worst/best quality or habbit


Well-Known Member
I tell you the way it is.
I am loyal to those I trust.
Right or wrong, I will stand up for my close friends.

I tell you the way it is.
I don't stay in contact with my close as often as I should.
I eat bubblegum.


Well-Known Member
I've been told I'm too harsh when it comes to telling someone something. I don't sugarcoat anything. could be good, could be bad as well. I HAVE to do everything at least twice. one time I was pouring popcorn out of a pot and it hit my arm. since I have to do everything twice, I burned myself again on purpose. it hurt, but that's just how I am....weird.


Active Member
I've been told I'm too harsh when it comes to telling someone something. I don't sugarcoat anything. could be good, could be bad as well. I HAVE to do everything at least twice. one time I was pouring popcorn out of a pot and it hit my arm. since I have to do everything twice, I burned myself again on purpose. it hurt, but that's just how I am....weird.
EVERYTHING twice...??:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sounds like OCD.Quit it.If I was your friend, I'd smack you every time I saw you doing it.That way, you'd associate pain with the repetition.It's called aversion therapy.I love you.:bigjoint:
yes. EVERYTHING. I try not to do the things that I know I won't enjoy to avoid doing it again. I count the amount of hits I take from a bong, joint, etc., as well. gotta be even...


Well-Known Member
surely some of you guys have bad habits or qualities,

maybe even good ones?....
Procrastinate, and a HUGE fear of failure. Perfectionism gets in the way of actually getting things done. I laugh at my own farts, but curse myself when they stink. I flipped off an asshole pulling a huge travel trailer yesterday who totally cut me off while I was going over 65 on that there scoot you see in my sig line. Motherfucker didn't even STOP at the sign, just pulled on out! I cuss GLORIOUSLY while driving, I let it all out. This isn't a bad thing unless young children are in the car. :lol:


Well-Known Member

1. Show respect to everyone.


1. Pervert
2. Smoke to much
3. anti-social
4. If good quality #1 doesn't work...I will change the way you complete even the most basic task if you get my drift.


Well-Known Member
I've been told I'm too harsh when it comes to telling someone something. I don't sugarcoat anything. could be good, could be bad as well. I HAVE to do everything at least twice. one time I was pouring popcorn out of a pot and it hit my arm. since I have to do everything twice, I burned myself again on purpose. it hurt, but that's just how I am....weird.
You have to repeat the motion or behavior? You don't have tics, too, do you? Physical or verbal tics? Or are you limited to counting behaviors?


-help people out with nothing in return.. too much

-dreamer, not doer

*edit* and a pervert, dont know if that is considered good or bad, but i dont mind it