With the government shutdown moving onto almost 1 month, there is 1 clear priority for lawmakers

Yes, true and also true that most of the people of Israel don't agree with their actions in Gaza. The difference is, Trump and the GOP held full control of US gvt for two years and the fascist nut jobs in Israel have been in control for how long? A decade, maybe?

So you analogy is correct but don't you think it's time for Israel to head leftward if so?
I was making a distinction between the current Israeli Gov. and Israel itself. The world doesn’t need psychopaths like bibi, duterte, erdogan etc so the sooner they are replaced the better. I have to make a similar distinction when discussing America with friends, it’s Trump and his Trumptards, not America or Americans.
You are just silly Hamas would love nothing more than to wipe every jew and christian off the face of the planet.
Read Hamas's latest Charter.
It clearly states that Hamas in no longer calling for the destruction of State of Israel, and that's a fact.
All they want is a State of Palestine, period.
Could Israel please end the embargo that has created a prison for 2 million people in the Gaza strip? Also, stop shooting them in the legs? Could Israel please stop allowing the continuation and expansion of "settlements" in the West Bank? Isreal absolutely has the right to exist and defend itself but those actions cross the line of defense and into what is properly called an undeclared war for territory, bordering on genocide.
Israel sucks, and the only nations that supports them are the US, Nigeria and Kenya (go figure)

The world doesn’t need psychopaths like bibi,
The World might not need people like Netanyahu, but the Jews in Israel (and Trump) love him, seeing as they keep re-electing him (longest serving PM in Israel's history).
So, if Trump and the citizens of Israel think that murderous cocksucker is great, that should tell you something about the moral character of Israel.
Read Hamas's latest Charter.
It clearly states that Hamas in no longer calling for the destruction of State of Israel, and that's a fact.
All they want is a State of Palestine, period.
The arabs should have left isreal alone and not attacked them in 1967 and lost all that land in the process.....actions have consequences....isreal won that land in battle, just like every other country
The World might not need people like Netanyahu, but the Jews in Israel (and Trump) love him, seeing as they keep re-electing him (longest serving PM in Israel's history).
So, if Trump and the citizens of Israel think that murderous cocksucker is great, that should tell you something about the moral character of Israel.
No, it doesn’t inform me of the moral character of “Israel”, it suggests that political propaganda and electioneering ensure a victory for likud as does MAGA for trumptards, it is people who vote for a government. It is not the fault of Israel nor does it have anything to do with the moral orientation of its people.
You said Israel is a blood sucking entity, whereas currently it’s just a nation state with nationalistic right wing leadership. It would help if you didn’t use the unwise language of Israel is bad, as America is not bad, it’s just governed by a psycho, like America is governed by a narcissist, my diagnosis btw.
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Read Hamas's latest Charter.
It clearly states that Hamas in no longer calling for the destruction of State of Israel, and that's a fact.
All they want is a State of Palestine, period.
Read the Quran and get back to me, there are 112 references to “Jews” mostly negative to genocidal.
You are condemning Israel for doing what every other country on the map does.....but Israel is the only one you have a bitch with, why? You don't like Jews?
You're justifying apartheid and crimes against humanity. I find that a deeply objectionable stance.

Your contention that every other nation does it flies in the face of the facts; show me a European nation that treats its minorities like that? How about an Asian country? Russia? South America? Even the vast majority of African and Middle Eastern Nations adhere to basic principles of universal human rights. Your contention is flat wrong.

No, only a tiny few pariah Nations engage in such behavior. Your suggestion that it's acceptable (at least for Israel!) is frankly sickening and reveals serious flaws in your judgement.
The World might not need people like Netanyahu, but the Jews in Israel (and Trump) love him, seeing as they keep re-electing him (longest serving PM in Israel's history).
So, if Trump and the citizens of Israel think that murderous cocksucker is great, that should tell you something about the moral character of Israel.
...and Republicans.
No, it doesn’t inform me of the moral character of “Israel”, it suggests that political propaganda and electioneering ensure a victory for likud as does MAGA for trumptards, it is people who vote for a government. It is not the fault of Israel nor does it have anything to do with the moral orientation of its people.
You said Israel is a blood sucking entity, whereas currently it’s just a nation state with nationalistic right wing leadership. It would help if you didn’t use the unwise language of Israel is bad, as America is not bad, it’s just governed by a psycho, like America is governed by a narcissist, my diagnosis btw.
By this standard, America is far worse than Israel; we've presided over the murder of millions of innocent civilians around the world just since 2001, all without any pretense of a declaration of war.

How do you explain that, given that the majority of American citizens want to see a curtailment of our military adventurism?