worst/best quality or habbit


Well-Known Member
I have bee told i hold a grudge longer than anyone. I still swear blood oaths of revenge. Seriously. Rofl!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice to others
Can be the friendliest person you've ever met
Can relate

Bite my nails
Criticize people without knowing, but trying to provide help.


Well-Known Member
You have to repeat the motion or behavior? You don't have tics, too, do you? Physical or verbal tics? Or are you limited to counting behaviors?
Probably not ocd. Modern day tendency to want to create a feeling of absoluteness. A baisc control thing that is foestered by the reletively harmless action of burning oneself. The subjest gives itself a little "luck" by doing so. Not hard to understand in this modern age of fickle constants.:fire: Thats hilarious kid. Keep up your magic, lol.


Well-Known Member
The good? Uhh, I guess being alone all the time and not being lonely is good. Ummm, I'm clean (used to be overly) and can cook well.

The bad'd have to be the old "always hurt the one you love" as in taking out my frustrations in life on MrFishy. (Two can be alone, especially when only one works)
Also, I tend to be useless in an emergency, yelling instead of trying to figure out what to do.

Oh yeah, I also squeeze a dime out of every penny spent, which could go either way on the habits scale?


Well-Known Member
My best qualities are also my worse

I love with everything in me, but I hate with ever fiber of my being
I'll do anything to help you, but i'll go out of my way to make your fuckin life hell
I'm very opinionated and don't care if you like what I have to say
I can see things from both points of view and tell you why you're wrong and tell you why you're right

My BEST quality is my sense of humor... I can make you laugh when you feel like nothing could ever make you smile again... Nothing make's me happier than making someone else laugh.. not just like, haha laugh, but bust a gut laughing..


Well-Known Member
You have to repeat the motion or behavior? You don't have tics, too, do you? Physical or verbal tics? Or are you limited to counting behaviors?
nope, no tics, just counting. the only tics I used to have was kinda humming Shave And A Haircut and nodding my head to it all the time. I grew out of that though. probably not even a tic, just something totally unrelated to the given subject haha.

in case you don't know, shave and a haircut is the little tune that goes "bum, bu-bu-bump bump...bump bump" if that helps somehow haha.


nope, no tics, just counting. the only tics I used to have was kinda humming Shave And A Haircut and nodding my head to it all the time. I grew out of that though. probably not even a tic, just something totally unrelated to the given subject haha.

in case you don't know, shave and a haircut is the little tune that goes "bum, bu-bu-bump bump...bump bump" if that helps somehow haha.

its fine bro, i do it too.... i catch myself doing stupid things like counting my steps, hammering, anything repetitive... idk; maybe we are both crazy..:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
i'm inpatient (not a good quality for a grower) :(

recently i find myself getting angry/annoyed over the smallest things.

i go out of my way to help people though, which is good for them, not always for me though.


Well-Known Member
nope, no tics, just counting. the only tics I used to have was kinda humming Shave And A Haircut and nodding my head to it all the time. I grew out of that though. probably not even a tic, just something totally unrelated to the given subject haha.

in case you don't know, shave and a haircut is the little tune that goes "bum, bu-bu-bump bump...bump bump" if that helps somehow haha.
Very interesting. Yes, it can be grown out of. Hmm.. yes, hm.
its fine bro, i do it too.... i catch myself doing stupid things like counting my steps, hammering, anything repetitive... idk; maybe we are both crazy..:lol::lol:
Or a couple of undiagnosed Touretters, eh?

Do you ever do repeated movements, such as jutting out your chin, clearing your throat, waving at non-existent flies? Raising your eyebrows with no surprise?

(I'm describing one side of my family :lol: )


Or a couple of undiagnosed Touretters, eh?

Do you ever do repeated movements, such as jutting out your chin, clearing your throat, waving at non-existent flies? Raising your eyebrows with no surprise?

(I'm describing one side of my family :lol: )

possibly, but i make myself stop when i catch myself doing something repetitive... cause im no nutter!! at least i hope not:?


Well-Known Member
It's not being a nutter, it's the brain. My youngest son is a Touretter, and I ask because I grew up with all these people doing all these things. So when I met his dad and he would mutter to himself and tic like hell, I thought it was normal because I thought everyone had tics. So, poor kid got the double-genetic-whammy, hit hard with it. No echolalia or copralalia, but physical and verbal tics can still make life miserable for a Touretter.

