Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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i think you pro-vaxxers... or whatever it is you like to call yourselves...

i think you guys should go huddle up again tomorrow morning and think about the new approach you might have to take to try to convince the non-compliers to comply with the shot
i think you pro-vaxxers... or whatever it is you like to call yourselves...

i think you guys should go huddle up again tomorrow morning and think about the new approach you might have to take to try to convince the non-compliers to comply with the shot
I heard that Krispy-Kream is giving out free doughnuts (for life?) if you show your vaxx card. Maybe these guys could one up them and offer hot apple pie or something. Blowjobs from street hoes if you get vaxxed? I dunno, just thinking out loud over here.
Krispy Kreme is another thing that I'm not gonna put in my body. Do you think they will start requiring that people eat doughnuts before being able to shop for groceries too?..

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Free donut?! Well I really need to get that shot now!

seriously tho...with as pushy as car salesman tact, and knowitall sense that you guys have in this thread, do you really think you're going to be able to convince anybody who's on the fence about getting the shot to actually decide to get it?
Back up for a little bit, can't sleep yet, but I'm, getting close! As soon as I get the cat back in I'm down for the count. Here is a relevant article. I guess we'll see where the numbers are when they cut off their healthcare coverage for covid if they are not vaccinated. We can't do that in Canada with government healthcare, but private for profit companies can and will, I wouldn't expect the government to do much about it either.

Vaccine approvals are being sought to cover kids as young as 14 years old and that should drive the vaccination rate up too, no vaccine, no school, ditto for colleges. If you work for the federal government they night make it a requirement, it is in the military already, anything to drive those numbers into the 80% range and they will be creative!
America may be close to hitting a coronavirus vaccine wall - Axios

America may be close to hitting a vaccine wall


There are growing signs that parts of the country may be close to meeting demand for the coronavirus vaccine — well before the U.S. has reached herd immunity.

Why it matters: For the last few months, the primary focus of the U.S. has been getting shots to everyone who wants them, as quickly as possible. Soon, that focus will abruptly shift to convincing holdouts to get vaccinated.

State of play: Red states in the South are administering the lowest portion of the vaccine doses that they receive from the federal government — a sign of low demand, slow public health systems, or both.
  • The most vaccine-reluctant Americans are white Republicans, polling has found.
By the numbers: On average, states have administered 76% of the doses they've received from the federal government. New Hampshire has administered the largest share of all states, at 89.8%, while Alabama has administered the smallest — only 61.4% of its doses.

Driving the news: An analysis released by Surgo Ventures yesterday concluded that "the supply-demand shift for the vaccine will happen earlier than expected — as early as the end of April — and before the nation reaches the 70-90% threshold for achieving herd immunity."
  • It released a survey finding that 59% of U.S. adults say they're either already vaccinated, or plan to be as soon as the shot is made available to them. At the current U.S. vaccination rate, all of those vaccine-enthusiastic adults could be inoculated by the end of April.
  • Vaccination rates will then slow, and Surgo's projections show that only around 52% of Americans will be vaccinated by July. When combined with people who have already been infected, the immunity rate overall may be around 65% by then — still not high enough for herd immunity.
What they're saying: “This analysis shows that despite the general vaccine enthusiasm we are seeing now in the United States, things are going to get really difficult really soon,” said Sema Sgaier, Surgo's CEO.
  • “Without significant investment in addressing people’s barriers and making vaccines available to those below 18, reaching herd immunity will be a real challenge.”
A separate survey of rural Americans, released by KFF this morning, found that while they're more likely to have already been vaccinated than urban and suburban Americans, there are fewer remaining rural residents who are eager to get their shots.
  • 39% have already gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, 16% say they'll get it as soon as possible, and 15% said they want to "wait and see."
  • Another 9% said they'll only get vaccinated if required, and 21% said they definitely won't. In suburban areas, a combined 21% said they were vaccine resistant, and only a combined 16% of urban residents said the same.
  • Among rural residents who said they definitely won't get vaccinated, almost three-quarters were Republicans or Republican-leaning, and 41% were white Evangelical Christians.
The bottom line: Rural, Republican-heavy states are likely blowing through their vaccine-eager populations.
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Vaccine approvals are being sought to cover kids as young as 14 years old and that should drive the vaccination rate up too, no vaccine, no school, ditto for colleges. If you work for the federal government they night make it a requirement, it is in the military already, anything to drive those numbers into the 80% range and they will be creative!

