Public health is largely a state concern and there are very strict and draconian public health laws on the books of most states for a long time. Some vaccines are mandatory, since people forgot the toll taken on young children by a host of diseases we never hear about any more like polio. I consider it to be child abuse to refuse to have your child vaccinated because you are stupid enough to listen to bullshit spouted on line by fanatical fools. People have a basic human right to the truth Rob and spouting lies and disinformation causes real harm as we have seen with Trump and covid.
Don't spout to me about your individual rights, compared to the community you have none, break some of the communities laws and they will kill you in many places, or they can draft your ass and send it to Vietnam where some one else would do your ass for you. Your second amendment right only exists to serve the community with your own weapon upon and at its command, the 2nd is more about collective responsibility than individual rights, the right to bear arms was only a means to an end, the defense of the community.