Worst strain you have even grown ?


Well-Known Member
All very true. I think it comes down to economics - there simply isn't a return on investment for the rigorous process you describe.
I don't believe this is true. TGA/subcool, DNA genetics/Reserva Privada, and smany other breeders are, in fact, making a decent living doing what they do including putting out new strains. They wouldn't stay in business for years if this were not true.

Again, many of the better/popular stains simply CANNOT be stabilized, at least not without destroying what it is that makes them unique/interesting. That's not a question of economics, its a question of genetics, and its not unique to cannabis, either. Farmers in many cases need to buy their seeds from Monsanto and other breeders year in/year out because they're growing proprietary hybrids which cannot be stabilized, nor the seed "homegrown".

The root of the problem is lack of a discriminating customer base. The number of people growing is exploding so fast that not that many care about wild variances, just so it grows and gets them high.
With increasing decriminalization (eg medical cannabis) and more people growing than ever before, I'd say the customer base is probably more discriminating now than it every has been in the past.

Sure there are always going to be casual growers who don't know what they're doing, and don't care what they're buying, so long as it gets them high, but overall sophistication is increasing. Nowadays, there is no reason to send out $50 or $100 for a pack of seeds, and not have some idea what you're going to get, or some reasonable expectation that it will be good. To the extent that there is a problem with bad seeds, I'd say its causes mostly by the fact that cannabis is still illegal to grow in most of the world. That makes standardization tough, promotes disinformation, and also promotes "fly by night" enterprises. So far as I know, there is no objective third party "consumer reports" of cannabis (including lab testing of reviewed strains), though there is no reason there couldn't/shouldn't be one if growing were legal.

In the meantime, the internet (including sites like this one, and indeed THREADS like this one), is the "great equalizer". Now its possible for anyone with a computer and "Google" to search actual review of actual seeds, and get pictures, descriptions, etc, from third parties.

I almost exclusively grow Northern Lights from Nirvana. Old strain as stable as any, but even there I get a huge plant now and then.
Good choice.

Another "dirty little secret" I've heard is that many of the companies are selling the exact same seeds, grown under contract by third parties, under their own brand names and labels. Northern lights, supposedly, is one of these strains. For example, some of the ridiculously overpriced "Doggie's Nuts" seeds "by coincidence" have EXACTLY the same ad copy as another English seed company selling what appears to be identical seeds at 1/4 the price.

doby mick

Active Member
All the Barneys stuff i have ever done has been shit too say the least, a complete waist of time and money. Now just started doing E.T. stuff and a dream come true thats how i would discibe it. Doby Mick


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by racerboy71
i mean, do i really need a tga lighter leash?? and does he really need the $.99 he just made selling it to me?? ....

That's called leveraging ones position. While his genetics may or may not be weak, you can't fault the guy for giving the masses what they want. Sub gets mad respect from me for that. In the end people will speak with their wallets, so far people are still speaking to him.
I agree with TMG here. If you don't "need" his branded merchandise, then don't buy it, simple as that.

I don't know how TGA/Subcool is doing financially, but in any business, every dollar counts. He's a businessman, and he wants to make money. . .so what? That's his right, and I don't knock him for that. Personally, I'm not buying any of it, but the fact that he even CAN sell stuff like that says something about the nature of his customers/fanbase. Its up to him to decide if the money or advertising/marketing he gets selling branded merchandise is worth the "cheese factor". You'd be amazed how companies can make money with this sort of stuff. Coca-cola has a clothes line, and so does Caterpillar (the construction vehicle manufacturer!).

More important, I don't think the fact that he is selling other branded merchandise by itself speaks to the quality of his seeds one way or the other.

If/when the day arrives that he spends all/most of his effort hawking promotional material instead of concentrating on seed quality, then maybe this will be important, but so far as I know that hasn't happened.


Active Member
I could obtain P91 clones from a very well known respected and honest dealer in clones in
the SFV. Cloneville.org
I def have to check this spot out next time I Veg. Probably worth the drive for the selection and reliability vs the collective I have been grabbing my clones from.


Well-Known Member
I def have to check this spot out next time I Veg. Probably worth the drive for the selection and reliability vs the collective I have been grabbing my clones from.
Check out their website. cloneville.org The runners are the most
honest you will ever meet. Calvin is the owner and a very good guy.
guaranteed no better dealer anywhere when it comes to true clones. Been in biz since 2005
and have a huge customer base due to true genetics
and quality is all they are about at $15 a piece. Not bad!


Well-Known Member
i think it was nirvana , i choose it after seeing many threads on perfect grows in diff parts of the country , the prob was on my side not the strain
rob, most phenos i get from nirvana beans are pretty slow, some have 11-12 week flowering times when the site says "60 days". i got ssh from greenhouse in the past, 3/10 beans were good phenos, one took 11 weeks to flower, the other took 12, and another took about 10 weeks. i wait to leaves start to yellow a bit and i have more amber hairs.


Well-Known Member
you misunderstand the plants failed before they could even produce my water is trash
maybe try boiling it, hard water can stress them out a bit. ive had bad experiences sometimes, other times ive been ok, sometimes it was caused by pH or chlorene. id leave them outside in the sun for about 3 days before using it on plants, id prefer rainwater over everything else though.


Ursus marijanus
you misunderstand the plants failed before they could even produce my water is trash
Looking at that analysis, robert ... your big problem is sodium at levels known to be toxic to Cannabis. You really need an RO unit or another source of cleaner water. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Blue Hash - I've had better mexican brick weed

White Widow - Probably just a bad pheno. They looked SO full and beautiful 8 inches below my air cooled 600s. Fluffiest buds I've ever seen under HPS, reminiscent of my first CFL grow. Frosty, whispy buds with an OK buzz...

On a positive note Barney's Farm Vanilla Kush was the best plant ever! Huge producer of fat, dense colas. Amazing vanilla/citrus scent, tasted like candy, 22% THC dick-in-the-dirt weed. I beat the shit out of her (inaccurate ph meter, temp stress), and she always came back for more. I popped 10 fem seeds and found an UNREAL pheno. I didn't keep mom/clones back then, wish I still had her (so do my clients)...


Well-Known Member
Captain chronic said it about mj seeds nl there seeds are total shite, Grew out their JAck Herer and it was fluffy hay, total shite!


I hate KC BRAINS also they were crap
Out of a 10 pack of regular KC-45, 9 germinated. 7 male, 1 female and 1 gigantic hermie. might hold on to her for the pollen. the small 1 footer is the female and the 4 foot behemoth is the lady-boy.IMG_1185.jpgIMG_1186.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well a lot of hate fo kc brains but again maybe grower error? i got 18/20 females two strains california special,kc36. 100% germination rate. did get a hermie flower somewhere although i never found it. The 36 takes t o long for my taste and is finicky as hell about her nutes.cali easy t o grow very frosty and good orange taste after cure. first pic cali second one kc 36 100_3040.jpg100_3130.jpg