Refute my claims. (Silly MM

What have I stated wrong? Maybe you are the one that needs the sand. Do you not understand my logic or are you too brainwashed because of the media saying "global warming this" and "global warming that". I'm sure you(MM) knows that the media and the gov't sleep together. If you let the media(TV) monopolize your source of "info" than I feel bad for you, and I understand why the only thing you can say is "more sand for you"
Open your mind my friend. I don't have a problem trying to explain something in more detail as long as you try to either refute my postulates or take heed.
Global Warming - Crock of Bullshit.
Anyone read Michael Crichton's State of Fear
In it one of the character's says that the atmosphere can be explained as follows.
You take a 100 yard football field (from endzone to endzone), Nitrogen takes you up to the 78 Yard Line, Oxygen takes you to the 98 Yard Line, Argon takes you to a few inches short of the Goal Line, and Carbon counts for almost all the rest. The change from CO2 released by Manmade activities accounts for 3/8ths of an inch, less than the width of a pencil.
It also mentions the fact that most of the predictions that are being forced into our minds by MSM our computer models that can't reliably predict the weather five days or a week from now, but some how are being trusted to be able to predict the weather decades from now.
I'm not going to say that environmentalists are all bad, but the majority are brainwashed boobs incapable of formulating independent thoughts that follow their beliefs like it was religion and to challenge it is Heresy, Treason and Blasphemy.
Though, some good things that have been done would be forcing industry to clean up their pollution. I remember hearing about acid rain in the North East US in Highschool, but I don't remember hearing about it recently. That's a good thing.
Environmentalists have also forced our cars to become cleaner and less polluting through Catalytic Converters. Also a good thing, I like being able to breathe outside.
Though, I have to hate their push behind Wind (Bird Killers) and Solar (Land Inefficient). They also seem to think that Electric Vehicles are a solution, when all Plug Ins would do is transfer the pollution from the tailpipes to power plants. The real solutions are Hydrogen and Fusion, and maybe Solar Power Satellites (but Fusion would be a lot better.)
But Global Warming is a crock of bullshit. In the 1970s it was Global Freezing, and in the 1930s it was Global Warming, so this is not a "new" concern, it's just an old concern that flip-flops (like Gore, Clinton and Obama) back and forth every generation or so.