Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
what is your point?

that there are too many words? that reading frustrates you? that indices are evil?

i'm with you, dude. FUCK indices.

i'd rather search randomly for the information i need, rather than save some stupid fucking time by referencing an index or something else with similar qualities of organization and referencability.

also, FUCK nafta. but that's another thread entirely.

for now, let's just agree: FUCK indices. they totally suck, dude.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The power supply tester arrived. PS is fine.

So I removed or unplugged everything possible except for the original HDD where the OS is stored.

Same problem. Power down after about three seconds.

I have ruled out any shorts to the best of my knowledge.

Now I'm leaning toward the processor or motherboard.
Do us all a favor and start your own thread if you're going to stay off topic or, oh I don't know, allow private messaging so you don't continue to hijack threads. Thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
The power supply tester arrived. PS is fine.

So I removed or unplugged everything possible except for the original HDD where the OS is stored.

Same problem. Power down after about three seconds.

I have ruled out any shorts to the best of my knowledge.

Now I'm leaning toward the processor or motherboard.
Video card.


Well-Known Member
The power supply tester arrived. PS is fine.

So I removed or unplugged everything possible except for the original HDD where the OS is stored.

Same problem. Power down after about three seconds.

I have ruled out any shorts to the best of my knowledge.

Now I'm leaning toward the processor or motherboard.
also try removing that watch-like battery on the motherboard to reset your BOIS...Remove this battery along with the power cable to power supply. Hold down the power button to fully discharge the system. then reinstall battery and plug in system..


Well-Known Member
Do us all a favor and start your own thread if you're going to stay off topic or, oh I don't know, allow private messaging so you don't continue to hijack threads. Thanks!
Actually I am making a point; a point which obviously escaped you.

Buck got it. As did redivider, NoDrama, and LondonFog.

Video card.
No video card.

also try removing that watch-like battery on the motherboard to reset your BOIS...Remove this battery along with the power cable to power supply. Hold down the power button to fully discharge the system. then reinstall battery and plug in system..
If I remove the CMOS battery and it erases the volatile RAM, I will have no way to flash BIOS.

I'm thinking bad motherboard. I can replace it economically as it's an AM2.


Well-Known Member
Actually I am making a point; a point which obviously escaped you.

Buck got it. As did redivider, NoDrama, and LondonFog.

No video card.

If I remove the CMOS battery and it erases the volatile RAM, I will have no way to flash BIOS.

I'm thinking bad motherboard. I can replace it economically as it's an AM2.
removing battery will only reset your BOIS..you can always flash later if update is needed...far as ram (volatile memory) that was lost when power was interrupted, but is not the cause of the problem..just try resetting the BIOS at least you will know ...but I like to find reasons to buy new shit too ;-) first the board and oh well might as well get that new processor too...hmmmm need to beef up that ram now...ok now just add that new SLi vid card(s) and we done..phuck it now I need a new case...LOL...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Actually I am making a point; a point which obviously escaped you.
Actually I quit paying attention to you after the third page on this thread. You keep regurgitating the same propaganda over and over. The complaint came from a fellow poster. I was just obliging. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I like how the options were:
Support the People, Support the Governor, or "I don't know what the fuck or care"

The people voted for the Governor. He said he was going to do this stuff. Therefor voting to support the people and the governor are the same thing. The choices should be:

1) Support Unions who are more worried about what they are getting than what the people have to pay.
2) Support the Governor who became governor by the will of the people only a short time ago by promising to do the things he is doing right now.
3) Who gives a fuck.


Well-Known Member
I like how the options were:
Support the People, Support the Governor, or "I don't know what the fuck or care"

The people voted for the Governor. He said he was going to do this stuff. Therefor voting to support the people and the governor are the same thing. The choices should be:

1) Support Unions who are more worried about what they are getting than what the people have to pay.
2) Support the Governor who became governor by the will of the people only a short time ago by promising to do the things he is doing right now.
3) Who gives a fuck.
the governor in no way shaper or form said he wanted to strip unions of collective bargaining rights. he said he wanted to balance the budget.

unions conceded the financial demands he was making. they are doing their part without having to strip them of their rights. and what the fuck is this that he's exempting two public unions, the only two that supported him????

he said he was gonna balance the budget, i'm guessing they've had balanced budgets before, alongside collective bargaining for unionized government workers.

this idea that achieving both is not possible is a lie. it's possible. it's happened before, it can happen again.


Active Member
When President Obama was elected and started pushing healthcare even though a majority of Americans didn’t want his plan, democrats shouted elections have consequences. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they run and hide. Pathetic

It makes no difference what the union is willing to accept. The state elected officials have decided to change the law of the state. All the union can do is fight it court now. Well the public officials in the unions pocket have fled the state like that’s going to do anything but piss the majority of the population off. Run little bitches run that’s all I can say.


Well-Known Member
The people voted for the Governor. He said he was going to do this stuff. Therefor voting to support the people and the governor are the same thing.
and now, polls show that if the election were held again today, walker would lose by 7 points. he would lose to the democrat 52-45.


When President Obama was elected and started pushing healthcare even though a majority of Americans didn’t want his plan, democrats shouted elections have consequences. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they run and hide. Pathetic

It makes no difference what the union is willing to accept. The state elected officials have decided to change the law of the state. All the union can do is fight it court now. Well the public officials in the unions pocket have fled the state like that’s going to do anything but piss the majority of the population off. Run little bitches run that’s all I can say.
piss off the majority of the population?

not hardly.

the majority of the population supports the public sector unions.

as far as PPACA goes, i recall that a majority of americans supported a more liberal version, one with a public option.

but that was too SOCIALIST, so obama compromised. put in hundreds of republican amendments (and yet the republicans complain about how many pages all of their amendments added to the bill :roll: )

and current polls show WAY less than a majority wants to repeal PPACA.

as far as your statement that 'it makes no difference what the unions are willing to accept'....i call BULLSHIT.

walker's bill is called the 'budget repair' bill.

anything that has to do with repairing the budget has been conceded by the unions.

so what else is left?

i know. a bunch of FAIL on your part.

nice fail, dude.


