Would Mitt Romney extend Unemployment Benefits?

Thanks for the input. Naturally it reflects our own values.

I suppose the question now is how bad is bad for Romney.
No he wouldn't. And yes, he is stupid. This is the same man that, through Bain, destroyed companies, livelihoods, life savings, pensions, and human beings. He got rich off the misery of his fellow citizens. Middle class productive people with jobs and homes. People that he helped impoverish. People that died because they didn't have money to cover medical costs due to lack of insurance and income. Do you really thing he is going to give two shits about the unemployed? He already stated that 47% of the nation are nothing but moochers and losers (paraphrasing). He is the Corporate puppet and will dance to their tune. You can kiss medicare and medicaid goodbye. We will have a voucher system that won't even come close to covering the ever increasing high cost of profit driven medical care. Plus affordable coverage will be a thing of the past. We truly will have "death panels" at that point.

Mitt Romney is out for one thing. His own glory. Sacrificing the well being of hundreds of thousands of people would be nothing to him.

Still repeating those party lies like a good 0bama robot....
It should be obvious to anyone reading your dribble that the truth is a total stranger to you and your ilk.
You are a prime example of what is wrong with America.
Still repeating those party lies like a good 0bama robot....
It should be obvious to anyone reading your dribble that the truth is a total stranger to you and your ilk.
You are a prime example of what is wrong with America.

Me and my ilk? Who are you, Simon Barsinister? Do you have a curly moustache that you stroke while plotting evil deeds?

Attacking me won't change the facts. He has said most of this shit out of his own mouth. The guy can't stop talking.
it wasn't a justification, it was a listing of facts.

unemployment insurance get spent back into the economy, increasing demand.

but i forgot that racist nigga haters like yourself don't give a shit about facts that don't fit your narrative of things.

I say it was a justification for people getting free money.
Gotta watch what you say, you also claimed the leaves you trim off you plants turn brown, and we all found out how wrong you were on that simple subject! LOL
your whole country is a welfare state
Yeah and it's crippling growth cos everyone (God forbid you should have a job) and everything is taxed the shit out of; it kills consumption, it kills tourism and it kills growth.

Also when they give you free cash they seem to expect to be let "nanny state" people, I guess if you act like children the Government treats you like them.

Do you really want to follow Europe down its drift into the left-driven stagnant pool?
Still repeating those party lies like a good 0bama robot....
It should be obvious to anyone reading your dribble that the truth is a total stranger to you and your ilk.
You are a prime example of what is wrong with America.

Still repeating those party lies like a good romney robot....
It should be obvious to anyone reading your dribble that the truth is a total stranger to you and your ilk.
You are a prime example of what is wrong with America.
I say it was a justification for people getting free money.
Gotta watch what you say, you also claimed the leaves you trim off you plants turn brown, and we all found out how wrong you were on that simple subject! LOL

it's not a justification. it's a fact. unemployment insurance gets spent back into the economy.

and yes, leaves do turn brown when they fall off their host. witness autumn, you racist simpleton.
it's not a justification. it's a fact. unemployment insurance gets spent back into the economy.

and yes, leaves do turn brown when they fall off their host. witness autumn, you racist simpleton.

Obama's spending record has been shown that 20 cents on the dollar of their spending reaches the economy. You are repeating a Pelosi lie she got from keynesian economists, not anyone else. If UE bucks were really worth 1.30, then the best plan would be to increase UE rolls to get the economy moving. I doubt even you would agree with this. It's flawed logic.

Autumn leaves fall when dead, not cut. They actually turn brown, then fall. If you cut them they would dry out green.
Obama's spending record has been shown that 20 cents on the dollar of their spending reaches the economy. You are repeating a Pelosi lie she got from keynesian economists, not anyone else. If UE bucks were really worth 1.30, then the best plan would be to increase UE rolls to get the economy moving. I doubt even you would agree with this. It's flawed logic.

Autumn leaves fall when dead, not cut. They actually turn brown, then fall. If you cut them they would dry out green.

When I said:

  • Besides SNAP, Unemployment insurance in the number one wealth multiplier. Something like $1.00 = $1.30.... < that could be wrong... but close. I'm not sure of the exact ratio. Beneficiaries of programs such as SNAP and unemployment insurance need the benefits. Therefore as soon as they get it, they spend it, in general that is. Basically they don't save it because they are out of work. They go to the store and spend it on food, rent, ect. EX. Go to the store, buy corn. Cashier gets paid, managers staffed and get paid, store profits, more drivers needed to deliver the corn, farmers have more demand for their corn, ect. Unemployment insurance is a wealth multiplier, 2nd best. Unlike tax cuts to the very wealthy who tend to save it. Tax cuts to upper income earners usually generate like 75 cents on the dollar. If we were to end unemployment insurance with high Unemployment numbers like we do, the economy would slow to a crawl due to the lack of- lets say stimulation. Stores wouldn't sell as much, landlords wouldn't get paid, then the landlords don't go to the store as much, maybe skip a vacation... Nasty cycle. ECONOMICS 101​


