World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na got do school run so no smoke for me till the night time.
prob y i went mad on it yesterday haha.
got pics take later on also ent i haha


Well-Known Member
Aw aye cant hve u takin pics stoned lol... School run thank fuck a dnt need to worry about that for coupla yrs but even then schools across the rd lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeh it ten min away by foot. but least its raining for me hahahahaha
all good tho. i will get on the pics after that i reckon and post this evening.
ya oven fixed now?


Well-Known Member
Na is it fuck mate dnt even hve a date for it gettin fixed yet. Had our money stopped cos a forgot to go to an advisor appointment so things keep gettin worse. Bout ready to jst run away lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck it aint bothered tey can stop the money. Crop ready n 2-3wks n a think am goin to b a dad again but SSSsssssshhhh dnt tell anyone... Lol

Fuck am so excited a had to say somethin somewhere lmao :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D


Well-Known Member
get this. My mate is on the dole in Holland and him and his girl are going to Greece. This is through her work and my mate may actually have a chance of getting to meet some people there for a potential job. So he calls the dole here because he had an appointment with them to tell them he can't make that appointment on the grounds of going out country for an interview. Firstly, before he told them the guy on the phone he was hit with, "well you better have a good excuse!", lol. And then when he told the guy he was advised that his benefit will be stopped. So this women phones him up to assess if his benefit will be stopped, and told him it would be as he's not available for work. However, under the Dutch system he get 20 days holiday allowance, lol. So the women said, well if you tell us you are going on holiday, we won't stop your money. So that's what he did. He just said, "okay, forget everything I said, I am going on holiday". And the women was cool about it....ffs, systems mad!


Well-Known Member
Should jst b JSA m8. Best of it is a was at a job interview n clean forgot about it. That not a good enough excuse though.

The system sucks ass man,fuckin corrupt to line the riches pockets. Wish a had a wee farm jst go self sufficient n fuck everyone else lol


Well-Known Member
I would appeal that. Surely the place where you were at an interview can confirm that!!!

And congrats (said quietly in yer ear)


Well-Known Member
Cheers lads :-D just wanna go get pished n celebrate lol need to try get a bit of puff for celebratory spliff lol

Aye av filled in appeal form but like everythin else takes time.


Well-Known Member
congrats mate. the dole are cunts! i had tonsilitus and phoned them up asking if i could sign a bit later cos i had a doctors appointment and they said no. i missed an apointment with a training company and when i told the dole they said they where stopping my money cos i was ill last october even tho i turned up to sign. i played fuck and they sorted it in the end


Well-Known Member
Haga they've stopped our money m8 cos a missed an advisor appointment.. Appealin it so nothin to worry bout.

To happy with other things to let that ruin ma dy ;-)

Cheers for the well wishes lads

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
get on that celebration bong fella. bubble bubble bosh
kfc on way ome for me just now am getting moist at the sheer thought of it hahaha.
walked dog before picked up mrs kid. rain stopped and sun come out real nice. i was sweeting tits off in hat and coat n hoody. so wen dropped dog off and headed off for school run i left hat n jumper n coat n thought will catch some rays. guess wot happened? yep soon as by the school the sun fucked off and the rain hit hard. theres me in t shirt wet see through shivering like a crack addict hahah looking like a drowned rat hahah. the kid saw me n went u forgot ya coat haha no shit sherlock


Well-Known Member
Think u got same luck as us matey. Its torrential here jst now with sleet mixed in lol... Bet u looked a right state pmsl... We're thinkin of a nice healthy chippy 2nite KFC gves me the shits,must b somethin in there spicy coating lmao..

Should b hitting the bong,vape n beer later waitin on the lemon fairy gettin in touch,until now a got some of the chinks finest shite lmao