Would this eliminate smell?


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Well-Known Member
Negative ion generators remove smell almost too well. If it's big enough to remove odour from exhaust air it also removes almost all fragrance from your bud. Not a good thing.I have tried this and was not happy with results. Use a carbon filter instead.


Well-Known Member
Well i will be growing only one or two plants tops. Unfortunately cant afford a carbon filter currently. And not sure i want to rely on sprays alone as it will inevitably seep through. Then again i dont want to get rid of the smell of my bud..

My grow room is in a closet, so im worried about the smell affecting the room outside the closet. so if i had the ion gen in that room near the door of the closet would it work then? Without affecting the smell of my bud

Thanks for the replies guys


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah it should work, but I still don't know if I'd do it. Without the fragrance something is just missing.