Wireing an extractor fan


Well-Known Member
Hi I got an extractor fan but its one of those ones you have to wire to a mains switch
Can you not put a normal plug on it
Or will I have to buy a new 1 ?
Any help be appreciated
It's a uk bathroom extractor I seen a video of a blauberg turbo on YouTube ..exact same writing as that has l and n then lt
Here's a pic I got on the Internet
Not sure if you split the brown wire plug into 2 of the slots
It sounds dodgy wonder will I just buy a new 1


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you see the pins named L and N? your mains connect there, L brown and N blue but you can even reverse them there will be no problem its ac , then to mains with plug
The TT XXX T fan starts running after the external switch supplies a control signal to the LT input terminal (for example, during turning the light on). After removal of the control signal the fan continues to run within the set time (adjustable with the turn-off delay timer from 2 to 30 minutes). To adjust the fan turn-off delay time, rotate the control knob T clockwise to increase and counter-clockwise to decrease the turn-off delay time respectively (Fig. 19). Warning! The timer circuit is under mains voltage. Disconnect the fan from the power supply prior to any adjustment operations. The fan delivery set includes a specially designed plastic screwdriver for adjustment of the fan parameters.
Terminal designations: L1: minimum speed terminal L2: maximum speed terminal QF: automatic circuit breaker S: external speed switch ST: external switch (for example, light switch) X: input terminal block
so i think you should wire l and lt with that black wire they provided its just sitting there thats not a terminal so they provided it to short L and LT if you want no switch and you want max speed always if max speed is not desired wire in a light switch to lt

so yes your initial guess was wrigt you provide both L and LT with the brown fase wire to start it at max speed but not splitting the brown wire itself but using that black wire they gave u
if not you provide a burst of current to lt and then you l mantains minimum speed for 2 to 30min i think
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Ats me wireing the brown and blue in with my own plug
I dont anything any other wires all I got was the fan with no fittings
just use a piece of your wire, brown or blue one then cut back to normal like you did you did great job so if you dont want it at full speed or minimum speed get a variable speed controller for your mains or better yet a min max speed controller with temp control but i would leave it at max if you dont have a low rh and you are not exausting outside your precious heat
oh and the wire you used is great, fit for the job
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man i just looked at your picture, you gave the wrong model in the first pic so i was looking the wrong manual
here its for yours

so it looks like you have to leave it like you connected it and add a piece of wire between L Permanent Live and LT Switch Live High Speed or L1 Switch Live Low Speed
if you want it at low speed you jump L and L1 permanently and the timer constantly resets and if you want the diagram shows you can connect it to minimum speed and then add a switch that jumps L to LT for max speed
so basically the same i told you before
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The fan with timer function switches on when the voltage is supplied to the LT or L1 terminal via an external switch. After the voltage to the LT or L1 terminal is disconnected the fan continues to run for the set Run on timer period, between 1 and 20 minutes.
so if you dont disconnect the fan keeps running at low (L+L1) or high (L+LT)
i know it sounds complicated but it isnt