If you can make yourself stop and it's not terribly difficult, and you don't have this feeling that you MUST complete the behavior, then it's just habit and not something like Tourette's (which is related to OCD). Needless to say, though, his counting thing caught my attention immediately. :lol:
(And hopefully didn't offend, I have pissed people off for asking.)


It's not being a nutter, it's the brain. My youngest son is a Touretter, and I ask because I grew up with all these people doing all these things. So when I met his dad and he would mutter to himself and tic like hell, I thought it was normal because I thought everyone had tics. So, poor kid got the double-genetic-whammy, hit hard with it. No echolalia or copralalia, but physical and verbal tics can still make life miserable for a Touretter.

If you can make yourself stop and it's not terribly difficult, and you don't have this feeling that you MUST complete the behavior, then it's just habit and not something like Tourette's (which is related to OCD). Needless to say, though, his counting thing caught my attention immediately. :lol:
(And hopefully didn't offend, I have pissed people off for asking.)

nah, you didnt piss me off... i know bout the tics and such; one of my childhood friends, kinda slow poor guy, but he has the facial tics.. not so bad now that he is older, but when he was little it was HORRIBLE... the more nervous he got, the worse it got; then he would start stuttering... they made fun of the poor child so much... he was my lil neighbor friend though. he'll get real stoned and start 'tickin'... then he just looks at us and laughs and says "fuck yall, damnit".. he's fun...
no offense was meant by "nutter".. ive been watching some british movies and its my new word..


Well-Known Member
My best qualities are also my worse

I love with everything in me, but I hate with ever fiber of my being
I'll do anything to help you, but i'll go out of my way to make your fuckin life hell
I'm very opinionated and don't care if you like what I have to say
I can see things from both points of view and tell you why you're wrong and tell you why you're right

My BEST quality is my sense of humor... I can make you laugh when you feel like nothing could ever make you smile again... Nothing make's me happier than making someone else laugh.. not just like, haha laugh, but bust a gut laughing..
WE have very similar qualities my friend. +rep for you,

one more, GOOD : I honor, love, respect and am loyal to those i trust

BAD : I dont trust many people at all.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend that stuttered and the more nervous he got the worse it got. But if he got high he didn't stutter once. He got killed riding a skateboard home from the bar in a hit and run. Real sad one of the coolest most optimistc person I've ever met.


Well-Known Member

I don't like to hurt ther people, so much so that I let them walk all over me.
I have self control and refuse to do something until I start, then it can get out of control..not good quality.
I can't be sexual, I can talk for hours and make you laugh till you shit your pants, but I can't initiate anything...not that type of leader, so I never get anywhere unless I'm drunk..:-|
I tend to analyze people too much, and I find flaws in many thing or reasons why it should/should not be, it can get in the way of true fun if I think about it too much, and it makes me quite anti-social sometimes.
I try to be complacent because I don't like arrogant show-off pricks, but I think in doing this I become too complacent.
I also find myself hating why I do what I do, it's weird, but I just question why I am the way I am constantly, and why other people are too, human interaction and the whole bit. I try to ignore it, and in doing so it only becomes more apparent, but it seems like I want to change myself and come to the conclusion that I ultimately can't, and I am the way I am, and I make my choices based on this idea. Even thinking about changing is part of who I am, so theres no escape.

I could go on, and some of these may not even apply all the time, it's just one aspect of my day I found myself like this.


but I just question why I am the way I am constantly, and why other people are too, human interaction and the whole bit. I try to ignore it, and in doing so it only becomes more apparent, but it seems like I want to change myself and come to the conclusion that I ultimately can't, and I am the way I am, and I make my choices based on this idea. Even thinking about changing is part of who I am, so theres no escape.

thats deep bro... i think i got you though


Well-Known Member
It seems to be the one thing when I'm tripping/stoned as hell that really mentally blocks me.

I can't even summarize it, I've tried, I would think everyone to some extent would be able to catch my drift no matter how poorly I explain it. Explaining my thoughts in a relative way that can be conveyed to another mind is difficult, and unless you're seeking a similar solution (trying to reach your own variation of that idea), it'd hard to relate, or care. Bleh. Haha, fuck it.

That's what too much analysis does to ya, sometimes I have to shut off my brain.

I also have a tendency to make friends with everyone I'm in close quarters with, so when a personality doesn't connect it's frustrating, and it's hard to accept that I really might not be 'compatible' with this person. I eventually get over it, but it's a little unsettling at first.

Haha, woo, and why do I choose to think about that, why not something else, too many questions