Woke up to this! ??

Cats love tender young leaves. The healthier the plant, the more tempting it becomes.
My asshole cat ate a few seedlings not long ago. Needless to say, we didn't speak for few days.

Then the neighbors cat dropped this on my camp floor last week. *Scroll down at your own risk*

Oh, its the cat alright.
See the older large fan leaves with the slash like puncture holes? That's the cat testing the leaf. You can see in the pic where kitty moved on to some younger ones. They kinda go in side ways and gnaw at an angle using their back teeth. They gnaw them right down to the petiole.

I'm embarrassed to say just how familiar I am with that damage.

I dont get how the cat could get into the closet tho there is no holes for him to get in. Trust me I hate cats but idk.
LOL, dont underestimate the cat. They can be clever sneaky bastards.
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