I was wrong... It is actually more. Unemployment Insurance has a multiplier effect of 2:1. That's right, not $1.30 to every $1.00.... Instead it's $2.00 for every $1.00 spent within the unemployment insurance (U.E.). Here's a quote from the Department of Labor: "have a multiplier effect of 2.0: for every dollar spent on unemployment insurance, this report finds an increase in economic activity of two dollars." Work Cited: http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/eta20101615fs.htm#.UHTe-S77Jf0

Also from http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3756 :

"The most effective policies to boost aggregate demand, per dollar of budget cost, in a weak economy are those that deliver extra resources to those who are most likely to spend immediately (rather than save) a large share of whatever they receive. The business or person receiving any money spent may also spend some portion of what they receive, further boosting demand, and so on (the “multiplier” effect).
High-income taxpayers tend to save a much greater proportion of the last dollar of income they receive than low- and moderate-income households do.a This is why CBO estimates that tax cuts for lower-income people generate much more near-term output per dollar of budget cost — i.e., have a greater multiplier effect — than tax cuts directed at high-income people."

So there it is, in plain writing since you all don't believe me. As for the moral aspect- beenthere, you said this to UncleBuck :

  • I say it was a justification for people getting free money.
    Gotta watch what you say, you also claimed the leaves you trim off you plants turn brown, and we all found out how wrong you were on that simple subject! LOL​

Unemployment insurance is not "justification for giving people free money", as you put it. It's insurance. Everyone that is a beneficiary of U.E. has paid into it, just like any other insurance. If you have a car and insurance, and if you crash your car and file a claim- Would you be getting free money from your insurance provider when they give you a check to fix your car? I don't think so. Think about it... Then let me know your thoughts.
it's not a justification. it's a fact. unemployment insurance gets spent back into the economy.

and yes, leaves do turn brown when they fall off their host. witness autumn, you racist simpleton.

It seems much like many of the liberal communist progressive nut jobs your rants get more pathetic each day much
like the Obama regimes. Has a day gone by that you haven't called someone who disagreed with you a racist?
Talk about a simpleton you make simpletons seem like intellects.
It seems much like many of the liberal communist progressive nut jobs your rants get more pathetic each day much
like the Obama regimes. Has a day gone by that you haven't called someone who disagreed with you a racist?
Talk about a simpleton you make simpletons seem like intellects.

I don't understand? What are you disputing? Do you have anything to say of substance? Or is that your typical- "You're wrong, you're wrong- Liberals Suck" post? Because some of us here want substance.. you know- constructive conversation based on facts... kinda like my post above, #29. Go ahead- give it your best shot, because you are the one that looks pretty... how did you put it? "pathetic" when facts smack you in the face. So so sad.
solid points you two

never thought id agree with freedom guy but i guess hes only in the 100's post count

if possible health care reform is hampered by obama care then it should be rethought,it can work

Unemployment reform.... It's easy to say you want to reform it. But how? You agreed to not cut it.. Then what do you mean? Specifics please...

Social security reform.... Social security doesn't need reform in my opinion... It goes "bankrupt" in... 2024 (I think, its been revised many times). Now you hear it goes "bankrupt" in 10 or 15 years, its a well known talking point of the right, but what they don't say is the 2.2 trillion dollar surplus it has that will carry out full benefits for another 25 years after it is "bankrupt" and then be able to pay 78% of benefits for as long as we can see (78% or 87% I'm not sure but I can check if someone would like). The reason that we don't normally hear the 2.2 trillion dollar surplus it has is because that money was secured in the social security trust fund, notes held by the Federal Reserve. The problem... It was spent under Bush for several things, such as war and the medicare prescription expansion. So do we need to reform social security? Or do we need our money back?

Medicare reform... Can't disagree with you there. By far our biggest driver of debt. But I would be a little more specific. I think we need to reform out entire health care system. That's a whole different can of worms though.

