Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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"Ahhhhhh!!! These nanoparticles are making me pay for a blowjob from this trans prostitute, damn you, Bill, damn youuuuu!!!"

Yeah. Really what kind of control is expected?

If the most educated are all getting the vaccine then either the Elite want to kill off all educated people and keep the ignorant uneducated people around or the Elite want to control the most educated and make them more productive for society, which is generally already the case.

No end game seems to be a winner for the Elite.
Yesterday Dad informed me about the magnetic particles, nanoparticles, and rf signals that the vaccine has in it.

Apparently "Bill Gates and them" are going to use the vaccine to control and track everyone that takes it. The Elite want to control everyone.

Told him it was all bs but went in one ear and out the other.

Common sense is lost in the US.
Tell him to leave me out of it. -Them
Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Is Even More Amazing Than You Think | The Motley Fool

Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Is Even More Amazing Than You Think
Efficacy against variants is showing the drug is the gold standard in preventing COVID.

Once the pandemic started, people spent much of the rest of 2020 waiting for vaccines to arrive. When they did -- thanks to Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna -- the results were much better than most had hoped for.

With much of the country vaccinated, daily cases are now down more than 95% in the U.S. But the story isn't over.

Simply the best
The Pfizer-BioNTech drug -- now marketed as Comirnaty -- was the first to share phase 3 data. In mid-November 2020, they announced their drug was 95% effective in protecting against COVID-19.

Moderna followed two weeks later with its own impressive results. Since then, a few others have followed suit. To date, Johnson & Johnson's is the only additional jab to receive authorization in the U.S.

ManufacturerEfficacy vs. Wild-Type SARS-CoV-2 Authorized in the U.S.
Pfizer (NYSE:PFE)/BioNTech (NASDAQ:BNTX)95%Yes
Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA)94.1%Yes
Johnson & Johnson67%Yes

Of course, it isn't an apples-to-apples comparison. The earlier clinical trials had more of a static target. As times goes on, there are actually different versions of the virus circulating.

Bigger, stronger, faster

When viruses hijack the machinery of a cell to make copies of themselves, those copies sometimes end up with slight errors. The errors, or mutations, usually don't have much impact, as we never even know they exist.
Every once in a while, a mutation gives the virus some enhanced properties. That can show up as an illness with more severe symptoms or even one that's easier to spread.

Several of those mutations -- known as variants -- of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been circulating in different parts of the world. And both investors and society at large are focused on how well the existing vaccines are able to protect against them.

VariantInitial SourceVariant Name
B.1.1.7United KingdomAlpha
B.1.351South AfricaBeta
The delta variant has already become the dominant strain in the U.K. and is on its way to becoming the same in the U.S. That's troubling because the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said the mutation is more contagious than other variants and causes more severe symptoms.

It already makes up 10% of all new cases in the U.S. That's up from just 6% in a week. Thankfully, the Pfizer vaccine holds its own against the mutation.

Hit me one more time
Albert Bourla, Pfizer's CEO, has said that his company tested its vaccine against the variants and has them covered. That's true ... kind of. Analysis in the U.K. showed two doses of the company's vaccine still provided significant protection from the mutated virus.

That full regimen was 92% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID from the alpha mutation. It dropped to 79% effective against the delta variant. Although there have been no studies of the Moderna vaccine, the performance is expected to be the same, according to White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The story isn't as rosy after one jab. In that period before the second dose does its magic, the effectiveness was a far less robust 33%. Previously, the CDC had said the first shot of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine was 80% effective at preventing COVID.

All told, it's establishing a trend of slightly waning efficacy with each subsequent variant. Still, almost 18 months removed from the original sequencing of the virus, Pfizer's (and theoretically Moderna's) vaccines continue to offer protection far greater than even the best year's flu vaccine.

More where that came from
Beyond the vaccines' efficacy in fighting variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, there's still another reason to be hopeful that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Since Pfizer's and Moderna's drugs use messenger RNA (mRNA) -- instructions for cells to make proteins -- they can be easily modified to address new variants. In fact, the leader of the Moderna vaccine team said it could be changed in a matter of weeks, if needed.

Now that the manufacturing networks have been put in place, any modified vaccine would arrive much faster than the initial drug. Bourla said on Pfizer's most recent earnings call that the company is conducting a study designed to obtain regulatory approval in 100 days for an updated vaccine, if needed. That data is expected in early July.

When the Pfizer vaccine first arrived, it was considered a scientific marvel as the first ever to be authorized using mRNA. As the pandemic goes on, it's becoming clear that it might have been even more impressive than first thought.
Expect the Unexpected From the Delta Variant

“the virus’s spread is what epidemiologists call “overdispersed,” which means that the majority of patients do not infect anyone else but a small handful might infect dozens of people. In other words, most sparks of infection do not catch fire. But occasionally a single infection might cause an early super-spreader event, which ends up seeding a major outbreak. “Looking from state to state, it can be like, ‘Well, why is this state doing well versus that state?’ Sometimes it’s just luck,” says Adam Lauring, a virologist at the University of Michigan.”

