• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

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Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello we tatrded,

You may be right.... I am by no means believing I am right....BUT LA gore has my attention and I don't think he has an ANGEL other than to help the world..

Some people have speculated that if the earth were even minutely different in its position or rotational speeds or gravitational pull that life would be drastocally different than what we see today..

I propose that we are in such perfect balance, that yes 1 billion plus cars on the planet does effect the weather.. lol... that millions of tankers and factories does effect the weather,.... does effect the atmosphere...

Scientist speculate, in the past 200 years, more people have populated the earth than all the other people in the history of time... man has walked the planet for 200,000 years +-

Further more... 100 years AGO no food was made, used in cultivation, or transported using gasoline.... today, 99% of all food is made with petroleum based fertilizers, gas powered tractors and truck thats ship the food around the world...

For 199,900 years no gasoline was BURNED... BURNED BURNED... today... it is the source of all life.. GAS is GOD... lol

Gas is the opium for the masses...

What's even more bizarre, is that in 100 years there will not be gas to bring this food to the tables or you're local costco...

If nothing else, Al Gore has brought a very important subect to the table and those that dispute what he is saying with anger or hatred or with the desire to be right... are the ones with ulterior motives... If anything, he should be WORKED with.. people should try and find the source for the ailing planet.. not attack GORE.. they attack gore because they are afraid...

Al Gore is not promoting the annihilation of blacks or jews or armenians... he is proposing that the planet is in trouble and that action needs to be taken...

I have never met anybody who dislikes the movie unless they disliked Al Gore first... ..
iloveyou too :)


Well-Known Member
I have never met anybody who dislikes the movie unless they disliked Al Gore first... ..
iloveyou too :)
if you love me you'll understand....................... :lol: lmao jk, thats something my girl would say.. but in all honesty check out this link, it might enlighten you

also, i never had any problems with al gore and i thought he was sincere when i first watched his movie. after people were telling me that global warming isn't man made and not contingent upon co2 than i started doing my own research.. i am now certain that our present output of co2 does not have any substantial effect on global warming!!! the average co2 concentrations over the last 10K years is ~270 ppm, our present concentration of co2 is now ~300 ppm(its a little more if you live in a city for obvious reasons).. so there is only a difference of ~30 ppm over the last 10 000 years.. 95% of greenhouse gases are water vapor!! go figure :D


Well-Known Member
Why would you promote proven falsehoods?

Here's something American media are virtually guaranteed to not report: a British court has determined that Al Gore's schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" contains at least eleven material falsehoods.

How marvelous. And what are those inaccuracies?
  • The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government's expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
  • The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that it was "not possible" to attribute one-off events to global warming.
  • The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert had to accept that this was not the case.
  • The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
  • The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant's evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
  • The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
  • The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.
  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.
  • The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
  • The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.

Milf I love you! I will share my bud with you anytime day or night!


Well-Known Member
Then how come the government doesn't want to use the great free energy technologies? Hydrogen powered cars? water powered?
Can you say "politics" aka money! There are lobbyists that buy out politicians (or at the very least, persuade them with dollars:mrgreen:) so they have can work together, with the lobbyists ideas in mind.

BTW blonddie, I don't think a car can run exclusively off water. A car CAN run exclusively off of hydrogen though(and it then turns back to water after it has been used as a fuel source.)


Co2 is a green house gas, but its also essential to life, and our present day levels(~350ppm) are nothing to be concerned with. Man emits approx ~3% of the annual co2. Over 70% of greenhouse gases are water vapor(thats why deserts get really cold at night. Its because they doesn't have as much water vapor acting as their greenhouse gas.)

Another thing Al Gore fails to admit, is that temp mostly induces co2 change and not the other way around. Al Gores co2 vs temp graph is totally skewed in respect of whats effecting what. The reason why temps change co2 is because the ocean is a HUGE body of water, and it has dissolved gases in it. To be candid, the colder the ocean, the more dissolved co2 is can absorb, and thusly lowering the atmospheric concentration. And the converse is also true, the warmer the ocean, the less dissolved co2 it can absorb, and thusly rising the atmospheric concentration levels.

