Writing a Paper, Law Enficement on This Site

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bud bootlegger
my brother froma different mother OBAMA told the federallies to lay off the joc and let him grow in peace and serve those that he does...i herd 'em.
ohhhhh. so sorry about that then, never mind my above statement, what was i thinking then?? of course you're fine then.. bawahhahahaha.. what were all of these busts by the feds in the past several months then??
i've said it in the past, and i'll say it again, just cuz you got a card saying you can grow weed, it doesn't make it legal, that is for damn sure.. all of these people running around saying that they are a legal grower and then going on to say that they live in the us simply amaze me to say the least..
marijuana is still a class 1 drug as far as the dea is concerned, so until it gets reclassified or simply made legal, i don't care what any state law tells you, you're still growing illegally under federal laws.. end of point really.. get busted, and taken to court, what law do you think is going to upheld, the state law saying you're ok to grow, or the federal law saying that you're in possession of a class 1 scheduled drug?? i don't see how people can't see this... it's pretty cut and dry really..
and i'm not trying to be a dick either, i just wish that these people who run around and say that they are legal and think that they can never get busted would open their eyes some and act accordingly..
simply saying that you're a legal grower doesn't make it true.. wish it were that simple, i really do..


Well-Known Member
I'm legal in my state, I stay on the side of the law.
If by chance they start busting us I'll surrender my crop.
I'll get up the next morning and go to work in a State factory for min. wages and forced to buy my groceries at the company store.
There's enough going on in the Federal Government, If they would stop and notice how d'asile pot smokers are they would legalize it in a heart beat.


Active Member
The raids have started to rise in numbers and now they are using the banks to fuck people so obama safety blanket is a phalacy


Well-Known Member
Except he is a grown ass man and it was in his apartment.

Anyways the website and the pics were used as evidence against him w/ his I.P. address.

Don't think that this site won't comply with all U.S. laws and turn your ass over in a heart beat.
Thats why everything I do is legal. I'm here to learn how to grow my own legal medicine. I stay in my plant numbers, and I never ever sell my weed. (of course i'm not in need of money for my bills, food etc so I don't judge and I know i'm just lucky). Put it this way, i threw up today after eating 2 ribs from costco, eating is not fun at all, digestion is a painful annoying event every single day. I'm not lying to doctors, or sidestepping any laws. And a little over a year ago I needed to learn how to grow for myself.

I don't understand why anyone doing anything illegal would post it here, especially in states like Florida where you know they are super-anti nonpharmaceutical profit based medicines. I'm lucky to live in one of the states that recognizes that for people with my health issues cannabis works more successfully than the most expensive sythetic stomach medications (i've tried the best of the best to no avail). I personally believe after all the studying i've done when making my decision to use this drug that was seen only as a party drug prior as a medicine and discovering the truth behind the risks and benefits that this drug should be made legal and taxed. Its the most benign medicine I can think of, less toxic than my morning vitamins and/or an asprin. I also don't think we can afford all the court costs and prison sentences of marijuana users given what a horrible state of affairs our economies in this country are. It is absolutely irresponsible for anyone to spend our communities resources going after pot smokers instead of preventing crimes that involve violence or destruction or theft of property in these rough days when money is tight in all agencies.

I am known to rant.. So not smart to post crimes anywhere. But I do agree that guy should not have been posting on here given the strict nature of the laws in Florida, especially since every possible variable from economic to public votes shows that such action will not be a crime nationwide within the decade. Without the illegal people on this site I'd never have been able to learn to grow my own legal medicine, and thus I don't have to worry about buying laced stuff in the street. My medicine can actually be medicinal for my specific medical needs.

Be legal everybody, and if you smoke but live in one of the anti-marijuana areas, MOVE. There are much better states out there for you. Be Safe, and Be as legal as you can be. Its just a better way to live without paranoia.

For the record as medicine, YES, not only does cannabis (especially certain strains) WORK to alleviate major nausea and digestive pains, but it works more effectively and with less side effects than any and all other medications for the same thing. Even my Gasterologist said he couldn't argue with my choice after I explained to him my choice of treatment with medical marijuana. He did give me top medicines to try, and I did hopeing for the best, but they honestly don't do enough to let me function.


Well-Known Member
This IS medicine! It does heal things and it causes no medical harm! Don't let any ignorant person try to tell you different!


Well-Known Member
DEA is a separate entity. IT does not have to listen to Obama "orders"
The DEA is under the Executive branch and it does take it's orders from the President's office. Also, the head of the DEA serves at the president's pleasure.

tell me why dispensaries are still being raided?
Because there was a contingency in Obama's orders, that as long as they were following state laws, they were to be left alone. If a state asks for assistance, as was done in many of these raids, they are going to assist. If you see local police along with DEA agents, you can bet the state requested the resources to go after a dispensary it believes is breaking the law. Are you claiming that all the busted locations were in 100% compliance?


