Woo Getting First Tattoo!


Well-Known Member
I've gotten 3 thus far, and about 2wks ago my lil bro got his guns and shit in the mail.... so now I have 6 :p Not proud of them yet though, skin is FAR different to work on than paper.... my lines look good, just having issues laying the ink properly, so they are coming out fdd along the HoLE piece... (sorry, I finally got a buzz and couldnt resist those 2 :p)
I'm gonna be re-doing a piece on my leg tonight to try to lay some more black down, I may post some pics if its not too damn embarrassing.
Ur have to start somewhere


Well-Known Member
Nice just relax makes it go better although I could not relax on a 4 hour session on my ribs that hurt like hell and after care fuck all the tatto ointments and shit just some a and d ointment or little neosporn or however u spell it...I would ask the artist what he recommends but all the special tatto soaps and shit don't make a diff in my op
dont use neo sporn it will fuck it up.The artist will probably have a+d ointment for you.


Well-Known Member
dont use neo sporn it will fuck it up.The artist will probably have a+d ointment for you.
Yup, wil pull the ink out. Bacitrin will do the job far as initial antibiotic for the first day or so without pulling out ink....although with every tattoo there wil be some ink leakage first day


Well-Known Member
I just bought some aquaphor, are you saying I need more than that? Because I did alot of reasearch, and they said the best thing was scent free, sensitive skin soap, and aquaphor


Ur have to start somewhere
tis my opinion on the subject... I reserve the right to fuck up my own skin, but I refuse to do it to others until I am more proficient with it all. I picked my legs because I RARELY wear shorts, despite our climate, so whats the harm anyway? Despite that, I can never be ashamed of any work I do on myself, because its all a part of my story and my journey.


I just bought some aquaphor, are you saying I need more than that? Because I did alot of reasearch, and they said the best thing was scent free, sensitive skin soap, and aquaphor
aquaphor is basically a+d with more healing properties... never used it on tattoos, but it works wonders on diaper rashes :D


Well-Known Member
Acquaphor is fine.....I like to use bacitrin first few days on mine. The artist can advise you best, dunno if bacitrin is necessary but I like to give it a head start healing


Well-Known Member
Really stoked, my appointment is on tuesday, getting an image of Ganesh.
Lots of you have tats, so any tips/tricks for care and for during the tattoo?
I don't believe in Super Elephants, but Congratulations on your decision to tatt your body.


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419910_361884857172891_100000541380124_1315629_120761582_n.jpg0131121729a.jpg0131121822.jpg First one was in the shop, with better lighting, and the other two are in my bathroom


Well-Known Member
Thank you!!! I really appreciate it. That shit didnt hurt except for when he put the yellow in, and especially the flower


Well-Known Member
I think its just how yellow ink is made. Idk but everyone who i know who as yellow in their tattoos says it hurt more.
The outline was a breeze, some of thhe shading hurt a bit, the main pain came from the yellow.
If anything, on a pain scale of 1-10, id say about a 5 or 6