Your thoughts are welcomed.
When I said:

  • Besides SNAP, Unemployment insurance in the number one wealth multiplier. Something like $1.00 = $1.30.... < that could be wrong... but close. I'm not sure of the exact ratio. Beneficiaries of programs such as SNAP and unemployment insurance need the benefits. Therefore as soon as they get it, they spend it, in general that is. Basically they don't save it because they are out of work. They go to the store and spend it on food, rent, ect. EX. Go to the store, buy corn. Cashier gets paid, managers staffed and get paid, store profits, more drivers needed to deliver the corn, farmers have more demand for their corn, ect. Unemployment insurance is a wealth multiplier, 2nd best. Unlike tax cuts to the very wealthy who tend to save it. Tax cuts to upper income earners usually generate like 75 cents on the dollar. If we were to end unemployment insurance with high Unemployment numbers like we do, the economy would slow to a crawl due to the lack of- lets say stimulation. Stores wouldn't sell as much, landlords wouldn't get paid, then the landlords don't go to the store as much, maybe skip a vacation... Nasty cycle. ECONOMICS 101​


I was wrong... It is actually more. Unemployment Insurance has a multiplier effect of 2:1. That's right, not $1.30 to every $1.00.... Instead it's $2.00 for every $1.00 spent within the unemployment insurance (U.E.). Here's a quote from the Department of Labor: "have a multiplier effect of 2.0: for every dollar spent on unemployment insurance, this report finds an increase in economic activity of two dollars." Work Cited: http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/eta20101615fs.htm#.UHTe-S77Jf0

Also from http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3756 :

"The most effective policies to boost aggregate demand, per dollar of budget cost, in a weak economy are those that deliver extra resources to those who are most likely to spend immediately (rather than save) a large share of whatever they receive. The business or person receiving any money spent may also spend some portion of what they receive, further boosting demand, and so on (the “multiplier” effect).
High-income taxpayers tend to save a much greater proportion of the last dollar of income they receive than low- and moderate-income households do.a This is why CBO estimates that tax cuts for lower-income people generate much more near-term output per dollar of budget cost — i.e., have a greater multiplier effect — than tax cuts directed at high-income people."

So there it is, in plain writing since you all don't believe me. As for the moral aspect- beenthere, you said this to UncleBuck :

Unemployment insurance is not "justification for giving people free money", as you put it. It's insurance. Everyone that is a beneficiary of U.E. has paid into it, just like any other insurance. If you have a car and insurance, and if you crash your car and file a claim- Would you be getting free money from your insurance provider when they give you a check to fix your car? I don't think so. Think about it... Then let me know your thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Well then, just fire everybody and put them on unemployment... recession gone.

Even though it is called unemployment "insurance", that is deceiving. It is certainly NOT insurance.
I was wrong... It is actually more. Unemployment Insurance has a multiplier effect of 2:1. That's right, not $1.30 to every $1.00.... Instead it's $2.00 for every $1.00 spent within the unemployment insurance (U.E.). Here's a quote from the Department of Labor: "have a multiplier effect of 2.0: for every dollar spent on unemployment insurance, this report finds an increase in economic activity of two dollars." Work Cited: http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/eta20101615fs.htm#.UHTe-S77Jf0

Also from http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3756 :

"The most effective policies to boost aggregate demand, per dollar of budget cost, in a weak economy are those that deliver extra resources to those who are most likely to spend immediately (rather than save) a large share of whatever they receive. The business or person receiving any money spent may also spend some portion of what they receive, further boosting demand, and so on (the &#8220;multiplier&#8221; effect).
High-income taxpayers tend to save a much greater proportion of the last dollar of income they receive than low- and moderate-income households do.a This is why CBO estimates that tax cuts for lower-income people generate much more near-term output per dollar of budget cost &#8212; i.e., have a greater multiplier effect &#8212; than tax cuts directed at high-income people."

So there it is, in plain writing since you all don't believe me. As for the moral aspect- beenthere, you said this to UncleBuck :

Unemployment insurance is not "justification for giving people free money", as you put it. It's insurance. Everyone that is a beneficiary of U.E. has paid into it, just like any other insurance. If you have a car and insurance, and if you crash your car and file a claim- Would you be getting free money from your insurance provider when they give you a check to fix your car? I don't think so. Think about it... Then let me know your thoughts.

Well then, just fire everybody and put them on unemployment... recession gone.

Even though it is called unemployment "insurance", that is deceiving. It is certainly NOT insurance.[/QUOTE]

Oh, how foolish... Do I have to explain to you what insurance is? Do I have to explain to you how risk is spread? And yes, it most certainly is insurance. Your comment reveals a profound ignorance about insurance.
Well then, just fire everybody and put them on unemployment... recession gone.

Even though it is called unemployment "insurance", that is deceiving. It is certainly NOT insurance.

Oh, how foolish... Do I have to explain to you what insurance is? Do I have to explain to you how risk is spread? And yes, it most certainly is insurance. Your comment reveals a profound ignorance about insurance.[/QUOTE]

First, I ask that you fix that quote you attributed to me which I did not make.

Second, I know how insurance works AND I know how unemployment works in a couple states, anyway. If it is insurance, then how do states get away with denying a claim?
ill say this where i dont have an isseu directly with unemployment , and have never been on never filed never wanted too even when i was out of work, it needs to be worker re-education orientated program, and not whatever is clever . . . .

heres your check