New Member
no he was posting shit from craiglist in his town
then started talking to a cop online from his town
spells fail to me
dont blame riu for being a dumbass
if u put your info out there i cant say riu got u busted
when it was your ownself being stupid shit is illegal in fla so why did he act like he was in cali idk

do a thread search for jacksonville ....there is a guy who tells a tale about this that I think will be helpful to you

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
proof here we go.

Member by the name of StickyMango


Police Learn Identity Of 'Sticky Mango,' Arrest 21-Year-Old

POSTED: Thursday, November 12, 2009
UPDATED: 5:54 pm EST November 12, 2009

Jacksonville Sheriff's Office booking photo of Justin Bauder​

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police said it was the photos of marijuana plants he posted on the Internet that got him busted.

Justin Bauder, 21, of Jacksonville, was arrested Wednesday and charged with cultivation of marijuana, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and public nuisance.

Police said they got a tip that someone calling himself Sticky Mango had posted pictures on a Web site of the five marijuana plants he was growing. According to the police report, he also posted step-by-step instructions on how to construct an indoor grow room.

When officers learned that Sticky Mango was Bauder and searched his apartment, they said they found one marijuana plant growing in a closet, along with packaged marijuana, loose buds, a bong, a pipe and a scale.
The arrest report says Bauder admitted he had been growing the marijuana plants for about two months.
Copyright 2009 by News4Jax.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
to be fare he was in a state that at the time had no medical provission and some of the worst MM laws in the first place..if i lived in FL i would not be posting anything here.


Well-Known Member
Just for posting pictures on here they could get you for conspiracy to cultivate and distribute cannabis, even if you don't have the plants at your place.

i guess for renting the SAW movies I could be arrested for murder too...



New Member
and he was posting shit that lead to him and was talking to a local cop that got on here to trap him cant blame site blame lies with him

to be fare he was in a state that at the time had no medical provission and some of the worst MM laws in the first place..if i lived in FL i would not be posting anything here.


Well-Known Member
this is how this goes down:

the cops need a subpoena for internet/phone records. they do not need a warrant.

the subpoena is obtained when somebody talks to cops. somebody told the cop this guy posts on a site called ___________ and his user ID is ____________.

all the people i know that got busted due to some sort of communication started by somebody who talked to the cops first. doesn't even have to be weed related.

i know a guy (let's call him Grape)who had a bad experience with police b/c somebody he knows (this guy's called orange)reported a death threat to police. they subpoenad Orange's phone, saw text messages relating to drugs sent to Grape and boom, grape gets a visit.....

fact is posting on here probably sped up the getting busted process, but that guy was already on somebody's radar and was going down anyways....


Well-Known Member
Federal law shits on state law everywhere in the U.S.
And due to that extending hand the Federal Government is BROKE. in 20 years they wont have the ability to dictate to states because they will be broke by their own doing. (Of course most states will be broke too, but that may be a good thing in the long run for free Americans.)


Well-Known Member
The DEA is under the Executive branch and it does take it's orders from the President's office. Also, the head of the DEA serves at the president's pleasure.

Because there was a contingency in Obama's orders, that as long as they were following state laws, they were to be left alone. If a state asks for assistance, as was done in many of these raids, they are going to assist. If you see local police along with DEA agents, you can bet the state requested the resources to go after a dispensary it believes is breaking the law. Are you claiming that all the busted locations were in 100% compliance?
Are you claiming that 100% of those dispensaries busted were breaking state compliance? If not then they can bust any business from a shoe store to a catering service to ensure that their legal businesses don't compete with others either.

I mean that statement is offensive. It can be said about anyone about anything!!! Its like saying "Are you saying that 100% of rape victims were good people to their community who didn't disrespect anybody in their daily lives?" Right there you are saying that being a victim of an illegal crime is somehow Just.... It doesn't work that way no matter how much you want to twist the logic. The abuse of one legal US Business by the Federal or State government is one too many. Our government is designed not to do that because it is OUR government, so the abuse of all of our money to stop one dispensary who is NOT breaking the law is theft from all of us and a truely immoral act.

Attack one innocent out of the thought that it justifies getting the guilty (as in the case with innocent legal dispensaries) is the thought behind all acts of terrorism and can not be tolerated by our citizenry.


Well-Known Member

i guess for renting the SAW movies I could be arrested for murder too...

Yeah, that logic says its intent to plan an elaborate murder scheme by renting the film.... And if you buy a light bulb you should also be charged with planning to grind up glass to put in someones food every day like in the show Oz... You can't relate unrelated legal activity to criminal acts because its an abuse of power. Abuse authority and you lose it.
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