Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Sounds like you live a dismal life right now but have adjusted your expectations, this is a healthy response, control what you can, reduce risks where possible and don't worry about what you can't affect. Good for you. Still though. Looking at your post, wouldn't much of your life improve if you were immunized and others were too?

There is nothing wrong with living as a hermit, so not judging. Just pointing out that you wouldn't need to live that way once enough people, including you are vaccinated.

Its. Very tough call. Going back to the world we lived is probably not going to happen any time soon. Sadly I think there will be issues with this vaccine in that they are not long lasting. Don’t really work, or cause somecrazg side effects. And I do strongly believe in vaccines. My mom had polio as a kid. So I do believe in vaccines. It’s just how everything came out and rushed. Vaccines take years.
Any time someone is paid 2 billion dollars to produce something that they don't already have makes me nervous.. Seems tonights news might be nothing more than a way to raise stock prices. Government is corrupt and if you think so you are a fool..
If Health Canada and Joe's people say it's ok, it's ok, nobody is getting it until after Joe takes office and he might be the first in line to build public trust. Fauci will be getting vaccinated on TV FFS! By the time they get around to you millions will have received it for months building public confidence. It will be voluntary and 60 or 70% of the people will take it, by then 10% of the population will have had covid at least and you will be at herd immunity by summer with a rapid decline in cases during the spring. There will also be several different effective antibody treatments by then too, we will need them and they too give a few months immunity.

Joe will manage covid down to reasonable levels within 60 days of taking office, he has already begun the work of a real president. If you were president and had the chance to save hundreds of thousands of Americans that you swore an oath to defend and protect, what wouldn't you do? I would suggest nobody get between Joe and saving those hundreds of thousands of lives, the equivalent of many wars, if they got in my way they'd be fucked, as doom fell on them like a bolt of lighting. If Joe has to put assholes behind razor wire or in Gitmo he will do it to save those lives, better wear your mask!

Lawyers are mostly subhuman.
Public health is largely a state concern and there are very strict and draconian public health laws on the books of most states for a long time. Some vaccines are mandatory, since people forgot the toll taken on young children by a host of diseases we never hear about any more like polio. I consider it to be child abuse to refuse to have your child vaccinated because you are stupid enough to listen to bullshit spouted on line by fanatical fools. People have a basic human right to the truth Rob and spouting lies and disinformation causes real harm as we have seen with Trump and covid.

Don't spout to me about your individual rights, compared to the community you have none, break some of the communities laws and they will kill you in many places, or they can draft your ass and send it to Vietnam where some one else would do your ass for you. Your second amendment right only exists to serve the community with your own weapon upon and at its command, the 2nd is more about collective responsibility than individual rights, the right to bear arms was only a means to an end, the defense of the community.
Public health is largely a state concern and there are very strict and draconian public health laws on the books of most states for a long time. Some vaccines are mandatory, since people forgot the toll taken on young children by a host of diseases we never hear about any more like polio. I consider it to be child abuse to refuse to have your child vaccinated because you are stupid enough to listen to bullshit spouted on line by fanatical fools. People have a basic human right to the truth Rob and spouting lies and disinformation causes real harm as we have seen with Trump and covid.

Don't spout to me about your individual rights, compared to the community you have none, break some of the communities laws and they will kill you in many places, or they can draft your ass and send it to Vietnam where some one else would do your ass for you. Your second amendment right only exists to serve the community with your own weapon upon and at its command, the 2nd is more about collective responsibility than individual rights, the right to bear arms was only a means to an end, the defense of the community.

Are you in favor of forced liposuction ?

What if anything, would prevent government from declaring that as mandatory for people they deem that need it ?
Any time someone is paid 2 billion dollars to produce something that they don't already have makes me nervous.. Seems tonights news might be nothing more than a way to raise stock prices. Government is corrupt and if you think so you are a fool..
The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt. The US government has a corrupt leader. But not all who are working on this vaccine who work for either are corrupt. The tests and procedures, if followed, were developed in response to actions by corrupt people to prevent them from slipping another health hazard by the regulators, most of whom, I believe are just working people who are trying to do the best job they can. With Trump out of the way, they should be able to do so.

I'm going to wait until I hear more about the tests and results. Also, I'm waiting to hear what the medical science community says. You must realize that corruption is present on the antivax side too? I mean, when I listen to what they say, it drives me back to the scientists. They have some pretty strange theories that have been debunked and they don't care what the data says. I'll take objective facts and opinions from people who have a good track record of being right over anything a Trump official says or what the antivaxxers say. An effective vaccine is the only way out of this problem. Some people want to wait and see before taking it. Others want it as soon as its available. I lean more on the as soon as available but I want there to be solid science-based tests, analysis and recommendations from medical science professionals like Fauci before I take it.

I don't even read what @Rob Roy says. He's a waste of time and space.

90% effective is pretty good. I will say that. Pfizer is a reputable company with plenty of experience in this. I think the news today was pretty good.

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Public health is largely a state concern and there are very strict and draconian public health laws on the books of most states for a long time. Some vaccines are mandatory, since people forgot the toll taken on young children by a host of diseases we never hear about any more like polio. I consider it to be child abuse to refuse to have your child vaccinated because you are stupid enough to listen to bullshit spouted on line by fanatical fools. People have a basic human right to the truth Rob and spouting lies and disinformation causes real harm as we have seen with Trump and covid.

Don't spout to me about your individual rights, compared to the community you have none, break some of the communities laws and they will kill you in many places, or they can draft your ass and send it to Vietnam where some one else would do your ass for you. Your second amendment right only exists to serve the community with your own weapon upon and at its command, the 2nd is more about collective responsibility than individual rights, the right to bear arms was only a means to an end, the defense of the community.
Chill with the individual rights being subservient to the community. There are legal means of dealing with times when the public good conflicts with personal rights. We are still a nation that is ruled through laws. In fact, nobody can or should be forced to take the vaccine. For the public good or the good of a business, we might allow a company or school to require certification of vaccination before allowing people back into those environments. But think carrot instead of stick. For the most part, it's up to our leaders to convince the public that the new vaccine is safe. People want to be free of risk of infection from this virus. Most do. That's enough.
Chill with the individual rights being subservient to the community. There are legal means of dealing with times when the public good conflicts with personal rights. We are still a nation that is ruled through laws. In fact, nobody can or should be forced to take the vaccine. For the public good or the good of a business, we might allow a company or school to require certification of vaccination before allowing people back into those environments. But think carrot instead of stick. For the most part, it's up to our leaders to convince the public that the new vaccine is safe. People want to be free of risk of infection from this virus. Most do. That's enough.
Can't a guy even troll Rob around here?
Are you in favor of forced liposuction ?

What if anything, would prevent government from declaring that as mandatory for people they deem that need it ?
The public good Rob, out of many one, is the description of a united community. Don't you know there's a war on boy? Hundreds of thousands of American lives are on the line, most folks have the sense to actively participate and cooperate with a sound plan by competent leadership that has been repeatedly demonstrated to work. When the stakes are high so are the incentives and disincentives, but make no mistake about the ability of the state to deal with those seen as a threat to the public good, wear yer mask as required to protect yourself and others. Public health is about to become priority #1 and a national mission of recovery is afoot, you'll see what leadership looks like.