World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
u growing t reck then fella? ment b a good un i do believe
Av done it before mate, was ma pride n joy best yet. 16oz of goodness from 1 mutha fucka lol.... Was on lookin at seeds mate, £4.70 each from pick and mix or 25.99 for 5 fems from attitude..... Was hopin maybe someone on UK thread was growin and would gimme a cut for a psycho. Was talkin to mrs the other about it n jst decided wanna do it again. Will probs jst get 1 or 2 from pick and mix once got some cash. Was in ma farm with a 3 wk veg under a 600, reckon a good veg till bush under ma wee light then transplant into the farm for flower, should pull maybe 8-10 oz at least fingers crossed ;-)


Well-Known Member
what breeder does it? i read about that strain before but they said there where only crosses around now
GHS claim to have their Trainwreck from a clone from the original from Arcata USA, reversed it and now sell as 100% feminized. I love the smoke, the stone does hit u like a train and grown out proper u get the lovely purple colours through the leaves. Its a personal fav if not all time fav.... Done it before and was some seriously dank shit, so thinkin its time for round 2 ;-)


Well-Known Member
looking good mate. that blue light looks cool too lol

i cant believe i got 3 rollies in front of me when ive been trying to roll a j


Well-Known Member
Nice and tight node spacing on a lot of them girls MadD. Bushy plants indeedy. Must be enjoying those LED lights. Happy growing.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
cheers mateys.
getting to the fun part now finally. slowly slowly and all that.
What they all said matey, bountiful harvests ahead lol.... Need to invest in a decent led to supplement ma veggin area a think cos ur ladies are loving it mate defo, imagine that for veg n ma 600 would be Mmmmm Mmmmm Mmmmmmm!!! lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha ya veg light not got enough kick u thinking? that the prop light? thinking that better clones and seedlings?
u use a mh before? isnt that ment b all the rage? tight nodes and that using them?
sure u could fine cheap enough led veg panel nut u still b looking at 300 -999 usd plus mayb shipping depends.
i been temped use the led veg and do a secret hps upgrade in garage without her knowing haha.
i may still do it in few months but b alot work involved.
need do alot flooring and building a sealed off ceiling rather then open timbers to roof. and then build a big cubby or something. how much big ish plants could a 600 hps do???


Well-Known Member
Yeah am thinkin along those lines jst for a boost, cant do any harm and not much more lecky...... Its the heat from a MH that puts me off, that would mean investing in another carb n stuff. Under a HPS u could probs get 5 max, thats to get a decent spread of light, really depends on whether you wanna train them n supercrop etc could probs get a couple more in doin that.....

Just wnt n got a coupla gram from the nxt town, dry, not much smell but it doin the job..... Really cant wait for the BRxExo the smell is jst drivin me wild, goin to see how much the calyxes have swollen this wknd n if its jst enough its for the chop, bout 50/50 on clear/cloudy now so almost there. The little bit that quick dried near knocked me on ma arse lol..... The Exo as well, every day a look at that n the buds are gettin bigger n the foxtails jst reachin right out it now, well chuffed a didnt chop lol ;-)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha u done well to hold off matey.
rewards wont b long away haha.
least u got bit smoke today also. im bout build reefa i think n go in garage to smoke it as mrs have do drug test soon for new job. hope u cant fail by passive smoking to much


Well-Known Member
Not too long thank fuck the longest parts dne, think am goin to get a trainwreck seed asap n get it ready to go in the farm in a 2-3 weeks n jst run psycho's in the airpots try space out startin them 12/12, startin to doubt maself on ma clones bein rooted, am sure a can see new growth now but still am thinkin am imaginin it lmao.

Dnt think you can fail for that mate, a doubt there'd b enough in her system to show up. Best go in the garage though jst in case lol.....

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i think the qq has train wreck in its dna i can pop one them wen it arrives and do u cut wen its big enough hypothetical like if u wanting?


Well-Known Member
i think the qq has train wreck in its dna i can pop one them wen it arrives and do u cut wen its big enough hypothetical like if u wanting?
Jst had a wee read at it there should be cool, it wouldnt go to waste anyway mate, plannin on gettin a couple more airpots. Totally out of bloom now n to get jst a bottle of that delivered it about 14 quid, it only 7 for the bottle lol..... Dunno what goin to happen. Needin it for psycho mother, everythin else on ripen or goin on to ripen...

Fuck it things will sort out as usual, well am offski matey, got a ton to do 2moz so goin to have an early night..

Take it easy bro


Well-Known Member
i think those 2 bubblegum cuttings i took are rooting. not 100% but when i gave a little pull on them i snapped a leaf

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
mr t still cant rep u yet?
good news on clones (mine r near two week and still not rotted proper yet. am hopoeful still tho).
alright scotia?