Some international travel restrictions easing July 5 for fully vaccinated people with proof
Fully vaccinated Canadians and permanent residents will be able to enter Canada and not need to quarantine starting July 5, the federal government announced today.

The news comes as many Canadian provinces have hit key vaccination targets — with more than 75 per cent of eligible Canadians receiving at least one dose, and over 20 per cent receiving two.

Even so, Canadians and permanent residents who are fully vaccinated won't be able to simply walk through customs.

According to officials speaking during a technical briefing on background, those entering will need to show documents proving they received doses of the vaccines approved in Canada at least 14 days prior to entering the country.

Officials said travellers must electronically submit COVID-19-related information to the ArriveCAN app before arriving, meet the pre- and on-arrival test requirements, be asymptomatic and still have a suitable quarantine plan.

"Final determination regarding exemptions is made by a government representative at the border based on the information presented at the time of entry into Canada, which is why a quarantine plan is still required," said a statement.

If they are approved, travellers will not have to quarantine or take a COVID-19 test on day eight. Those arriving by air will also not be forced to stay at a government-authorized hotel and non-vaccinated children or dependent adults travelling with them will also be exempt from the hotel stay.

The easing does not apply to foreign nationals, unless they are already exempted by the border restrictions. Ottawa announced Friday it would be continuing existing restrictions at the Canada-U.S. border for at least another month, until July 21.
I never pick up homicidal hitchhikers during flash flood warnings in a crosswalk, it's just too risky.
We have some crosswalks put in in the middle of the street where you press the button to cross and lights go on to show that a person wants to cross. I stopped at the crosswalk and the guy starts to cross the road when BAM. I got rear ended by a milk truck pushing my car into the crosswalk. I am sitting there dazed and the person who was walking across the road (thankfully he was not in front of me when the milk truck rammed me into the crosswalk), and he says to me.

"It's not his fault, it was an accident."

What are you, a fucking idiot? The car I was driving had less than 1000 km on it, thankfully it was a loaner the dealership gave me while my car was being repaired (which was another story). The milk truck driver didn't have any insurance. So I told him, go get it now and I will report the accident tomorrow. Gladly nothing more came of it fore me.
Duterte threatens to jail those who refuse COVID-19 vaccine (nypost.com)

Philippines’ Duterte threatens to jail those who refuse COVID-19 vaccine

MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to jail people who refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus as the Philippines battles one of Asia’s worst outbreaks, with over 1.3 million cases and more than 23,000 deaths.

“You choose, vaccine or I will have you jailed,” Duterte said in a televised address on Monday following reports of low turnouts at several vaccination sites in the capital, Manila.

Duterte’s remarks contradict those of his health officials who have said that while people are urged to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, it was voluntary.

“Don’t get me wrong, there is a crisis in this country,” Duterte said. “I’m just exasperated by Filipinos not heeding the government.”

As of June 20, Philippine authorities had fully vaccinated 2.1 million people, making slow progress towards the government’s target to immunize up to 70 million people this year in a country of 110 million.

Duterte, who has been criticized for his tough approach to containing the virus, also stood by his decision not to let schools reopen.

In the same address, he took a swipe at the International Criminal Court, after an ICC prosecutor had sought permission from the court for a full inquiry into the drug war killings in the Philippines.

Duterte, who in March 2018 canceled the Philippines’ membership in the ICC’s founding treaty, repeated he will not cooperate with the probe, describing the ICC as “bulls–t”.

“Why would I defend or face an accusation before white people. You must be crazy,” said Duterte, who, after winning the presidency in 2016, unleashed an anti-narcotics campaign that has killed thousands.

Human rights groups say authorities have summarily executed drug suspects, but Duterte maintains those who were killed violently were resisting arrest.

Sought for comment, ICC spokesperson Fadi El Abdallah said: “The Court is an independent judicial institution, and does not comment on political statements.”
I imagine if you were fully vaccinated, getting a mild or asymptomatic case of the delta variant would boost your immunity further. On the other hand, the unvaccinated and vulnerable are gonna be road kill this summer and fall, especially in those areas with low vaccination rates. One good thing though, vaccination rates for people over 60 are in the 80 to 90% range in many places, so that should dramatically reduce fatalities and hospitalizations in another delta wave. I think this delta variant is causing many people to consider getting vaccinated or following up on their first shot.
Almost 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19 | Fox News

Almost 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19
The number of breakthrough cases in the state has been rare so far

Nearly 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19, according to recent data from the state Department of Public Health.

The number of breakthrough cases in the state has been infrequent so far -- accounting for approximately one in 1,000 vaccinated people.

As of June 12, there were 3,791 coronavirus cases among the more than 3.7 million fully vaccinated individuals in Massachusetts, reports said.