Its a little technical, but if you(the reader) has any questions than, look it up via your computer.




New Member
I wish I could afford to send all you head in the sand anti-global warming freaks some more sand, maybe then you could bury your head far enough to forget about the Iraq/Iran wars also. What Iran war you ask? The one thats coming along with some really fucked up weather, mark my words.
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Well-Known Member
I wish I could afford to send all you head in the sand anti-global warming freaks some more sand, maybe then you could bury your head far enough to forget about the Iraq/Iran wars also. What Iran war you ask? The one thats coming along with some really fucked up weather, mark my words.
Who is forgetting about the war? Are you implying that people can't discuss different subjects on a forum because yours is more important to you?

The Iran war has nothing to do with weather and all to do with our shady mobster politics that we so admire(HAHA JK)..

Once people realize that Al Gore was making up loads of shyt about "global warming", than they also might realize that the gov't lies to us on different subjects too. Like 911 for example.




New Member
Who is forgetting about the war? Are you implying that people can't discuss different subjects on a forum because yours is more important to you?

The Iran war has nothing to do with weather and all to do with our shady mobster politics that we so admire(HAHA JK)..

Once people realize that Al Gore was making up loads of shyt about "global warming", than they also might realize that the gov't lies to us on different subjects too. Like 911 for example.


We, my friend, I've got a couple of hundred pound bags of sand, send me your address.
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Well-Known Member
Duhhh, I live in Vegas. It gets plenty hot here as it is.
Your the one that opts to live where you do. Move up north if you don't like the heat. I can assure you, that man has had a nil effect on climate change. Once again I ask the question WHAT INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE(THE UPS AND DOWNS OF ICE AGES AND GLOBAL WARMING PERIODS) BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION!

The Jurassic period had purportedly over ~10 times(up to ~4000ppm compared to present day ~350ppm) the amount of co2 concentrations as present day.

MM, don't claim Global Warming is an eminent threat because you live in the hot desert and you don't want it to get warmer. But rather, refute my claims with scientific evidence to support your claims. Stating your opinion based upon your opted circumstance is not acceptable. So, DONT LIVE IN THE DESERT IF YOU DON'T LIKE HOT WEATHER. AND DON'T BLAME IT ON GLOBAL WARMING WHEN YOU KNOW ITS INNATELY HOT THERE ALL THE TIME. :mrgreen:

I would be a fool if I lived in a rain forest and blamed the rain and humidity on man. (No offense) Do you honestly think the weather has been stupendously different than that of 40 or 50 years ago?


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New Member
Send it here, med. Did you see my post on Mr. Gore's own household energy consumption? :lol:
No, I didn't. I usually don't read things I don't care about like Gores energy consumption, after all, he is a rich man. I'm sure he lives like one, and I'd assume that would entail consuming lots of energy. Yes I see the hypocracy, I'm sure that was your inferance. Whats your address, sand will be on the way,~LOL~. BTW, I went to the FBI auction and bought a nice 35 ft. 5th wheel trailer for 600.00. Already got it delivered and set up. Now I can move my kids out of the house, Just needs some cleaning, I'll be lucky if I can get them to do that.
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Well-Known Member
No, I didn't. I usually don't read things I don't care about like Gores energy consumption, after all, he is a rich man. I'm sure he lives like one, and I'd assume that would entail consuming lots of energy. Yes I see the hypocracy, I'm sure that was your inferance. Whats your address, sand will be on the way,~LOL~. BTW, I went to the FBI auction and bought a nice 35 ft. 5th wheel trailer for 600.00. Already got it delivered and set up. Now I can move my kids out of the house, Just needs some cleaning, I'll be lucky if I can get them to do that.
NO SHIT! 35' trailer..??? And it's in good condition? I'm assuming you're talking about a travel trailer. Sacre bleu, if that's true that is an amazing deal.

