Win Growerschoice Original Oreoz

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Say it with Oreoz! Hey that Gorilla looks well pi**ed off!
We are giving away Growerschoice 5+2 seeds to each winner. Enter on any or all of the following platforms to increase your chances of winning! Winners to be announced on April 30th 2024 or thereabouts on this page - check back then!

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I've never grown growers choice but would love to try some. @Till Valhalla @Natea @FirstCavApache64 @dougdawson
Sure thing! I recently embarked on a sweet journey with Growers Choice original Oreos, and let me tell you, it was like biting into a cookie of euphoria! The aroma, the taste, the effects—truly an indulgence worth savoring. Can't wait to share more of my 'crumb'-tastic experiences
I remember running growers choice when I first started growing. Skunk kush, og kush, and C99-- my fav was the og kush and the c99 was a great daytime smoke. Thanks for a shot to try out the oreoz!