"We’re learning that many of the breakthrough infections are asymptomatic or they’re very mild and brief in duration," said Boston University infectious diseases specialist Davidson Hamer, according to the Boston Herald. "The viral load is not very high."

"Breakthroughs are expected, and we need to better understand who’s at risk and whether people who have a breakthrough can transmit the virus to others," he continued. "In some cases, they’ll be shedding such low levels of the virus and won’t be transmitting to others."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, large-scale clinical studies have found that COVID-19 vaccination prevented most people from getting the virus. Still, no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing the disease and there will be "a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19," the agency said.

A recent study from the CDC showed that Pfizer and Moderna are about 90% effective against infection two weeks after the last dose has passed. The one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine is about 72% effective against moderate to severe disease, according to U.S. trials.

"Testing to identify current infection remains critical to control of COVID-19," a DPH spokeswoman told the paper. "People with current infection can spread the virus to others and isolation of cases and identification of close contacts (individuals who may have been exposed) is a foundation of public health response."

Health officials also warned about the contagious Delta variant, seen in areas in the U.S.

Todd Ellerin, director of infectious diseases at South Shore Health, expressed the need to get as many people vaccinated due to the highly contagious variants.

He made the plea as new virus cases were at record lows in the state last week amid the vaccine rollout.

As of Monday, more than 150 million people in the U.S. have been fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.
Once the mRNA vaccines come out of emergency use statues, I would expect most employers who provide healthcare will require it, the insurance companies will want it to reduce costs. Mandatory requirements from insurance companies, employers, universities and schools should cover most people by winter and drive vaccination rates very high in America.
U.S. employers wrestle with COVID vaccine requirements in regulatory "hairball" | Reuters

U.S. employers wrestle with COVID vaccine requirements in regulatory "hairball"

June 21 (Reuters) - America's largest garlic farm needs 1,000 workers to harvest its annual crop, but faces an unexpected hurdle in this year's recruitment drive: it now must document and track the COVID-19 vaccine status of these seasonal laborers.

Employers in California's Santa Clara County, including Christopher Ranch, are required as of June 1 to ascertain if their workers have been vaccinated and check in every 14 days on those who say they have not or who decline to answer.

The timing of the order, in the middle of the busy harvest season, couldn't be worse.

Ken Christopher, the farm's executive vice president, said the company has to develop a system to check who has been vaccinated while observing privacy laws and monitoring workers' adherence to safety protocols and testing.

"If the government wants to mandate (a vaccine), that’s one thing," Christopher said. "But then requiring us to police it, that feels very unconventional."

Workers in the Silicon Valley county who aren't vaccinated or refuse to reveal their status to their employer must remain masked and should follow other protocols, such as limiting long-distance work travel and submitting to regular COVID-19 testing.

Employment lawyers said companies are watching closely how rules play out nationally, as they look to bring workers back safely and to dispense with mask protocols. But doing so may require identifying those who got a COVID-19 shot with badges or bracelets, raising discrimination issues and complicating hiring in a tightening labor market as the pandemic eases.

Several states, including California, Michigan and Oregon, have their own rules or guidance on documenting vaccination status for workers but they are generally less strict than in Santa Clara County.

In Montana, however, a recently enacted law discourages employers from asking about vaccination status because it could lead to discrimination claims, according to employment lawyers.

"It's a hairball," said Eric Hobbs, an employment attorney with Ogletree Deakins in Milwaukee. "It's all very confusing."

Christopher said he is considering a mask-free shift for vaccinated workers and another shift for workers who haven't gotten their shot to avoid discrimination and tension.

But asking farm laborers about their vaccination status and entering their details in a database could hurt recruitment efforts, he said.

"It’s the additional information being offered to the government," said Christopher. "The more layers added on top, the more uncomfortable they are in seeking jobs here."
This represents less than 1% of the over 24,947 employees and if it holds true for other employers, there should be over 99% compliance to employer mandated vaccinations.
153 Houston Methodist staff who refused to get COVID vaccine have been fired or resigned (yahoo.com)

153 Houston Methodist staff who refused to get COVID vaccine have been fired or resigned

153 health care workers who refused to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate have resigned or been fired, the Houston Methodist Hospital confirmed Tuesday.

Why it matters: The Texas hospital was one of the first in the U.S. to announce such requirement, and it suspended 178 employees without pay for 14 days for failing to comply with the rule.

  • A federal judge on June 13 dismissed a lawsuit brought by 117 staff challenging the Houston hospital's mandate.

What's happening: A hospital spokesperson confirmed that the employees had either resigned during the two-week suspension period or had their employment terminated on Tuesday.
  • "The employees who became compliant during the suspension period returned to work the day after they became compliant," the spokesperson said.
Of note: Houston Methodist Hospital CEO, Marc Boom said after announcing the suspensions that that 24,947 workers had been vaccinated against the coronavirus by the June 9 deadline.
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