Active Member
vivaaa la revolutionnnn!! time to end this vicous cycle that we're stuck in. kick all those damn politricks outta office


Well-Known Member
Could you elaborate? I'm not the brightest individual. Went right over my head :)
The sides are talking past each other. More times than not the response is an out of hand rejection.

This is a perfect example:

Actually I quit paying attention to you after the third page on this thread. You keep regurgitating the same propaganda over and over. The complaint came from a fellow poster. I was just obliging. Carry on.
The OP dismisses my points as mere propaganda. Forget asking him or her to substantiate that statement.

Mud-slinging is not productive in a free exchange of ideas.

Which means I take neither the OP, or this thread seriously. :-o

To the OP: My pms are enabled. They are simply restricted to contacts, friends, and moderators. Which means that if any other yahoo has something to say to me, it will be said in front of god and everybody.


Active Member
and now, polls show that if the election were held again today, walker would lose by 7 points. he would lose to the democrat 52-45.

Who cares if the election were held today it’s not it already happened. If we could redo elections that communist ass clown in the Whitehouse would be out of a job.

piss off the majority of the population?

not hardly.

the majority of the population supports the public sector unions.

as far as PPACA goes, i recall that a majority of americans supported a more liberal version, one with a public option.

but that was too SOCIALIST, so obama compromised. put in hundreds of republican amendments (and yet the republicans complain about how many pages all of their amendments added to the bill :roll: )

and current polls show WAY less than a majority wants to repeal PPACA.

It’s been declared unconstitutional so until that changes socialist lite Obamacare is in the toilet.

as far as your statement that 'it makes no difference what the unions are willing to accept'....i call BULLSHIT.

walker's bill is called the 'budget repair' bill.

anything that has to do with repairing the budget has been conceded by the unions.

so what else is left?
Really what can they do? Do union members vote in the Wisconsin Senate? I’m sure they have bought a few senators but I don’t know union members got to vote. Let the unhappy teachers find new jobs if they don’t like the terms of employment. That’s what nonunion members do every day.

i know. a bunch of FAIL on your part.

nice fail, dude.
The fail is the elected official running from the state with their tail between their legs. And the teachers are failing at their jobs.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but the Governor is dead wrong with trying to take away 'collective bargaining rights"...I myself come from a family of teachers,police, and steelmill workers and I remember the struggles just to get healthcare and a full lunch hour.. grandpops to my own mother had to fight to receive decent healthcare ( you know that same healthcare that some of you people don't want our Goverment to give each citizen...I think you call it Obamacare or something dumb like that )...well now they want to take away the Unions/wokers rights to bargain...dude I never forget where I come from and will always stand for the people not corporations or business..and thats coming from a business owner...for it not the people that come in to my place I would not have a place...for it not the workers in the place to greet the people that come into the place .......well you get the message..


Well-Known Member
Who cares if the election were held today it’s not it already happened. If we could redo elections that communist ass clown in the Whitehouse would be out of a job.

who cares?

you, apparently.

you are the one boasting about what the people thought about other issues in november 2010, while ignoring what the people think about this issue right now.


btw, obama would win against any republican nominee right now.

double FAIL.

It’s been declared unconstitutional so until that changes socialist lite Obamacare is in the toilet. [/QUOTE[

it has also been declared constitutional just as many times.


also, what part of being compelled to buy private insurance is socialist, or even socialist lite?

double FAIL.

double double FAIL.

Really what can they do? Do union members vote in the Wisconsin Senate? I’m sure they have bought a few senators but I don’t know union members got to vote. Let the unhappy teachers find new jobs if they don’t like the terms of employment. That’s what nonunion members do every day.
i assume, according to your own words, that you are in favor of breaking contractual promises.

put your money where your mouth is. take a 10% cut in income by paying more taxes, or go find work somewhere else.

fuck what wage you agreed to when you signed on the dotted line. take 10% less than what you were promised.

do it, or be a hypocrite.

hat trick FAIL.

The fail is the elected official running from the state with their tail between their legs. And the teachers are failing at their jobs.
wisconsin teachers pump out students with a higher than average ACT score. it is part of what attracts private business to that state.

and i was told in grade school to stand up for right is right, even if you stand alone.

the wisconsin 14 do not stand alone, they stand together.

if anyone has their tail between their legs, it is the republicans who now want to pretend that this is not about busting the same unions who have agreed to every financial concession asked of them.

grand slam FAIL.


Active Member
I'm sorry but the Governor is dead wrong with trying to take away 'collective bargaining rights"...I myself come from a family of teachers,police, and steelmill workers and I remember the struggles just to get healthcare and a full lunch hour.. grandpops to my own mother had to fight to receive decent healthcare ( you know that same healthcare that some of you people don't want our Goverment to give each citizen...I think you call it Obamacare or something dumb like that )...well now they want to take away the Unions/wokers rights to bargain...dude I never forget where I come from and will always stand for the people not corporations or business..and thats coming from a business owner...for it not the people that come in to my place I would not have a place...for it not the workers in the place to greet the people that come into the place .......well you get the message..
The government can’t “give” anything without first taking it from someone else.
Is your business unionized? Do your employees receive all the benefits public sector union members receive? If not why not? Put your money where your mouth is. After all should you “give” your employees all the same things you think everyone else should be required to pay for. You say your grandfather worked in a unionized steel mill. Is it still open? Unions did wonders for that industry.