See you're spreading misinformation

its NOT required in the military

Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40% of US Marines are declining Covid-19 vaccinations, according to data provided to CNN on Friday by the service, the first branch to disclose service-wide numbers on acceptance and declination.
As of Thursday, approximately 75,500 Marines have received vaccines, including fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated service men and women. About 48,000 Marines have chosen not to receive vaccines, for a declination rate of 38.9%.
CNN has reached out to the other services for acceptance and declination rates.
The corresponding acceptance rate for vaccinations among Marines -- 61.1% -- is not far off the military estimate of two-thirds, or about 66%.
Another 102,000 Marines have not yet been offered the vaccines. The total number of Marines includes active-duty, reserves and Individual Mobilization Augmentee Marines.
The declination rate at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, one of the prominent Marine Corps bases, was far higher, at 57%, according to another set of data provided to CNN. Of 26,400 Marines who have been offered vaccinations, 15,100 have chosen not to receive them, a number that includes both II Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Installation East -- Camp Lejeune. Another 11,500 active-duty Marines are scheduled to be offered the vaccine

what does that tell ya?

go let all those servicemen and women know how stupid you think they are for declining the shot
See you're spreading misinformation

its NOT required in the military

Nearly 40% of Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine

Washington (CNN)Nearly 40% of US Marines are declining Covid-19 vaccinations, according to data provided to CNN on Friday by the service, the first branch to disclose service-wide numbers on acceptance and declination.
As of Thursday, approximately 75,500 Marines have received vaccines, including fully vaccinated and partially vaccinated service men and women. About 48,000 Marines have chosen not to receive vaccines, for a declination rate of 38.9%.
CNN has reached out to the other services for acceptance and declination rates.
The corresponding acceptance rate for vaccinations among Marines -- 61.1% -- is not far off the military estimate of two-thirds, or about 66%.
Another 102,000 Marines have not yet been offered the vaccines. The total number of Marines includes active-duty, reserves and Individual Mobilization Augmentee Marines.
The declination rate at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, one of the prominent Marine Corps bases, was far higher, at 57%, according to another set of data provided to CNN. Of 26,400 Marines who have been offered vaccinations, 15,100 have chosen not to receive them, a number that includes both II Marine Expeditionary Force and Marine Corps Installation East -- Camp Lejeune. Another 11,500 active-duty Marines are scheduled to be offered the vaccine

what does that tell ya?

go let all those servicemen and women know how stupid you think they are for declining the shot
If they are deployed it would be a different case and I think the navy might be a bit different with people living in close quarters. Mandatory military vaccinations are an order from Joe away and most likely will, it makes no sense from a military preparedness point of view. During the gulf war soldiers were vaccinated whether they wanted to or not and the vaccines were not good at all in terms of side effects.

Most marines are teens and early 20's, these groups are not that eager to be vaccinated anyway. Once the civilian population is inoculated and the vaccines come out of emergency use (real world data will be used for this) they will have to get the jab, No way they can be deployed overseas without one.
Religion, run by pedos, conmen and crazies, it's not a accident that they refer to their victims as a flock.
As belief diminishes over time and becomes less central to society the quality of the clergy has diminished too, in the main stream religions. The bible school trained preachers or those conmen and narcissist's who are "inspired by God" never changed much since the days of Joe Smith and the Mormons. It's easier to subvert an existing religion than to start fresh and this is the usual course of action. Most are some kind of pseudo Christianity in America.