And yes, absolutely that's my inference. I expect a person such as Gore, ESPECIALLY with all the spouting he's done and still does, with all the proselytizing, and now his push behind Obama, to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. At that point he's become worse than Barbara fucking Streisand. Think about it, who better to be able to cut such a thing as power consumption than a rich man who can easily afford all the solar and other "alternative" forms of green energy than an exceedingly rich man?
Your the one that opts to live where you do. Move up north if you don't like the heat. I can assure you, that man has had a nil effect on climate change. Once again I ask the question WHAT INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE(THE UPS AND DOWNS OF ICE AGES AND GLOBAL WARMING PERIODS) BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION!

The Jurassic period had purportedly over ~10 times(up to ~4000ppm compared to present day ~350ppm) the amount of co2 concentrations as present day.

MM, don't claim Global Warming is an eminent threat because you live in the hot desert and you don't want it to get warmer. But rather, refute my claims with scientific evidence to support your claims. Stating your opinion based upon your opted circumstance is not acceptable. So, DONT LIVE IN THE DESERT IF YOU DON'T LIKE HOT WEATHER. AND DON'T BLAME IT ON GLOBAL WARMING WHEN YOU KNOW ITS INNATELY HOT THERE ALL THE TIME. :mrgreen:

I would be a fool if I lived in a rain forest and blamed the rain and humidity on man. (No offense) Do you honestly think the weather has been stupendously different than that of 40 or 50 years ago?


3/6 largest hurricanes occurred in '05 so that suggests yes. Glaciers are in retreat, droughts have doubled in 30 years, not to mention hurricanes happening in places never recorded in history prior.


Well-Known Member
3/6 largest hurricanes occurred in '05 so that suggests yes. Glaciers are in retreat, droughts have doubled in 30 years, not to mention hurricanes happening in places never recorded in history prior.
Where I live, this winter had the most snowfall than in the last 4 or 5 years, whats your point?

The summer gets hot and the winter gets cold, earths climate is always changing. Back in the 30's or 40's they were talking about global cooling as opposed to "global warming".

So 3/6th the largest hurricanes occurred in 05..... ok...... If the global warming is as true as Al Gore depicts, than I would expect every year would get worse and worse. So my question is, why would last winter (2008...) have unprecedented snowfall(and cold temps) from the last 5 years?

I'm not saying co2 isn't a greenhouse gas, and I'm not saying co2 doesn't have any effect of temps. What I am saying is that our co2 production is approx ~3% of the total emitted co2 into the atmosphere. I am saying that over ~70% of green house gases are water vapor. I am saying that the graph that Al Gore depicts and says co2 changes temps IS WRONG- its scientifically proven that temps actually change co2 levels and not vice-versa. I am saying that the earth goes through natural ups and downs as far as global warming or global cooling is concerned.

I'm saying pollution should be more of a concern than co2 output. Pollution is undoubtedly BAD for the environment but co2 is not a pollutant! I am not advocating car emissions but rather stating that the co2 from the emissions have an utterly diminutive effect on our globe. I strongly advocate hydrogen powered cars whos only byproduct is water. I am conscious of the environment but I am a realist at the same time.

If we wanted to really prevent "global warming" than the best thing for us to do would be to cover the ocean to prevent water evaporation. That would surely cool the earth fast! Our current output of co2 has a nil effect on "global warming".

If you have any questions on any of my statements than I would surely post a link/reference for you to see.:mrgreen:


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Well-Known Member
Are you claiming pollution causes global warming or the ocean?
Do you think I implied that? :?

I am not saying that pollution has anything to do with global warming. I am saying co2 and pollution are two different entities. Co2 is natural, we breath in oxygen and breath out co2, the plants breath in co2 and breath out co2- Its a symbiotic relationship, and I do not consider co2 a pollutant one bit. Without co2 our world would not be possible. We need co2 for our plants to survive, as we know it.

I am saying pollution like smog and the other harmful byproducts of burning gasoline are not good for the environment. The same reason why you don't want to stick your face into the exhaust pipe of a car. The bad byproducts go into the air and eventually have to go somewhere. Co2 is not a harmful byproduct of gasoline! Co2 is our friend!

