Wow Grow's Multi Strain Journal


Well-Known Member

here you go guys (and girl) lol. The mystery bitch is putting out some pistils already, OG18 is a confirmed female, sambo sent me a male psychosis cutting the bastard, ripped that fella straight out the coco! you think you can trust a guy, then he tries to sabotage my friggin grow!

All of em



disclaimer: the psychosis is a female im just seeing if sambo will actually make it to the bottom of this update, dont think he has it in him haha. if you do, ello mate :lol:



Well-Known Member
btw las, dont worry, that trainwreck just got a healthy dose of Canna N. bring her back to the proper colour ;)


Well-Known Member
you should get that lil pyscho raised up m8 ona another pot or something so its more even with the canopy looks abit swamped in there with ya monsters your gonna all this geezer.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
haha i wasnt gonna say anything u got it under control now :)

loving the ghetto drawings... doc u remember them drawings i sent u ages ago???


Well-Known Member
FUCK, thats what I went in there to do as well sambo! memory like a friggin sieve. ill get on it tomorrow.

haha cheers las, you've sorted me out a treat in the past, havent quite forgotten that!

heading out now fellas, ill catch up with you all tomorrow! have a good one


Well-Known Member
Stretchy indeed, gona be a bitch to keep that canopy all even, lookin lovely tho, i see good things for that lowryder

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
bongsmilieHey Wowseph, YOUr tent looks real sweet..The girls look super healthy, excellent gardening skills mate!
It seems like everyone has Psychosis except for me:-(
your lucky sambo was kind to you wow, hes a hell of a guy, gotts to love that sambo. peace sambo!
hope you have a bitchin weekend wowzzzzie!

Fingerez send them drawings to me again mo foe...;-) you musta sent them elsewhere.


Well-Known Member

here you go guys (and girl) lol. The mystery bitch is putting out some pistils already, OG18 is a confirmed female, sambo sent me a male psychosis cutting the bastard, ripped that fella straight out the coco! you think you can trust a guy, then he tries to sabotage my friggin grow!

All of em



disclaimer: the psychosis is a female im just seeing if sambo will actually make it to the bottom of this update, dont think he has it in him haha. if you do, ello mate :lol:
Ello matey things are lookin wicked, shot up daft since the hps ant they its gunna be mad in there soon, lookin foward to some buddage shots of you mate
Have a good un!!


Well-Known Member
Ello matey things are lookin wicked, shot up daft since the hps ant they its gunna be mad in there soon, lookin foward to some buddage shots of you mate
Have a good un!!
alright black man, yeh its looking like a jungle. the easyryder looks to be about a week ahead of the others cause it was dying to be flipped at about 6 weeks, then got like another 2 lol. should get some nice colas off her though, and im hoping for just a stick of trainreck lol, it'll look like a little christmas tree!

bongsmilieHey Wowseph, YOUr tent looks real sweet..The girls look super healthy, excellent gardening skills mate!
It seems like everyone has Psychosis except for me:-(
your lucky sambo was kind to you wow, hes a hell of a guy, gotts to love that sambo. peace sambo!
hope you have a bitchin weekend wowzzzzie!

Fingerez send them drawings to me again mo foe...;-) you musta sent them elsewhere.
lol hes alright really isnt he ;) just jokin man, i think hes fuggin hilarious and a generous geezer for gifting me with such a sick clone.

Stretchy indeed, gona be a bitch to keep that canopy all even, lookin lovely tho, i see good things for that lowryder
the canopy isn't going to be remotely even lol, would've been if id flipped when the screen was full but wanted the little uns to grow up a bit so the screen just got overgrown and it all went to shit. like you say though, should be nice!


Well-Known Member
Cheers kev.

Went out to water last night and picked up the psychosis only to find half the root system hanging out the bottom lol. Think it's cause there was some water in the tray it was sat in so they decided to venture out. Look healthy though so it's all good!



las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i'm proberbly really wrong so dont do it but i cut them off with a stanly and re-pot with a nice full strength rhizio ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't have any more coco lads! I think it might have something to do with the fact that when I knocked her out the pot she lost a lot of roots so I practically drowned her in rhizo to de stress and get the roots back lol. shes going to be veryyyyyy rootbound come chop time :(


Well-Known Member
same thing happend to me second wk into flower,


see the pyscho in the middle i put some soil in the 15ltr and then put the 11ltr inside it lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i can see already sambos way being better than my idea :) lmao ;)

if it would of been in an airpot....... hahaha ;) oh shit saying that i re-potted a psyco the other week in a normal por and i'm not flipping it for another 2 weeks, oopps lol ;)


Well-Known Member
damn thats weird man, im in my 2nd week of flower now as well. must just be a coincidence. I would do that sambo but i dont have any coco left lol and im not buying a 50L bag just to cushion that one. you two know my situation so I wouldnt get another chance to use it. Del uses smaller pots than that in his 12.12 from seed and does really well, with 2 weeks of veg I think the psycho will be fine, its all for me anyway so im not fussed lol :D