I hope you realized I never called you a fucking asshole or that you crawled out from under a rock to get paid to post stupid shit. I am not one to get my information at CNN and that I was on Newsmax long before it became fashionable. I also have a keen interest in the virus and try to get my information from credible sources. So it is in this vein I ask, because I am really curious where people get their information from (I do not have to ask the others here as they have given their sources over the last year and a half). And this is not only yourself, I am curious what others use to make up their minds.
I think this is the third time I asked politely after you said we should do our own research and not use CNN. So I ask again. Where and how have you researched information on the virus and the effects on the human body, the effects from using the vaccines. I am a great student and would not mind breing educated.
Tucker Carlson makes him laugh, so there's that...