grow space
Well-Known Member
u have gone mad my friend ! mad
Looking back .... in RetRospect .... and with Appreciation ...and Gratitude ...
I say Thank YOU friend !
What a TRIP !
Hats off !
Yes I am ON !
How is that for CIPHER ? ... 50 views and no reply !
Hmmm, wavelength=h*f.... thats about 22500nm further infrared sir!! I will need some special crystals to modify my frequency I thinkDude, I spin my POI with alloy balls and piano wire ... next to your Fire !
How is that for a wavelength !!
It would be quite awkward if I added "Puffer Fish" on my list of inspirational people on FacebookMore Human Than Human !
Realize your full Potential ...
Sarif Industries ... owned and operated by TYRELL
Even though inspiration comes from within one, an inspiring person is the one who activates it, helps it come out. And you are doing that with your sentences, to say inspiration comes within is inspiring in a way to let someone know they have all what it takes inside them. Its a gogo word! A lot of your words are gogo, thats what made me think of my suggestion.I would like to respond but .... you already know the answers.
I will only tell you what you are able to comprehend.
There is no wisdom ... but reverb .... you need to understand this
in your perception.
What you get out of My posts is Up to YOU !
Inspiration comes from withing YOU alone.
You drive it !
Phelps, it was magical ... but it always IS !BTW.... Yes yes Puffer, WoW, was it splended!
You sir are on fire !!Retrospect is such a beautiful artifact of our minds! It lets us peer back into are moments of lust and lost... whether its a ripple of a beat, a most cherishing smile, the smell of silent victory. Things magnified in a state where time has ceased to be and the common frugality of our own demise has been etched in neither black or white, right nor wrong. The mind's most coveted memory. A bookmark for our soul's!
Boot me up Lysergic![]()