Win Pineapple Chunk 5 seeds - 2 Prizes from Gorilla SeedBank

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Never tried this strain but I would love to try them and give it its full potential under my se7000 and possibly some co2

thanks for the great comp
Just had a birthday, starting a grow with some bag seeds. Would be good to have some legit known beans for the 2nd grow. Either way, kudos to you for the contest!!
Well, I think I should be the winner of this tasty prize because...
well, I deserve to win a wonderful prize...
well, sort of, sort of kind of.
Perhaps I don't deserve to win.
Now I don't know if I should be the winner after all.
I guess I shouldn't even enter this fabulous contest.

Thanks anyway Big G.
You've always been a great seedbank with good selections, fast delivery, and great giveaways.
I should win so I can give em a grow in the new tent light setup that has been patiently awaiting for some A grade genetics to run . But on that note I hope and wish the best luck to everybody whom enters this inittowinit giveaway. I don't beleive there's any reason why someone should deserve it more than another member. The reason I chose this awesome well designed and run website when searching for friendly educational growing forum was the amount of positive feedback to one another and willingness of members wanting to help one another and share there knowledge and growing know how so on that note best of luck to everyone entering and also thanks so much for the awesome giveaway thanks guys ànd gals and hope everyone has an awesome day :)
I've finally finished renovating my house. Now it's time to get back to growing some sensational seeds! Pineapple Chunk seems like a fantastic strain to take my new home's weed-growing virginity!
I should win because I'm a fucken druggo

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