Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Yeah,flip-flopping caused by economic pressure,wanting to cover asses for re-election,don't want opponent to claim their economy killers. Saw a CDC stat about surface transmission yest. 1/10,000 of contracting Covid, but seed is planted,who's not going to cont. wiping groceries down and who's going to look at door handles and such the same way again.ccguns
That is good news, until they did the proper study it was assumed that it was like the flu virus that does spread a lot by contacting surfaces. That fact and the high uptake in flu vaccines made the flu season almost nonexistent in the northern and southern hemispheres this past winter. Washing hands probably saved tens of thousands of flu deaths, so it did some good. This also illustrates how much more contagious covid is than the flu that we stopped in it tracks with public health measures, since flu vaccines are only half as effective as covid vaccinations.
As belief diminishes over time and becomes less central to society the quality of the clergy has diminished too, in the main stream religions. The bible school trained preachers or those conmen and narcissist's who are "inspired by God" never changed much since the days of Joe Smith and the Mormons. It's easier to subvert an existing religion than to start fresh and this is the usual course of action. Most are some kind of pseudo Christianity in America.

Delusion is normal Captain and in fact essential to the mental health of most people, mass delusion is and has always been common and in the last few centuries religion has moved from a way of explaining the universe and our place in it to delusion. Science revealed the true nature of reality and we are still trying to get to the bottom of it, most educated people who have not been strongly conditioned to religion and can actually think, fall away from it. We still seem to need the ceremonies that go with it though, the christenings, marriages and funerals. Sprinkle Christians, sprinkled with water, rice and earth. Even that is fading away with civil ceremonies and non religious memorial services.

