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Welcome, ive noticed numerous post issues already political discussions stay in politics hard stance.

We also dont allow violent images

I have no clue what your referring to. Sincerely happy to see that there is a lunatic given the ability to overeach in a new members area? Nah you got me confused for the woke canadian military you must covet with the mindset you have. Seen hundreds underneath me with similar passive aggressive attempts.......Not only will i not give you a chance to quietly stalk my posts, There's plenty of options for folks nowadays where we dont have to be subjected to outlooks and behaviors exhibited by a "administrator" who no doubt is old enough to be my kid....over reaching lmao thinking i will in anyway allow her skullduggery to permeate my energy and drive to get my things acomplished without professional victims coming at me with misdirected bullchit. Have no issues not coming here again......Dont welcome me! You dont mean one iota of it! Ive lived through and paid taxes long enough where im pretty secure in saying no fuking way am i gonna be censored or misinterpreted like that!
I have no clue what your referring to. Sincerely happy to see that there is a lunatic given the ability to overeach in a new members area? Nah you got me confused for the woke canadian military you must covet with the mindset you have. Seen hundreds underneath me with similar passive aggressive attempts.......Not only will i not give you a chance to quietly stalk my posts, There's plenty of options for folks nowadays where we dont have to be subjected to outlooks and behaviors exhibited by a "administrator" who no doubt is old enough to be my kid....over reaching lmao thinking i will in anyway allow her skullduggery to permeate my energy and drive to get my things acomplished without professional victims coming at me with misdirected bullchit. Have no issues not coming here again......Dont welcome me! You dont mean one iota of it! Ive lived through and paid taxes long enough where im pretty secure in saying no fuking way am i gonna be censored or misinterpreted like that!
No idea what went down here but... there is a politics area for politics. There is a terms of service you agree to when you sign up. It isn't about censorship, it's about not letting the website melt-down over political discussions. Seen it happen in many forums. Political discussions become a disease. The idea here is keep it confined to the politics forum, which is a compromise, but if I was running a forum I'd have an absolute no politics policy period. You probably have no idea to what political discussions can escalate to. Doxing, threats, authorities getting involved. It's crazy, but it's the reality.
No idea what went down here but... there is a politics area for politics. There is a terms of service you agree to when you sign up. It isn't about censorship, it's about not letting the website melt-down over political discussions. Seen it happen in many forums. Political discussions become a disease. The idea here is keep it confined to the politics forum, which is a compromise, but if I was running a forum I'd have an absolute no politics policy period. You probably have no idea to what political discussions can escalate to. Doxing, threats, authorities getting involved. It's crazy, but it's the reality.
you can tell by his response hes exactly that type of person though seeing how he spoke back to me
guy comes on starts ranting about politics, and than when politely asked to stop meltdown
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