Wing Chun


Well-Known Member
I am going to take some Wing Chun classes pretty soon. Is there any Wing Chun masters on rollitup? Seems like a good learner experience physically and mentally.


Well-Known Member
Watch IP man? That movie is awesome. All tho you have to read sub-tittles to understand, it's still awesome.
Ip man was a Grandmaster @ wing chun & one of his most famous disciples was Bruce Lee :)


Well-Known Member
I am going to take some Wing Chun classes pretty soon. Is there any Wing Chun masters on rollitup? Seems like a good learner experience physically and mentally.
Hey, Budsmoker! I took martial arts for decades, but started with Wing Chun. It is a bad ass art, and a great foundation on which to build your fighting skills (Bruce Lee based his fighting on it). It'll teach you sensitivity (the only known MA created by a woman, a nun), and by that I mean that you'll feel what your opponent is going to do next and can anticipate it. You'll also learn the trapping range of fighting, which I think is the most effective because very few outside of Wing Chun practitioners know how to fight in this range (the four ranges being kicking, punching, trapping and grappling). Plus, there's not much fluff: other arts have showy forms (katas), high kicks, flowery rituals, etc.. Only a few, simple forms in Wing Chun, and no high kicks :) You'll ultimately want to go outside WC to learn grappling, because almost all real fights end up on the ground (I used to bounce at some rough places, so believe me). Have fun, and good luck...


Well-Known Member
Bruce Lee did Jeet Kun Do.

Which was based on many styles.... one of which was wing chun. Yhe philosophy of Jeet Kune Do was to take the most effective parts of the several styles that he studied, and drop anything he saw as ineffective.


Well-Known Member
Yes, he pulled from many arts for JKD, but his first MA studied was Wing Chun. He studied WC longer and more intensively than any other art...
the point i mean to make is that wing chun is one of many forms of kung or gung fu, and yes wing chun is the foundation for all of bruce lees training, hoever even among wing chun.

the important lesson to focus on from wing chun is the use of the kinetic chain, many of these point I think or at least in my experience have been best described by bruce lee himself, like when he describes the kung fu punch as being like a steel ball at the end of a steel chain which snaps at you, unlike the iron bar used to strike in other forms.


Well-Known Member
the important lesson to take from jeet kun do is that you must be adaptive and take only what works for you specific body type and fighting style from each style, and be non-rigid so that you may flow between styles like water flowing and crashing.