Would all Irish growers please stand up!!


Active Member
im a wannabe beginner grower from Galway:mrgreen: i saw the bit about shrooms, im getting 40 smallish shrooms for 40 euro is that good or bad ?

fuck that!!!! you could pick em yourself!!! its the perfect time of year just look up shrooms on google n print pics of the tripy 1s and go to ur local forrest/wild grass land SORTED!!!!
bu 40euro is a but steep since its easy to find/pick em but if ur in the city n you couldnt b arsed its worth it lol


New Member
My grandparents on both sides are pure Irish Immigrants.
I live in Canada atm but still respect you Irish F&$kers lol.

Mad props, I want to see how many of you guys smoke your countries associated color.

Me and my grow are with you guys in spirit.
lol theres fuck all ACTUAL irish people here!!!
im irish and in my opinion its very easy to grow here not much worry!
since i live in the country side n all :D
what strain would be the best to grow outside and should i start growing indoors and when the plant is big transfer it outside. im planning on making a hollow place to grow a few plants in the middle of a couple of fairy trees so they will be unnoticed, but i heard weed can kill other plants and if that happened the fairy trees would disappear and make the plant stick out like a sore thumb :P wats your opinion

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah i can imagine im outdoor in socal and even here outdoor is unpredictable. if i remember correctly when i was visiting ireland gets a lot of rain.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
my friend grows a strong smelling skunk in his house but i don't know how successful skunk would be outside in Ireland.

Skunk is o.k to grow here in ireland, just cover them if it pisses down rain. Bud production is fairly slow due to cold temps and lack of direct sunlight but not bad, i wouldnt grow it again outdoor tho.
Skunk is o.k to grow here in ireland, just cover them if it pisses down rain. Bud production is fairly slow due to cold temps and lack of direct sunlight but not bad, i wouldnt grow it again outdoor tho.
Thanks for the advice im thinking of growing it all indoors because their are horses in the field and god knows what would happen if they ate it :wall:


Active Member
Im wasnt born in the Eire, but my grandparents came over here to USA from Kilkenny county many many moons ago

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
one trick is to veg indoors on 24 hours light then you can get them to a good height and flower them early in spring even at 16 hours you just have to trick the plants into thinking its fall works well. any ireland growers looking for genetics let me know as a fellow mic i would love to help.


Well-Known Member
just saw this thread and im gona stand my Irish arse right up! if im not growing in our shitty summer im probly growing in a tent. i dont have any magic irish genetics but i did manage to cross
an early pearl(m) with danish skunk(f) and my good friend crossed some 100% indica hermie monster with an early pearl female, really lookig forward to see what they come out like next season if i dont get eager and try them inside first.
i speculate that the ira is responsible for most of the counties shit, wet, sprayed industrial weed, just my 2cents.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
thats fucked about grit weed or soapbar you could not sell that in cali at any price. i feel for people who have to deal with that messed up.