WMD in Israel?


Well-Known Member
On Friday, Arab nations asked the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, that is meeting this week in Vienna, to censure Israel for its refusal to join the agency. The US has lobbied extensively to make sure it fails, which it is expected to do by a very small margin. Israel, which has at least 90 nuclear warheads according to estimates, has insisted that first there must be a peace treaty signed between themselves and the Palestinian Authority for them to even consider it. They further stated that there are more pressing issues facing the area, such as Syrian chemical weapons, and the attempts by Iran to acquire nuclear technologies. Do you think that the US is implementing a double standard, in that it is turning a blind eye to Israel's WMD's, while stating that no countries should posses that technology? Or do you believe that Israel is a special case, and should not be held to the same standards that are demanded of other countries. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
...Israel is surrounded by enemies and so yeah, they are a special case, why should they not be free to protect themselves from all those jihadi fucks who want to erase them from the map? ...and WE possess WMD.

we object to wild eyed lunatics having WMD, not our allies.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
What, Jim, gives you the idea that all countries are equal?

Double standards???

We have N x ∞ standards.


Well-Known Member
I think we give the arabs more tax dollars than anybody...and when I say arabs I mean the whole middle east...He should feel pretty good about that..
He hates Zion. He picks an arbitrary and limited view of the Sunni Jihad. Isreal s an elected self rule system with, their own weapons programs.

Nation-specific recipients of over $50 million accounted for over 90% of all military aid from the U.S. in FY 2010, with Afghanistan alone accounting for 45% of the year's total military aid disbursements.

And yes, we still send Military Aid to Russia.

We send big aid to:

Country$U.S. millions


Well-Known Member
Israel neither confirms nor denies having nukes, but assuming they do is logical. I don't have a problem with that. Pretending we should treat our allies the same as we do our enemies is moronic.


Well-Known Member
Israel neither confirms nor denies having nukes, but assuming they do is logical. I don't have a problem with that. Pretending we should treat our allies the same as we do our enemies is moronic.
It's still hugely ironic that Israel is saying that Iran TRYING to get nuclear technologies is more pressing than their "hush hush" already acquired weapons.

When did Iran last attack another nation?


Well-Known Member
It's still hugely ironic that Israel is saying that Iran TRYING to get nuclear technologies is more pressing than their "hush hush" already acquired weapons.

When did Iran last attack another nation?

Throw away term, read in the news. Define attack.

In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police have concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran’s military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13]

[/SUP]Aggrey Adoli, Kenya's police chief in Kenya's coastal region, said on 22 June 2012 that two Iranians, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi, believed to members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force,[SUP][33][/SUP] were arrested and suspected of being involved in terrorism. One of the Iranians led counter-terrorism officers to recover 15 kilograms of a powdery substance believed to be explosive.[SUP][34][/SUP] The two Iranians allegedly admitted to plotting to attack United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya.[SUP][33][/SUP] In court, Police Sgt. Erick Opagal, an investigator with Kenya's Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, said that the two Iranians had shipped over 100 kilograms of powerful explosives into Kenya.[SUP][35]


It was later revealed that the targets included Gil Haskel, Israel's ambassador to Kenya. During a visit to Kenya in August, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targetsfor its efforts to stop Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targets. Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya all expressed concern with Ayalon regarding Iran's attempts to increase terror activity in Africa.[SUP][36][/SUP]

Along with the above allegations, Iran is also accused of other acts of terrorism. Including:



Well-Known Member
What, Jim, gives you the idea that all countries are equal?

Double standards???

We have N x ∞ standards.
Although your are correct that in reality some countries are more equal than others, should the US make it so clear to the rest of the world that we hold Israel in a special category, one that does not include any other nation on earth. I think that this continued unmitigated support of Israel in fact does more harm than good to the security of the US. Israel's continued expansion in Palestinian areas that have been placed off limits by the UN, and even to some degree by the US, is probably the biggest reason that, the Middle East is so fucked up. This expansion has infuriated the world, except for the US it appears, and yet Israel continues this path even though it is one of the major causes of unrest in that area that we consider to be of such critical importance. There should be at least a pretense of impartiality on our part.


Well-Known Member
But, what if we are pissing off Sunni Jihad on purpose and have been for 200 years?

Why should we have any more pretense than we manage now? Why pretend to be impartial in war time?

Has it not occured to you, World Peace is not our mission? World peace is not desirable when Sunni Jihad gets to define it.

Do you not see that it is in our best interest to Never let Sunni Jihad get organized?

And yet, it can't be stamped out. To attempt that is to force the organization we are sworn to break up.

I am not sure you understand all the reasons, beyond world energy supply that the region is important.

It is important to maintain the chaos there.


Well-Known Member
I am neither a jihadi fuck or a liberal. Your screen name is quite accurate though.
your words prove otherwise and that's twice you've attempted to insult me over my username, lol, ...are you fool enough not to know that i chose that name?

...you're a shit stirrer, an instigator of the worst kind, ...and a passive/aggressive asshole to boot.



Well-Known Member
your words prove otherwise and that's twice you've attempted to insult me over my username, lol, ...are you fool enough not to know that i chose that name?

...you're a shit stirrer, an instigator of the worst kind, ...and a passive/aggressive asshole to boot.

Where have you been? And yet he swims in the deep end with the rest of us. He will contribute if you don't fight him.