We are living in the bombed out ruins of a Christian society with in a secular one. Increasingly religion is becoming the realm of the abusively conditioned, the stupid and the mentally unstable.
Always looked at religion as a whatever works to get you straight type of thing, no harm no foul,but MF's who weaponize it and even worse those who believe those who weaponize it are toast in my mind.I think a lot of people indoctrinated at early age in whatever faith that have doubts just have a keep w/it mentality "just in case" so to speak which is fine w/me if it gets them out the door in the right frame of mind.ccguns
That is good news, until they did the proper study it was assumed that it was like the flu virus that does spread a lot by contacting surfaces. That fact and the high uptake in flu vaccines made the flu season almost nonexistent in the northern and southern hemispheres this past winter. Washing hands probably saved tens of thousands of flu deaths, so it did some good. This also illustrates how much more contagious covid is than the flu that we stopped in it tracks with public health measures, since flu vaccines are only half as effective as covid vaccinations.
Absolutely the panic over surface trans. of Covid and the resulting sanitize everything campaign obliterated any chance of a strong flu season. I'm hoping that the Rna technology is applied to dev. a more effective influenza vaccine as my tendancy to not get sick+ the ineffectiveness %wise of the vac. has made me never get it. I believe that someone is actually working on applying Rna to influenza,and if a shot comes along that is 90+ effective I cert. will get it.ccguns
Are you referring to the golden age of religion when if you didn't follow the rules you were branded a heretic or in league with satan and killed or driven from your home?
Nope, just recent history, America (more than Canada, we lost ours) is a society that is losing it's religion and the "quality" of the believers is diminishing. We live in secular societies, but give Christians full reign and they'd be burning us at the stake in no time flat. It is secular society that civilized the religious and make a moral and ethical society, not the other way around. Christians would be still burning witches at the stake, if not for secular society and liberal democracy.
Always looked at religion as a whatever works to get you straight type of thing, no harm no foul,but MF's who weaponize it and even worse those who believe those who weaponize it are toast in my mind.I think a lot of people indoctrinated at early age in whatever faith that have doubts just have a keep w/it mentality "just in case" so to speak which is fine w/me if it gets them out the door in the right frame of mind.ccguns
In terms of religion, freedom of conscience was a recent thing, and if you revealed how you really felt you would be executed or punished in some other way. Until recently England still had Catholic exclusion laws for instance and dissenting protestants were persecuted, hence the Pilgrims. England was one of the milder cases in Europe though, it has a state religion like many European countries and some have a special tax to support religion. The religion was bound up with political loyalty until recent times, the Roman emperors became God's and one had to pay homage to them. This goes right back to living in tribes, the belief helped bind the people into a community and explain the world.
Nope, just recent history, America (more than Canada, we lost ours) is a society that is losing it's religion and the "quality" of the believers is diminishing. We live in secular societies, but give Christians full reign and they'd be burning us at the stake in no time flat. It is secular society that civilized the religious and make a moral and ethical society, not the other way around. Christians would be still burning witches at the stake, if not for secular society and liberal democracy.
I was indoctrinated in Catholicism at early age through school. Done 1st comm and confirmation. Don't look back on it negatively as I think they were at hte least trying to instill decent values in young minds. The church hurt itself w/molestation scandals and how they handled it. It stands to reason that back "in the day" w/large families that the priesthood was the main route for a young man showing no interest in women or a effeminate type "not like the other boys" so to speak. Many families were proud to have a priest in the family, however it just turned out to seed the priesthood w/closet homosexuals who could'nt resist temptation being around so many young impressionable minds while being in a position of trust.Couple that with as you get older you learn the church has all this property and pays no taxes wehile always raising funds for the church and you begin to view it as a business like anything else. A business exempt from taxation.ccguns
In terms of religion, freedom of conscience was a recent thing, and if you revealed how you really felt you would be executed or punished in some other way. Until recently England still had Catholic exclusion laws for instance and dissenting protestants were persecuted, hence the Pilgrims. England was one of the milder cases in Europe though, it has a state religion like many European countries and some have a special tax to support religion. The religion was bound up with political loyalty until recent times, the Roman emperors became God's and one had to pay homage to them. This goes right back to living in tribes, the belief helped bind the people into a community and explain the world.
Man, you are deep, highly intelligent and knowledgeable,what is your education level my man,I think its time you insert a PROF. in front of DIY-HP-LED.ccguns
There's a reason why the founders wanted separation of church and state and that reason is why the GQP want to get rid of the separation, they want unquestioned obedience.
I was indoctrinated in Catholicism at early age through school. Done 1st comm and confirmation. Don't look back on it negatively as I think they were at hte least trying to instill decent values in young minds. The church hurt itself w/molestation scandals and how they handled it. It stands to reason that back "in the day" w/large families that the priesthood was the main route for a young man showing no interest in women or a effeminate type "not like the other boys" so to speak. Many families were proud to have a priest in the family, however it just turned out to seed the priesthood w/closet homosexuals who could'nt resist temptation being around so many young impressionable minds while being in a position of trust.Couple that with as you get older you learn the church has all this property and pays no taxes wehile always raising funds for the church and you begin to view it as a business like anything else. A business exempt from taxation.ccguns
Celibacy is a tradition in the Catholic church and is unsupported by the bible or doctrine, it started in the middle ages as a way to combat simony, but Bishops and cardinals were allowed to marry. Today celerity selects for sexual deviants and others with issues who were conditioned to religion.
Man, you are deep, highly intelligent and knowledgeable,what is your education level my man,I think its time you insert a PROF. in front of DIY-HP-LED.ccguns
I was a tradesman (worked an office for the last 15 or so years) and have some college education and a lot of university courses and such taken in the evenings or distance learning, just out of curiosity, I already had a great job. More importantly I've been what's called a life long learner and it lead me to Buddhism and all kinds of weird places!
Man, you are deep, highly intelligent and knowledgeable,what is your education level my man,I think its time you insert a PROF. in front of DIY-HP-LED.ccguns
Many here would disagree with your assessment! :lol: I just like to write a bit and this is a good place to practice the skill.
Celibacy is a tradition in the Catholic church and is unsupported by the bible or doctrine, it started in the middle ages as a way to combat simony, but Bishops and cardinals were allowed to marry. Today celerity selects for sexual deviants and others with issues who were conditioned to religion.
I think the thing is,If a priest wasn't allowed to partake in sexual activities and the lustiness inherent in it, that it gave them a sort of moral highground, from which they could preach and be considered worthy of respect, I mean how do you feel confessing to someone who wants to bend it over and slap that ass, you know what I mean.Being celibate promotes the idea morally clean individual.ccguns
I was a tradesman (worked an office for the last 15 or so years) and have some college education and a lot of university courses and such taken in the evenings or distance learning, just out of curiosity, I already had a great job. More importantly I've been what's called a life long learner and it lead me to Buddhism and all kinds of weird places!
Follow your path man, a job well done.ccguns
Got it, you're a segregationist. Noted.

It sucks how much you don't understand, or care, about other people's rights. It's all about you. A business doesn't want you, but you want the law to force them to accept you. I bet you understood this shit just fine back when the baker didn't want to bake that cake for the gay dudes. What you want is the same as me demanding to be inside your house and creating law to make that happen, then I get to say stupid stuff about how, if you don't want me there, then you must be a segregationist. That's just the dumbest shit ever. If you have any appreciation for freedom in this country, you really need to learn how it works, because your selfish twisting of it leads nowhere but its demise.