WMD in Israel?


Well-Known Member
It's still hugely ironic that Israel is saying that Iran TRYING to get nuclear technologies is more pressing than their "hush hush" already acquired weapons. When did Iran last attack another nation?
Today. Iran continues to this day to support terrorism. They support the on going slaughter in Syria. They have placed terrorists in Iraq. They have clearly announced their intention to "wipe the Little Satan (Israel) and the Great Satan (USA) from the face of the Earth." You must not get much news in Ireland.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
On Friday, Arab nations asked the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, that is meeting this week in Vienna, to censure Israel for its refusal to join the agency. The US has lobbied extensively to make sure it fails, which it is expected to do by a very small margin. Israel, which has at least 90 nuclear warheads according to estimates, has insisted that first there must be a peace treaty signed between themselves and the Palestinian Authority for them to even consider it. They further stated that there are more pressing issues facing the area, such as Syrian chemical weapons, and the attempts by Iran to acquire nuclear technologies. Do you think that the US is implementing a double standard, in that it is turning a blind eye to Israel's WMD's, while stating that no countries should posses that technology? Or do you believe that Israel is a special case, and should not be held to the same standards that are demanded of other countries. What do you think?
Israel is NOT a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty, and as such they do not receive the benefits of membership in the treaty, and are similarly not bound by it's restrictions.

this is EXACTLY the same reason Syria is not bound by the chemical weapons ban treaty, and why Ban Ki Moon declared any attack on Syria using the allegation of chemical weapons as a fig-leaf would be ILLEGAL.

Israel is not a party to the treaty on nukes, and has thus far neither confirmed nor denied that they have a nuclear weapon program. if you have any PROOF that Israel has nuclear weapons, you should probably share it with the rest of the world.
we are waiting...

India and Pakistan are also not party to the agreement, they DO have nukes, and they are quite up front about it.

Iran IS a signatory to the treaty, and they persist in violating it despite all the benefits they take as part of the agreement. but yeah lets not talk about iran.

North Korea, WAS part of the treaty until they broke their word and double crossed the world. they got all the benefits of membership, then when they ate their fill at our expense, they ducked out on the check.

the only double standard in effect on this issue is your refusal to understand that a sovereign nation which chooses NOT to sign a treaty or join an organization cannot be compelled to do so, save by war, and...

War is bad, MMM'Kay...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Apartheid theocracy with nukes, yeah fucking censure them and stop sending US tax dollars to support their settlers.

It's still hugely ironic that Israel is saying that Iran TRYING to get nuclear technologies is more pressing than their "hush hush" already acquired weapons.

When did Iran last attack another nation?

provide your PROOF that Israel has nuclear weapons.

also, AC i would demand you provide proof of apartheid and theocracy, but since i already proved that Israel is engaged in neither of those actions, you are full of shit.


Well-Known Member
your words prove otherwise and that's twice you've attempted to insult me over my username, lol, ...are you fool enough not to know that i chose that name?

...you're a shit stirrer, an instigator of the worst kind, ...and a passive/aggressive asshole to boot.

The comment about your username is the only insult I have ever directed toward you.


Well-Known Member
So are you saying they don't? Because it hasn't been officially confirmed?
...did you even bother to read his previous post? ...he is very clear in articulating his position, if you don't understand it then you aren't trying to understand, just trying to stir the pot.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So are you saying they don't? Because it hasn't been officially confirmed?
im saying that nobody has any proof of Israel running a nuclear weapons program, they do not even have a civilian nuclear POWER program, and nobody has any evidence of any Israeli nuclear testing, nor any evidence whatsoever that they have operational nuclear arms.

insisting they DO have such weapons is a claim that should be easy to support with proof, while the contrary position, that they HAVE NO NUKES is impossible to prove.

again, proving that something does not exist is impossible, while proving it DOES exist should be child's play, considering how often the assertion is made.


Well-Known Member
The comment about your username is the only insult I have ever directed toward you.
...i find your passive/aggressive demeanor insulting, and it's sad i have to explain this but i was pointing out to you how ineffective your insult was considering you were insulting me by calling me by my name, lol.

...i also find your denials of your liberal beliefs to be offensive, better you should just be honest, i'd still think you a fool but at least i'd respect your willingness to stand by your convictions.

