Wow He Was Right.

You mean he is going to grow the deficit? AWESOME! I have a bunch of money on Obama killing the economy. It's coming true.

we should never invest in anything. ever.

roads? let them fall apart.

bridges? let them collapse.

levees, dykes, and dams? who fucking needs them.

we'll just tie lots of balloons to our cargo and float it where we need it to go. mother fuckers.
You mean he is going to grow the deficit? AWESOME! I have a bunch of money on Obama killing the economy. It's coming true.
I'm pretty sure he is going to offer long term deficit reduction equal to his stimulus as well, which I believe is a mistake but if it makes the stimulus politically possible than he will do what he has to do I guess.
Can't argue with that! Man, I better go vote for Ron Paul now cuz this guy has me sold! It's like all this schooling in the feild of economics has just been a huge waste of time! Only Ron Paul can teach me correct economics and only Ron Paul can save the country!
Learn about economics and the causes of booms and busts before opening your piehole.
If we had followed his economic advice we would have avoided the housing collapse that has this country in a depression . Yea lets NOT do what works and has worked in the past.
we should never invest in anything. ever.
roads? let them fall apart.
bridges? let them collapse.
levees, dykes, and dams? who fucking needs them.
we'll just tie lots of balloons to our cargo and float it where we need it to go. mother fuckers.

yep chicken little falls for the sky falling every time don't you? Look at policy for once. How about quit investing in government since they are inefficient, and costly. Government does not create jobs, government creates debt.
yep chicken little falls for the sky falling every time don't you? Look at policy for once. How about quit investing in government since they are inefficient, and costly. Government does not create jobs, government creates debt.

who is the biggest employer in the nation?
who is the biggest employer in the nation?
whose money do they use? I am forced to provide their paycheck against my will. When I spend my money on products that money creates efficient jobs. Mainly efficient and productive jobs. Plus the unproductive ones get cut. That's the free market. A quality product for a good price. If you can't offer that, you fail and someone productive takes your spot.
whose money do they use? I am forced to provide their paycheck against my will. When I spend my money on products that money creates efficient jobs. Mainly efficient and productive jobs. Plus the unproductive ones get cut. That's the free market. A quality product for a good price. If you can't offer that, you fail and someone productive takes your spot.

my wait is shorter at the DMV than if i have to get service in person at the phone or cable company.

and you're not forced to do shit. you are free to seek greener pastures anytime, gramps.