Delusion is normal Captain and in fact essential to the mental health of most people, mass delusion is and has always been common and in the last few centuries religion has moved from a way of explaining the universe and our place in it to delusion. Science revealed the true nature of reality and we are still trying to get to the bottom of it, most educated people who have not been strongly conditioned to religion and can actually think, fall away from it. We still seem to need the ceremonies that go with it though, the christenings, marriages and funerals. Sprinkle Christians, sprinkled with water, rice and earth. Even that is fading away with civil ceremonies and non religious memorial services.

We are living in the bombed out ruins of a Christian society with in a secular one. Increasingly religion is becoming the realm of the abusively conditioned, the stupid and the mentally unstable.
I don’t have a problem with a lockdown. I have a problem with the idiotic policy of repeated lockdowns because the government is opening things up too early with few restrictions.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Yeah,flip-flopping caused by economic pressure,wanting to cover asses for re-election,don't want opponent to claim their economy killers. Saw a CDC stat about surface transmission yest. 1/10,000 of contracting Covid, but seed is planted,who's not going to cont. wiping groceries down and who's going to look at door handles and such the same way again.ccguns
Nuclear power is safe guys. Science says so. Don't forget that Chernobyl melted down as part of a safety test. But's it's all good. More positive things have come from nuclear power than negative, right? Right? Bueller?
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I was going to respond with more, but this circle jerk thread that has devolved into trolls trolling each other spreading stupidly dangerous bullshit (like above) to create confusing noise is boring.

Pretending like some troll isn't a troll because they ask stupid as shit questions that some idiot can pretend is 'owning' the narrative is just showing people to be the trolls that it was always pretty obvious that they were.

On April 6, The Defender reported that 246 Michigan residents fully vaccinated against COVID were later diagnosed with the virus, resulting in three deaths.

All “breakthrough cases” occurred between Jan. 1 and March 31 in people who tested positive 14 or more days after the last dose in the vaccine series. Of the 117 with hospitalization data entered, 11 were hospitalized, 103 were not hospitalized and three were reported as unknown.

The three people who died were all 65 or older and two “were within three weeks of completion of vaccination.”

On April 8, Kaiser Health News reported that a man died at age 36 of coronavirus, just days after getting his first dose of COVID vaccine. Espinoza fell ill a few days after his first dose on Jan. 5, but went to work thinking it was vaccine-related. His symptoms progressed to a fever and chills and he tested positive for COVIDfive days later. Three weeks later Espinoza had passed away.

“Even after you’re fully vaccinated, there still is a remaining risk,” said Horton, co-author of a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine about post-vaccination infection rates among healthcare workers in California. “Even if it’s so much lower, it’s still present.”

Multiple states have reported breakthrough cases of COVID including, Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota, Oregon, Idaho, Nebraska, Louisiana, Utah, North Carolina and Hawaii.


As belief diminishes over time and becomes less central to society the quality of the clergy has diminished too, in the main stream religions. The bible school trained preachers or those conmen and narcissist's who are "inspired by God" never changed much since the days of Joe Smith and the Mormons. It's easier to subvert an existing religion than to start fresh and this is the usual course of action. Most are some kind of pseudo Christianity in America.

Delusion is normal Captain and in fact essential to the mental health of most people, mass delusion is and has always been common and in the last few centuries religion has moved from a way of explaining the universe and our place in it to delusion. Science revealed the true nature of reality and we are still trying to get to the bottom of it, most educated people who have not been strongly conditioned to religion and can actually think, fall away from it. We still seem to need the ceremonies that go with it though, the christenings, marriages and funerals. Sprinkle Christians, sprinkled with water, rice and earth. Even that is fading away with civil ceremonies and non religious memorial services.

We are living in the bombed out ruins of a Christian society with in a secular one. Increasingly religion is becoming the realm of the abusively conditioned, the stupid and the mentally unstable.

Are you referring to the golden age of religion when if you didn't follow the rules you were branded a heretic or in league with satan and killed or driven from your home?