WMD in Israel?


Well-Known Member
OTH, the Neapolitan thought the Irish might at least be neutral, but no...

The Landing was ship wreaked by a storm and every one of the Soldiers that made it to shore that night were simply murdered on the sand. And great Break Outs began where the wreaks were grounded. And drinking and loudly getting rich happened, is all.

Not to be messed with, these Irish. I certainly did not mean that.

Ireland! Fuck Yeah!


Well-Known Member
It is why you fight with us now, at Golan, Mick.
We fight with the UN as peacekeepers to protect civilians...

Still neutral.

EDIT: The only time you could question our neutrality is regarding our participation in the EU's Nordic Battlegroup and the use of Shannon airport as a stop over for US planes (but we don't allow munitions or small arms either).


Well-Known Member
Let's talk about Israels atomic arsenol and why the world tolerates its aggresive behavior and stop going back to ww2 that is being more of a deflection from the real issues than anthing else


Well-Known Member
Let's talk about Israels atomic arsenol and why the world tolerates its aggresive behavior and stop going back to ww2 that is being more of a deflection from the real issues than anthing else
Well, WE armed up against Sunni Jihad in Jefferson's time. You are new to this, is all. Israel is the thorn in the side of Jihad.

Isreal also pisses off the Fascist Zombie Youts. So what?

The Jews wanted the fight and so did the Sunni. So after WW2, they had at it. Jews and Sunni Jihad go way back. You were born yesterday, looks like.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Let's talk about Israels atomic arsenol and why the world tolerates its aggresive behavior and stop going back to ww2 that is being more of a deflection from the real issues than anthing else
still waiting for proof that israel even has an atomic "arsenol", or any sign of their "aggresive behavior" against any nation not currently attacking them directly or through their proxies.


Well-Known Member
still waiting for proof that israel even has an atomic "arsenol", or any sign of their "aggresive behavior" against any nation not currently attacking them directly or through their proxies.
You're TOTALLY gay for Israel, sister.


Ursus marijanus
Oh, and not even a qualified medical opinion. Have you ever been delusional? I have. Diagnosed, and lived it in horror Chemo. I know the difference. I take a lot of drugs to be very sure I know.

You are just flapping your finger tips.
I request the privilege to use the bolded as a sig.


Well-Known Member
1) it's Chinese
2) it's not atomic but molecular.


OMG!!! Arsenol. Guys like you will know. JUST KIDDING!! :)

I saw a Gangster USA or one of those shows.. They we using homemade Cyanidenol for hits. Pretty sick but they first tested on a random guy like myself, just walking along, waiting for a heart attack.

He had one of those tiny palm sized sprayers. Faked a sneeze to cover his mouth and nose with a cloth and sprayed it across his shoulder as the guy walk past. Poor victim took 4 steps and died.

Don't leave home without it.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
...Israel is surrounded by enemies and so yeah, they are a special case, why should they not be free to protect themselves from all those jihadi fucks who want to erase them from the map? ...and WE possess WMD.

we object to wild eyed lunatics having WMD, not our allies.

peace, bozo
You mean the same Al Qaeda "Jihadi fucks" that Israel is supporting in Syria?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You mean the same Al Qaeda "Jihadi fucks" that Israel is supporting in Syria?
israel is supporting somebody in syria?

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