Well-Known Member
doublethink is easy for dummies.youre so use to being wrong you can just whatever it away, lmao.
doublethink is easy for dummies.youre so use to being wrong you can just whatever it away, lmao.
Actually I disagree with you... As would the founders.
Obama was well within his rights. trump will be doing the same thing and you will defend it like the slavish lap-dog that you are.
doublethink is easy for dummies.
So what?
When did how private businesses are run become the decision of the federal government? If it doesnt create enough jobs then they can shitcan it?? That makes less than no sense. Well, unless you are for big government central planning. They decide what big projects get done in America, you know, for the good of the people... Freedom? Fuck that, Americans cant handle that...
What is completely laughable about your assertions is the fact that the government is completely corporatized and makes laws to protect and enrich themselves. They have lobbiests create the very laws you are championing to *protect the little guy* which only serve to protect the corporations instead.
The politicians write the laws that make the unions and corporations happy and receive bribes in the form of donations to continue the process...
You seem to think that the laws the government passes are meant to protect you and that is laughable...
They decided that barring private corporations from donating while allowing other organizations from donating was infringing on the corporations freedom of speech.
I am not sure I like the outcome either but it sure made the playing field more fair if in the wrong direction.
But ultimately, it isnt the donation cash, it is the power the politicians have. Until we take back some of the power, there is no regulation in the world that will prevent the corrupt politicians from being compensated and enriched in their campaigns.
Yet they left their words behind. Look it up.Not only is this man a constitutional scholar but he now can seance with the founders of the constitution.
A NEW level of delusion at show here!!!!
Yes, but it would take 1 piece of legislation to fix and all of the politicians are so deep into the lawyers pockets that it will never happen.
I am not sure if you noticed but our government is corrupt. It exists to enrich itself now, not to take care of the people. Unless we take the power back from the federal government, nothing will functionally change until the system collapses.
Getting elected doesnt make someone competent to run the country. And that applies to everyone in the legislative branch.
Uh...You guys need tovtsch me how you conjur up the founding fsthers to ask them how they think and/or how they would think in modern times.
Im trying to reach my grandfather who passed 15 years ago...sometimes I could use his advice lol
7 days until Obummer is gone, gone, gone... 8 days until 90% of his presidency is erased with a phone and a pen.
100 days until Obamacare is history.... (if congress gets on board).
But I am wrong? Yeah, that is the important point.... (not even if it was true)
So yesterday Obama stoped the Wet Foot Dry Foot in america. I am not trying to be funny but trying to understand why he would stop people who are oppressed by a brutal communist government from seeking freedom all the while he has no issue allowing millions of Illegals thru our southern border and brings tens of thousands of vetted people from the Middle East.
I know i call out liberals for a lot of things i think are stupid but i just think this was wrong in everysense.
Christians Living in Oppressive Communist Country 50 miles off the coast of Florida seeking freedom : No you are not allowed anymore.....
Cross the southern Border: Owe welcome here are free benefits......
ISIS Infiltrated Impossible too VET Refugees that even others countries in the Middle east will not accept: Come on in here here are free benefits.
I just can not think of anything to say other then this shit is retarded.
Not sure what you are trying to do. I stand behind all those quotes.
Which part didnt you understand?
The difference with Trump is that he is not a politician. He was not groomed through the ranks while being bought and paid for by special interests. The establishment fears him as much as the liberals do.
If you want to take money out of politics you take power out of politics. Believing politicians that tell you they are going to reform the very institution that pays for their re-election campaign is stupid.
Inbred, low IQ, sister-fucking, white, christian male, retards.
I assume you're all these things cos you're religiously dedicated to getting cucked by Chump.
Nope he's enriching himself through the presidency, and there is nothing wrong with that.
You're an idiot and Donald j Trump does not respect you.
But he is a politician. He ran for office and now is going to be President. I think what you mean is that he is not a good politician.@justin,
Not sure what you are trying to do. I stand behind all those quotes.
Which part didnt you understand?
The difference with Trump is that he is not a politician. He was not groomed through the ranks while being bought and paid for by special interests. The establishment fears him as much as the liberals do.
If you want to take money out of politics you take power out of politics. Believing politicians that tell you they are going to reform the very institution that pays for their re-election campaign is stupid.
He hasnt even take the presidency yet, how is he enriching himself?
You are delusional...
He has already saved or returned thousands of jobs in the US and secured billions of dollars of investment in America yet you cant even acknowledge that while whining about potential future issues of him possibly getting richer.
Refuses to divest, I guess he really doesn't want to be president. Profits before people, Donald j Trump doesn't respect you
Donald Trump has been organizing and running large corporations for most of his adult life. He knows how to hire competent people and hold them accountable in deals worth billions of dollars.
Compare this to Barak Obama who was a community organizer and then held a partial term in the congress before he became president. Now, Obama is the perfect example of someone who had absolutely no experience running anything larger than a lemonade stand and it showed during his presidency. Unfortunately for America, Obama didnt learn anything while on the job except how to improve his golf game.
Trump is used to getting things done on time and budget which is the opposite of a politician.
What you seem to be fundamentally missing is that Trump is a doer, not a talker like a politician.
It is going to be a rough ride for you.