...no, all i see coming from you is a stirring of the pot.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You mean when you called the Torah a historical document?
no, you childish petulant dolt, when i provided extensive evidence that arab moslem citizens of israel (20% of Israels population in fact) hold positions of power, including seats on the knesset, seats on the Israeli Supreme Court, high level position sin the IDF, and the deputy cheif of the Israeli National police, which is impossible if they were being oppressed under Apartheid.

moslems and arabs living in Israel are NOT separated from other Israelis, they are not forced to live in "townships" under jewish control and oppression, and they are not prohibited from owning land, holding employment, starting businesses, or attending schools and universities.

insisting they ARE so oppressed is a LIE.

Further, Israel is a secular Socialist Democracy NOT a theocratic state. insisting they are a Theocracy is every bit as false as your previous insistence that Iran is NOT a theocracy.

just to review...

A Partial list of words AbandonConflict cannot understand, no matter how many times they are correctly defined for him:



Well-Known Member
provide your PROOF that Israel has nuclear weapons.

also, AC i would demand you provide proof of apartheid and theocracy, but since i already proved that Israel is engaged in neither of those actions, you are full of shit.
You have to be one of the few people on the planet, beside Israelis, that believe Israel has no nuclear weapons, or hasn't been guilty of some form of apartheid in it's treatment of the Palestinians. As far as a theocracy is concerned, they themselves say that it is a Jewish state founded on Jewish law which in a way could be considered a theocracy.


Well-Known Member
Throw away term, read in the news. Define attack.

In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police have concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran’s military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13]

[/SUP]Aggrey Adoli, Kenya's police chief in Kenya's coastal region, said on 22 June 2012 that two Iranians, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi, believed to members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force,[SUP][33][/SUP] were arrested and suspected of being involved in terrorism. One of the Iranians led counter-terrorism officers to recover 15 kilograms of a powdery substance believed to be explosive.[SUP][34][/SUP] The two Iranians allegedly admitted to plotting to attack United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya.[SUP][33][/SUP] In court, Police Sgt. Erick Opagal, an investigator with Kenya's Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, said that the two Iranians had shipped over 100 kilograms of powerful explosives into Kenya.[SUP][35]


It was later revealed that the targets included Gil Haskel, Israel's ambassador to Kenya. During a visit to Kenya in August, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targetsfor its efforts to stop Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targets. Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya all expressed concern with Ayalon regarding Iran's attempts to increase terror activity in Africa.[SUP][36][/SUP]

Along with the above allegations, Iran is also accused of other acts of terrorism. Including:

Is an American really going to question the legitimacy of another nations covert ops/intelligence activities?

Holy shit sticks, Batman.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You have to be one of the few people on the planet, beside Israelis, that believe Israel has no nuclear weapons,
prove your claim with evidence.

do not, as has been the case so often now, demand that I Disprove your nutty assertion, because as everyone is well aware, disproving a claim (no matter how far fetched) is almost impossible, which is why this "tactic" is the first last and ONLY resort of the conspiracy fruitcake, with no proof to support his insane rambling claims.

if you make an assertion, back it up or admit it's just bullshit.

or hasn't been guilty of some form of apartheid in it's treatment of the Palestinians.
israel does not in any way discriminate against it's arab or moslem minorities. this is bullshit. the "apartheid" narrative requires several fallacious assumptions:

1: "Israel" now includes "The Occupied Territories".
2: A Military Occupation Zone is exactly the same as your own country, and the persons living within that zone are required to be accorded all the rights of your own citizens.
3: Any action, no matter what provocation is involved, is ALWAYS "aggression" when "Teh Jewz" can be blamed.
4: "Palestine" includes the territory erroneously marked "Israel" on some maps...
5: Die Juden Sind Parasiten.

As far as a theocracy is concerned, they themselves say that it is a Jewish state founded on Jewish law which in a way could be considered a theocracy.

Parliamentary Democracy.

quit while you are behind.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Israel neither confirms nor denies having nukes, but assuming they do is logical. I don't have a problem with that. Pretending we should treat our allies the same as we do our enemies is moronic.
Israel isn't our ally. It will fuck us over if it affects their bottom line. No country is our ally, even our own country.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
...Israel is surrounded by enemies and so yeah, they are a special case, why should they not be free to protect themselves from all those jihadi fucks who want to erase them from the map? ...and WE possess WMD.

we object to wild eyed lunatics having WMD, not our allies.

peace, bozo
MAD has never been a logical policy. If some crazy wants to they will. A "wild eyed lunatic" is in the eye of the beholder. I object to nukes for anyone. We're not ready to harness the power of the atom for any reason, especially if we think it should be used for destruction. I can see the appeal of energy, though that is still wrong. We're just plain not ready. I don't know if we ever will.