Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member

sorry guys, gotta do a really shite update, in a mjor rush but didnt wanna leave you hanging. I'll get some in focus pics tomorrow!

trainwreck still not shown sex, psychosis and mysteryryder are flowering nicely, OG is female but pistil development is slow. ENJOY :D

have a good saturday guys an girls!
Easy wow, hows it goin bo?..........that mysteryryder is gunna yield a shit load mate by the looks of it!! done a wicked job for you 1st scrog mate!

ur so right im a quiet peaceful bloke but once the vodka kicks in then maybe i change a little lol

anyway no more drinking for me was spewing up blood the other day lol not good. dunno tho if it was blood cause it wasnt a dark red? could av been bile i suppose either way that enough for me to stop for a while.

hope alls good in pukka world?
Shit mate sounds nasty hope you good, a little break should do you good mate!....................alls pukka in pukka world bro!! lol

cheers kev! so here's a better update for you all. didnt realise how huge the mysteryryder was until I got her out of the tent for a clean up, shes a bit of a monster. had a little count and theres 25 viable colas doc! theres a few other tops that wont be colas but little golfballs hopefully.



Trainwreck: (lol)


a few double serations on the psychosis, she got a tad burnt on the last watering, where as the trainwreck looks hungry. Gonna have to start feeding those two seperately :fire:
Nice update bro alls lookin real good!!!,.......any smells comin through yet?? that psycho looks like its gunna be sweet!!.........gunna smash you last grow mate just with the mryder!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
WOWZER WOW!!!!!!!!!!! 25 Bloody Colas..mate that is fucking crazy!:weed:
on the mysteryryder..hahah,,, what in the world is a mystery ryder? i want it!!!!!!!!!!!
your garden looks spectacular!
i really like how your bicylcle is in the photos with the mystery ryder.hahahha.. it seals the deals.. you like to bake and bike wowzer, i do, its fun.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

well im totally stoked for you and im very very up for this MYSTERY


Well-Known Member
Easy wow, hows it goin bo?..........that mysteryryder is gunna yield a shit load mate by the looks of it!! done a wicked job for you 1st scrog mate!

Nice update bro alls lookin real good!!!,.......any smells comin through yet?? that psycho looks like its gunna be sweet!!.........gunna smash you last grow mate just with the mryder!!
its all good mate, got four 12 hour shifts this week which sucks but its all £££ innit! i dunno if you can call it a scrog really mate, lol, it overgrew that screen weeks ago but it doesnt look to be suffering. I'd say the OG is the smelliest of the 4, cant put my finger on the smell yet though. Im really looking forward to the psycho as well man after trying sambos. thanks man, I feel like theyve been in way better conditions this time round!

WOWZER WOW!!!!!!!!!!! 25 Bloody Colas..mate that is fucking crazy!:weed:
on the mysteryryder..hahah,,, what in the world is a mystery ryder? i want it!!!!!!!!!!!
your garden looks spectacular!
i really like how your bicylcle is in the photos with the mystery ryder.hahahha.. it seals the deals.. you like to bake and bike wowzer, i do, its fun.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
lol hey doc, ive just started calling the easyryder, "mysteryryder" because i suspect its not an easyryder. I got my beans from a pick an mix site so it wouldnt be too crazy to think that a seed slips into the wrong bag. i do like to bake an bike BUT, those bikes are not mine lol. my bike lives in the house cause its a bit of a beast! hope youre good mate :D


Well-Known Member
cheers fellas, went out there quickly tonight and they're friggin touching the light! not got much room left so they better slow the eff down lol.

ey las, dont make me post pics of my bike!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol na i'm feeling the old skool fuckers ;) my bike is fucked but i did find it on the road so i cant complain gets me from a to b lol


Active Member
just rad up on this thread. looks amazing! that lowryder was gnarly! im hoping my seeds pop soon, and i get something like that! :) sub'd

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
This is my freshly harvested auto blue that you were really keen on wowzer! very fruitfully tasting and a wonderful peppery smell. We enjoyed this bud up on the glacier fed lake. :leaf:
GOAT Lake 6-26-11 021.jpg


Well-Known Member
what a wicked picture that is doc, reckon it should be your new avy!

your psycho will be coming along nicely now mant??


Well-Known Member
they're taking over mate..
i'm trying to get this pineapple auto finished before i need to switch the livers+cho over to 12/12

i put the bamboo supports in for the scrog (just tying it at the moment, hope its not too late) - but i need that damn PE out before i can put the mesh in properly..
livers back left, psycho front left (they're so branchy.. shooting all over the place), pineapple express auto right

got this stuff for the scrog...

more PE shots... she stinks to high heaven.. nice and fruity..




Well-Known Member
Hey mantiszn plants are lookin wicked bro!! come you havent got thread mate, id like to follow along for sure!


Well-Known Member
cheers mate
i'm far to lazy for all that.. haha.. but i suppose if sambo can get around to it anyone can :)
if i start one up i'll drop you a link.. still getting my indoor legs so to speak.. still have a long way to go.. with both equipment and experience

Hey mantiszn plants are lookin wicked bro!! come you havent got thread mate, id like to follow along for sure!
thank you for the kind words..
there's still plenty of time for me to cock it up though ... haha.. hopefully not..
just wish i had more space and more light and more ventilation haha (getting there slowly but surely).

hehe, that looks like my grow a few weeks ago .... just better!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
am i the only one that cant see this pictures? i just see three x's and it dont look I want some bud PRoN wowzer, can you please correct this issue.