't think we should jump to the conclusions that websites and videos we see seem to suggest, being although true and valid points are the problems and the good protecting police just don't get the attention they deserve.

Now i'm not a Cop no matter how much people keep telling me they think I am on here because I talk about how legal I am. I'm just a guy who has medical reason for using marijuana and who wants to stay out of the whole police and crime situation despite my loud mouth sometimes. I have purchased marijuana in the past so I really can't dis on dealers either. I have found that my own marijuana though is cleaner and safer and doesn't give me a cough or irritation like some purchased weed does. I do not know if this is due to pesticides, non-organic nutrients, or just plain storage. I do know that i'm finding this more and more true though.

In your paper I hope you come up with some unique solutions to the problems facing society today when it comes to this medicinal plant that has never killed anyone with its use (unless you count the deaths caused by the illegality of it).

Edit: I think a little part of me just feels guilty about the police joke I posed above. As much as I get mad about the problems in this world, I usually wind up feeling regret when I point out the flaws. Anyone else suffer from this moral compass syndrome?
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