Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I didn’t realize thinking and questioning the status quo was being a propagandist, I thought stoners were skeptical by nature
No spamming dangerous propaganda makes you a propagandist.

I am skeptical, of you and all the trolls that come on here pushing the same death cult lies.
Nope, first trump said it was hoax, then he said it was just the flu, then it would magically disappear. After that he claimed hydroxy would solve it, and maybe drink bleach too. He only praised himself for vaccine development when he thought it would help his reelection, never even got vaccinated publicly.

Funny that Trump's only part in a vaccine was the name "warp speed" which only exemplified the pace of development, the very reason most trumptards are refusing it.

Stinky only created warp speed to get a piece of the pie, he never passes up a chance at a kick back.
Trump fast tracked the vaccine is so wrong that it’s obvious you know not what you think you know. But yes it’s a free world and it’s totally your choice to make. I think your going to find being unvaccinated is going to greatly limit what you do, unless you live in the dumb as a stump states.
You scared of delta ? I’m not, I hope I get it too…what you don’t seem to get is I don’t care enough to go posting sources n arguing with you, I want you to get the vaccine so in 5 years I’ll have a better idea of how safe it is…thank you for your service
I hope you realized I never called you a fucking asshole or that you crawled out from under a rock to get paid to post stupid shit. I am not one to get my information at CNN and that I was on Newsmax long before it became fashionable. I also have a keen interest in the virus and try to get my information from credible sources. So it is in this vein I ask, because I am really curious where people get their information from (I do not have to ask the others here as they have given their sources over the last year and a half). And this is not only yourself, I am curious what others use to make up their minds.

I think this is the third time I asked politely after you said we should do our own research and not use CNN. So I ask again. Where and how have you researched information on the virus and the effects on the human body, the effects from using the vaccines. I am a great student and would not mind breing educated.