Would Mitt Romney extend Unemployment Benefits?

ill say this where i dont have an isseu directly with unemployment , and have never been on never filed never wanted too even when i was out of work, it needs to be worker re-education orientated program, and not whatever is clever . . . .

heres your check

I love your idea, although I'm not sure what you meant by clever. Re-training and re-educating out of work workers would be an excellent idea and exactly what this country needs for an economy where the work force needed is ever so changing. The only catch... Doing all that is expensive. I wouldn't mind it- I know that spending money on education and training isn't spending, it's investing. Education is by far the most important thing to America, or any country for that matter. And because of the expense, it would be a bloodbath to get through both the house and senate. I would be all in favor of that...

My question to you Samwell Seed Well- If it were to be proposed, you would hear many arguments like this: Why should unemployed workers get free training or education? I'm currently working and I have to pay if I want that!

Very similar to the argument against educating and training inmates in prison.

I assume you would stand by what you are saying, wouldn't you?
Mr. Neutron- I'm sorry, I have been having problems with the quote button all night, and it seems like you are too. Again I'm sorry. I don't think that I can go back and edit quotes. If I can I will. I just need help from someone, maybe a moderator, to explain how to. And if it is possible maybe you can correct inaccurate quote of me in your post as well.
right but worker reeducation only employes more teachers and staff those are jobs!!, i have a major problem with DOD and military budgets when there are real problems here

no wag the dog shit, keeping america in fear or terrorism

check the quote

"We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer.” Hunter S. Thompson
Mr. Neutron- States can deny claims numerous ways. One example is if you weren't working long enough, basically you haven't paid into it enough if you only worked one week. Another, you must gross and certain amount per quarter, again- that's because you can't just work 1 hour a week for the qualified length of time because you wouldn't make enough to qualify. Another, you must have been "let go" from your prior job that fits the criteria. i.e. you can't quit.

I think I know what you're getting at, but I could be wrong. You see, if you make 2,000 per week- you will most likely max out your benefit- which is usually around $400. But say you make $250 per week and qualify- your benefit would probably be about $150 (guess). You don't get your full take home pay as a benefit. You must pay in to get your benefit. And then you're benefit would be on a scale- depending on how much you payed into the system. Just like most other insurance systems. Got an expensive care- high insurance. Low costing car- low insurance. Keep in mind- more and less coverage, respectively
right but worker reeducation only employes more teachers and staff those are jobs!!, i have a major problem with DOD and military budgets when there are real problems here

no wag the dog shit, we see to keep america in fear or terrorism

check the quote

"We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear—fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of getting evicted for bad debts or suddenly getting locked up in a military detention camp on vague charges of being a Terrorist sympathizer.” Hunter S. Thompson

I'm not quite sure what you're saying... I'll re-read it again soon. Gotta catch some ZzZzZz...
Mr. Neutron- I'm sorry, I have been having problems with the quote button all night, and it seems like you are too. Again I'm sorry. I don't think that I can go back and edit quotes. If I can I will. I just need help from someone, maybe a moderator, to explain how to. And if it is possible maybe you can correct inaccurate quote of me in your post as well.

no worries, mate...
I am divided on the extentions.
I know more than one person who stayed on unemployment for the full time (including extentions) and never once filled out an application until they finally stopped extending it. Each person I knew was employeed within weeks of losing their unemployment.
I actually felt like Obama had hurt himself by continuing to extend it. He could have had much higher job reports much sooner had he stopped giving away free money.
if the republican montra is "mcdonalds is hiring" i think i'll deport my damn self. i'm not gonna be nobody's slave, and minimum wage is basically slave wage.
if the republican montra is "mcdonalds is hiring" i think i'll deport my damn self. i'm not gonna be nobody's slave, and minimum wage is basically slave wage.

Working at Mcdonalds beats the hell out of not working, any way you turn it.
Here is the problem of today's society, too much is beneath them.
Like another forum dedicated to users, I can't believe how many growers are right-wing types. Makes me want to grow my own, just to keep from giving you my money directly.

If you are not independently wealthy, a vote for Romney is like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12GA rifled slug. You won't heal from that.
I am divided on the extentions.
I know more than one person who stayed on unemployment for the full time (including extentions) and never once filled out an application until they finally stopped extending it. Each person I knew was employeed within weeks of losing their unemployment.
I actually felt like Obama had hurt himself by continuing to extend it. He could have had much higher job reports much sooner had he stopped giving away free money.

I don't know what sort of people your friends are but when my income is cut from 7k a month to 1700 and my morgage is 2800 I can't afford to sit on my ass while I watch my savings evaporate. That may be "free money" but it isn't enough to allow most people to watch espn and drink beer any longer than it takes to lick one's wounds and figure out a new strategy.

And of course there is that other little reality that the right seems to dance with. They claim that folks who aren't getting unemployment anymore are quick to "finally" find work and they even use that as an excuse to cut those folks off. But they also claim that the unemployment numbers are incorrect because they don't reflect those who have exhausted their benifits. But according to folks like you, all those who have rolled off the welfare system are working anway so the numbers really ARE correct.

You guys don't much think about the ramifications of your arguments - and yet Freedomworks claims that it is liberals who are deficient in logic.