Windy Saturday storm


Active Member
Aight so here’s my girl about 4 weeks into flowering a bad storm swept thru n hurt my plant pretty good. I think it’s even stressed back in to veg. Help? Advice is much appreciated. Will she make itE2410396-C5CF-4E93-835D-DF9E6B4EE434.jpeg5FD68AAC-F76C-4870-8F09-C0645FD6E4A1.jpegD9E5DDFC-70FA-4F14-9E2B-ADDA43A6C69E.jpeg3EC0FF70-636D-4D7D-8745-76084BC643F7.jpeg91725A45-EED5-4FCB-8402-95264523D20D.jpeg347CFB66-FCBF-4FD6-AC07-ADBCD516FBD1.jpegF105BB03-9422-4A9A-9441-DB21162FAFD5.jpegC77CDB42-7F2C-4AE6-8410-EBD7295DB5DD.jpeg8BD0D513-8F0A-4FE9-935D-06AE9F04645F.jpeg0C7017AB-042A-4CD1-A076-53AFE9E8FB04.jpeg
I just had two break in half outside. I have to do some deep wood guerrilla growing. I went out and checked after the wind storm and found two where completely broke in half. I cleaned up the cut taped it over and threw the tops in the woods. Yours look like the got some wind burn. I would take them out of direct light for a few days like put them in a shaded spot on the porch where they still get indirect light and they’ll bounce back.
any damage you can try taping. I don't see the tell-tale smooth leaves and funky growth from re-veg. Is it an auto or photo? I do see possibly too much N, some dark green, shiny leaves with some with some down turn. I saw a dark spot on the bud on the 1st photo. Tough to tell if it's the lighting or if there is a brownish area. Check for mold just in case.
I don’t see the reveg either. Stake it up and support her for flower, surprising how much abuse they can take.
Thank you all I feel better! You all seen how sideways she was? I didn’t stake it as I didn’t have much time or resources. So I took a charging cable for a phone looped it around main stem n tied on opposite sides keeping her straight. I packed the soil as well(I know normally I would never pack my soil) but I did so in this case to help keep things in place
You may have some root damage from the plant/s being whipped around by the wind.. they should recover pretty quick ..
This is just a guess..
Other then that you should be fine.. wind wont cause a plant to reveg. If the plant isnt totally in the dark and is getting light from porch lights or lights coming out through windows getting on it .. that may cause some weird new growth and possible hermies..
Thank you all I feel better! You all seen how sideways she was? I didn’t stake it as I didn’t have much time or resources. So I took a charging cable for a phone looped it around main stem n tied on opposite sides keeping her straight. I packed the soil as well(I know normally I would never pack my soil) but I did so in this case to help keep things in place
Ya without time your chances of success are greatly reduced. Good luck.
As of right now where I’m at it gets about 11 hours of darkness outside it also hasn’t moved from the same spot it’s been growing from the whole time so I don’t know I guess maybe the stress of the wind plus not exactly 12 hours of darkness could do it?
I guess I’m just confused. I mean I know exactly what your talking about, but she was a month into flower when this happened and is in the same spot as it’s been in its whole life cycle. I’m not arguing jus expressing my confusion lol
Is there a light source on/near your porch? Neighbours? Inside lights through the window? Streetlight?
Is there a light source on/near your porch? Neighbours? Inside lights through the window? Streetlight?
Some from a company a ways away, not substantial tho, and again it was a month into flower when this happened and it hasn’t moved. So nothing about its environment or lightning changed.
The only way that plant reveged is light
You either had it indoors after it started to flower or you have an outside light source
Possibly the windows
It’s not stress